Drunemeton Micro-Nation to MicroCon 2023 Belgium

by Drunemeton Micro-Nation in Hoddesdon, , United Kingdom

Drunemeton Micro-Nation to MicroCon 2023 Belgium
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Drunemeton Micro-Nation founders will attend MicroCon 2023 EU as a fact-finding mission on the benefits of micro-nationalism for communities

by Drunemeton Micro-Nation in Hoddesdon, , United Kingdom

The world is changing - let's ensure the changes benefit humanity!

We know there are imminent global threats of rising inflation, reduced buying power, food scarcity, drying up pensions, increasing government over-reach and surveillance, introduction of CBDCs and destruction of financial autonomy, and erosion of human rights and freedoms.

Micro-nations can lead the way!

We believe that having the protection of a micro-nation for our communities can provide an essential barrier between destructive globalist policies and the rights of individuals, families and communities to self-determine. 

One of Drunemeton Micro-Nation's stated objectives is to actively seek and share knowledge, especially with other micro-nations, communities and groups who have similar aims; that's why we believe that attending MicroCon 2023 EU and speaking with other micro-nations will assist our development as a micro-nation and provide benefits for all our members. 

According to the MicroCon website, "MicroCon is a biennial meet-up for micronationalists of all ages from around the world, where they can share knowledge and learn about the various aspects of nation-building."

MicroCon 2023 EU is from 11 to 13 August 2023 in Ypres, Belgium.


About Drunemeton Micro-Nation

'Drunemeton Micro-Nation of Indigenous Peoples' was declared on 05 August 2022, in response to the need for individuals, families and communities in our area to come together and take back control of their own lives and futures. We are a self-declared micro-nation with our own Constitution, Crest and Flag - see https://drunemeton-nation.net/constitution/ 

Although we are based in Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, we welcome applications for membership from individuals, families and communities anywhere in the world.

We know there is more work to do, including continuing to explore the best ways to ensure our micro-nation is robust enough to provide powerful protections of rights and freedoms for our members. 

This includes consideration of the rights of indigenous peoples, international law and micro-nationalism concepts, sharing best practices with other micro-nations, and signing mutual recognition agreements/treaties with other micro-nations and indigenous groups.


Costs breakdown for MicroCon 2023 EU

We hope to send two founding members of Drunemeton Micro-Nation, Dale and Kathryn, as delegates to MicroCon 2023 EU.

Approximate costs for the trip are listed below:

Travel costs from Hertfordshire, UK to Ypres, Belgium via car and ferry/Eurotunnel: GBP £500

Conference tickets for MicroCon 2023 EU (Full Conference Pass x2): GBP £212 (EUR 240)

Accommodation in Ypres for 2 adults for 3 nights - GBP £530 (EUR 600)

Meals and incidentals for 2 adults - GBP £200

Total cost of trip - GBP £1,442

If we decide NOT to attend MicroCon 2023 EU, due to insufficient funds being raised, illness, or other extenuating circumstances, donations will be refunded in full.

If we raise more than needed for sending a delegation to MicroCon 2023 EU, we will use additional funds for fees, admin, legal costs, awareness-raising campaigns and other running costs for Drunemeton Micro-Nation of Indigenous Peoples.

Thank you for your donation, and for caring about micro-nationalism and the protection of rights and freedoms.

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