Dungannon Boxers Queens of the Ring

by Denvir Jardine in Dungannon, Mid Ulster, United Kingdom

Total raised £0

£10,000 target 20 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 2nd March 2025 at 11:09am

Develop a new female-only boxing programme

by Denvir Jardine in Dungannon, Mid Ulster, United Kingdom

1737369711_screenshot_2025-01-20_at_10.37.41.jpgWho are we?

Dungannon Boxing Club has been providing training, coaching and guidance to young people since 1987.

Not only do we advocate for engagement in the sport of boxing, but we are dedicated to developing our young people to become responsible, respectful and worthwhile, independent members of our community.

Yes, we encourage boxers to be competitive, but we also respect an individual's own requirements and recognise that not all can be the next Tyson Fury.

We believe in advancing mental health alongside the benefits of physical development and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, to remain fit for life.

Our approach is holistic, in that boxing and training are paramount, but allied to support from dedicated volunteers and coaches, we develop core life skills such as respect for self and others, the importance of good citizenship, community engagement, being the best possible person you can be, discipline, care and empathy for others, resilience and so forth.

We recognise that our young people make a positive choice to engage with our club, so we endeavour to make all engagements fun, focused on the social element and be part of a strong wider team. 

1737369742_screenshot_2025-01-20_at_10.39.11.jpgWhy are we crowdfunding?

We want girls aged from 11 to 18 to join our club's community. We want to offer potential new female members the best possible advantages for their life ahead and give them the skills to develop a greater sense of themselves.We want to help them build self confidence, self esteem and become the person they wish to be. Above all, we want them to enjoy the same fantastic opportunities enjoyed by our male boxers  and enjoy being fit and healthy and have fun doing so.

But we recognise that there are obstacles that may prevent young girls from getting into boxing. With support from our Crowd and supporters, we hope to introduce twice weekly female-only training sessions in the club, with fully qualified female coaches and trainers.

We will address emotional and mental health issues, healthy eating and good lifestyle choices by offering female-led mental and dietary health support. This is a wholly new approach to the recruitment, training and development of new recruits, but a fresh approach based on feedback from potential female members. 

1737369768_screenshot_2025-01-20_at_10.36.48.jpgHow we’ll spend the money raised

We need to invest in this new programme by sourcing specific protective equipment that is designed for female boxers including head and chest protectors, sports bras, 

Our current changing facilities are wholly unsuitable for girls and require purchasing of simple items such as locks for doors, dispensers and refills for shower gels/soap, dispensers for female hygiene products, toilet roll holders, small mirrors and towel rails

Many girls are extremely body-conscious and concerned with weight and body mass index, so it will be necessary to source an appropriate set of commercial scales

We need to offer new activities that male boxers should consider, but females already utilise - pilates, yoga, Thai Chi, shadow boxing, dance,  boxercise, self-defence and so forth

One of the more significant costs will be to recruit qualified female coaches and trainers, with an awareness of female concerns, body needs, barriers to engagement and fear of injury/and health issues

Additionally, we will need to recruit a female mental health expert who young girls can relate and share issues and challenges that males do not need to consider

Whilst a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is beneficial to all of us, particular emphasis must be given to the consideration of the unique nutritional needs that can vary throughout different stages of a girl's/woman's life, such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. 

Specialist nutritional advice aimed solely at females means understanding and incorporating these foods into their diet, helping to support overall health, prevent nutritional deficiencies, and help balance hormones throughout the different stages of life. Girls will enjoy twice weekly sessions with a qualified nutritionist and through a Saturday morning breakfast club, gain valuable practical culinary skills by taking the lead in preparing a (Healthy) Breakfast for Champions' 

Queens of the Ring will offer twice weekly training and fitness sessions based on a range of non-contact and non competitive activities with a female coach and specialist trainer, over 6 weeks. Week 1 will begin the programme with a 5 day boot camp and will be attended by physios to support recovery. The remainder of the programme will be delivered in the 5 weeks up to the end of March

Mental health and mindfulness support sessions, again, hosted twice weekly will focus on meditation and breathing techniques, anger management, stress relief, self-confidence and self-appreciation support, dealing with isolation and tips for managing moods during menstruation, and for later life during pregnancy, post pregnancy and the menopause

C1737369777_screenshot_2025-01-20_at_10.38.55.jpgommunity impact

All funds raised through our fundraising will be spent on our club's female programme. They will have access to the best equipment, creative training and fitness sessions and receive dedicated all round support to improve overall wellbeing and resilience.

Young girls will benefit through the engagement in health and fitness sessions;

become more mentally resilient and be able to deal with anxiety, stress and anger in a much more positive away

Have better control over their eating by gaining awareness of how healthy fuel can lead to healthier performance

They will develop higher levels of self-confidence, self-worth and self-respect. 

They will be more disciplined and learn vital lifestyle management strategies that they can carry throughout their lives


How you can play your part

There are 5 simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a pledge. Don’t delay if you’re going to support us because momentum is key to our success!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell your friends, family, workmates or schools friends to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3.  Rewards. If you are a local business you can make a donation directly to our appeal, and/or offer 'Rewards' to our supporters, that will maybe drive awarness and footfall of/to your business!

4. Fundraise for us. If you want to run your own fundraiser – maybe a sponsored activity or similar – use the 'contact project' button at the top of our page to let us know. Setting up your own page only takes a few minutes and you won’t need any bank details. Just a fun idea!

5. Gift Aid your Donation. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can choose to Gift Aid your donation. By checking the Gift Aid box on this appeal, the club will be able to claim an additional 25% on top of your donation, at no additional cost to you


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