A Time for Jenner

by Dr Jenner's House in Berkeley, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £44,266

raised so far

+ est. £6044.50 Gift Aid



The home of Edward Jenner, the birthplace of vaccination, has had to close due to COVID-19. Without visitor income, our future is at risk.

by Dr Jenner's House in Berkeley, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 4th June 2020 we'd raised £36,308 with 1050 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

We did it! Together we have raised the funds to allow Dr Jenner's House to weather this storm. We are so thrilled to have reached our target of £34,490. Thank you for your support.

Together we’ve achieved something quite wonderful that will make a huge difference to the museum this year and allow our team the time we need to start rebuilding, but without significant and sustained investment Dr Jenner’s House will always be just one unexpected repair bill away from disaster. We continue to pursue other avenues of funding and will still need to lean heavily on government initiatives, such as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The Jenner Trust operates on a shoestring and with a very small team of staff and volunteers. It is quite likely that for years to come we will be operating in a changed environment, one where physical distance is of vital importance and, quite frankly, one for which a country doctor’s family home is ill-suited. 

Through crowdfunding we have raised enough money to help us to survive another year, however in order to thrive, to truly fulfil the potential that we have as the home of vaccination and to develop our work so that Dr Jenner’s House is as easily accessible to people who are unable to visit in person as it is to those who are, we still need your help.

Edward Jenner and the story of the eradication of smallpox shows how we can work together to overcome even the most feared of diseases. At Dr Jenner's House, Museum and Garden, the place where the British scientist Jenner carried out his pioneering research into vaccination, we celebrate his achievements and show how curiosity can change the world. Now, a new disease is affecting humanity and we have had to close to protect our visitors, workforce and community from COVID-19. It costs us £206 per day to preserve Jenner's home and as an independent charity we rely on our visitors for 70% of our annual income. In these uncertain times we need your help to survive.

Scientists around the world are currently working hard to find out more about coronavirus (COVID-19) and to create a vaccine that will save lives. When this is all over, we'll be here to tell that story and to provide a tranquil place for people to meet together once again. In the meantime, we must take precautions to protect each other.

For us, that means closing our doors without knowing when we'll open again. Like many charities, we do not hold significant reserves and rely on admission tickets, shop sales, venue hire, events, school visits and donations to generate 70% of our annual income and help us to remain open. Any length of closure puts the museum at risk; the loss of a whole year of visitor income could prove catastrophic.

It costs £206 per day to keep Dr Jenner's House, Museum and Garden operational: to preserve the house and unique garden, to entertain and inform our visitors by opening the museum, to run our educational programmes for learners of all ages, to provide worthwhile and enjoyable volunteering opportunities for students and adults alike, and to research and share our collections. That's over £75,000 each year, and those costs will not change in the light of coronavirus.

So we're asking you to help us to raise £34,490. This is an amount which we believe will enable us to see out the current circumstances and allow us to reopen in due course. 

Born in Berkeley in 1749, Edward Jenner spent his life making remarkable discoveries, the most important of which was a technique to protect people from the feared disease smallpox. He called this practice ‘vaccination’. By 1979 smallpox had been eradicated worldwide, after a coordinated international campaign finally brought about the culmination of Jenner's work. But the story doesn't end there. Inspired by Jenner, researchers continue to find vaccines to protect against other diseases and vaccination now saves between two and three million lives every year. It's one of the greatest discoveries of all, brought about by one man's curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

This is a story for our times but to continue sharing it we need your help now. 

We do not know how long we will need to remain closed for, but every passing day without income puts the museum's future at risk and means we have to spend more time raising vital funds rather than communicating Jenner's remarkable story. We hope that we may be eligible for some government grants, the details of which are still unclear, and we are also applying for emergency funding in competitive processes where the outcome is not guaranteed.

We need to act now to secure our future, so we are asking you to consider supporting us through the next year. We know that times are hard for everyone at the moment, but we want to provide a beacon of hope through these uncertain circumstances.

This is a story of humanity's triumph over disease.

Now more than ever, the world needs to know about Edward Jenner and his remarkable legacy.

But we need your help to continue to share it. Please join our campaign and keep Dr Jenner's House open.

Find out more on our website.

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£206 or more

Sponsor a day

It costs £206 each day to keep the museum operational, please sponsor a day of your choice (subject to availability) and we'll put your name on our welcome desk that day. Plus a family annual pass to visit the museum.

£5 or more


Can you spare us a fiver and help us keep sharing Edward Jenner's story?

£6 or more

Adult ticket

We'll send you an adult annual pass which can be used once we are able to reopen.

£10 or more

Shop voucher

A £10 shop voucher which can be used instore at the museum or on our new online shop (coming soon).

£15 or more

Family ticket

We'll send you a family annual pass which can be used once we are able to reopen.

£20 or more

Online mention

We'll put your name in virtual lights on a special donors' page on our website to say thank you for your support.

£1,000 or more

Adopt Jenner's Inquiry

Perhaps the most important book in the history of medicine, by adopting our copy of Jenner's Inquiry for a year you'll help it stay on display and also receive an exclusive art print of Sarah Nelmes's hand, a certificate of adoption and one family annual pass to visit the museum.

£25 or more

Danger Smallpox pin badge

A limited edition enamel pin badge (35mm) based on an original "Danger Smallpox Keep Out" sign in the museum's collection.

£45 or more

Dr Jenner's Book Club

Our Curator's selection of fantastic history of medicine and science books to see you through any lockdown, one despatched each month for three months straight to your door.

£45 or more

Young Dr Jenner’s Book Club

A selection of fantastic books suitable for budding scientists, one despatched each month for three months straight to your door.

£50 or more

Signed copy of The Butchering Art

To say thank you for your donation, we'll send you a signed copy of The Butchering Art by Dr Lindsey Fitzharris.

£100 or more

Adopt an Elephant Statue

Help us care for our unique clay elephant statues, made as offerings to the goddess Shitala Mata, by adopting them for one year and receiving a limited edition postcard of your object, a certificate of adoption and two adult annual passes to visit the museum.

£100 or more

Adopt a vine

Our historic vines are believed to have been planted by Edward Jenner in 1817 and you can help us to care for them by adopting one vine for a year and receive a young vine cutting, a certificate of adoption and two adult annual passes to visit the museum.

£100 or more

Edward Jenner's Berkeley walking tour

Join our curator for a private walking tour of Edward Jenner's Berkeley for you and up to five friends, including admission to Dr Jenner's House during normal open hours.

£250 or more

A very special afternoon tea

A unique opportunity for you and up to five others to take afternoon tea in Dr Jenner's Dining Room, followed by an exclusive tour of the museum on a day we're not normally open to the public.

£250 or more

Adopt our silhouettes

You can adopt our silhouette portraits of Dr and Mrs Jenner, touching family mementos and the only known likeness of Catharine, for a year and receive your own personal silhouette portrait, a certificate of adoption and two adult annual passes to the museum.

£500 or more

Adopt Blossom's Horn

Blossom's horn is one of the most unusual objects in medical history and now you can adopt it for a year and receive an exclusive print of the horn, a certificate of adoption and two adult annual passes to visit the museum.

Show your support

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