Duds, Rookies and Retreads!!

by Scotland Matters Crowdfunder in Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,835

raised so far



HELP SCOTLAND MATTERS GET THEM ALL OUT! Donate to our campaign of online action, leafleting, billboards, meetings, advans and advertising.

by Scotland Matters Crowdfunder in Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

With more funds, we can upscale our work and highlight the topical issues to the Scottish people. We can do more paid adverts on social media. More leafleting. More of everything!!

Due to the current political situation (fair few months out from a general election, the arrest of Nicola Sturgeon etc) we have decided to reduce our Crowdfunder target to £1,600 from £3,000. Our Crowdunder was set to 'all or nothing', which meant we would have received no funds if we did not reach the £3,000 target and we would have had to limit our operations. The £1,600 will enable us to continue until the next general election and beyond

The pro-UK side has never had a better opportunity to get rid of the SNP/Greens and their ill-conceived independence obsession. Scotland Matters has big plans to help all this happen and so we are appealing again for donations to fuel our campaign. 

For a start, there’s a new, incompetent First Minister in Holyrood, a parliamentary by-election likely in Rutherglen that the SNP should lose spectacularly. As well as this, their Gender Recognition bill is still as unpopular as before and their Bottle Recycling Scheme is also headed for the dustbin.

And with a General Election next year, we all need to be ready!! 

It won’t be easy and the main responsibility is for the political parties to hold the SNP/Greens to account and develop election-winning policies.

However, we can deliver messages in ways, and places, that political parties can’t, as we have shown with our previous campaigns.

Scotland Matters is planning more advans, online activism, leafleting, public meetings and social media advertising and ALL DONATIONS go directly to these efforts.

Our digivan tour of Edinburgh and stopover at the Glasgow Cabbie demo got a tremendous reception on the day and over 50,000 views on social media.

These vans cost £700 per day, so 10 over the next few months would cost £6,000.

With more funds, we can upscale our work and highlight the topical issues to the Scottish people. We can do more paid adverts on social media. More leafleting. More of everything!!

Basically, we aim to reach every one of Scotland's 4.3m voters to let them know the benefits of staying in the UK, the dangers of Scottish secession and inform them about the SNP’s ongoing destruction of the Scotland we all love by:

Hammering home the SNP's failures - trains, ferries, schools, NHS, jobs, deficit, housing, drugs - and Scotland's decline since 2007.

Highlight the issues of separation: the border, currency, NATO, pensions, the £180bn debt, the COST and UPHEAVAL to all Scots.

So, please consider donating to our latest Crowdfunder and help us take indyref2 off the table and FINALLY show the SNP the door.

NB: Donations of £500 or less are not considered as reportable political donations under the Electoral Rules and donors' identities are not reported or published. 

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