Doncaster Foodbank Warming Essentials Campaign

Doncaster Foodbank profile

Project by Doncaster Foodbank

Doncaster Foodbank Warming Essentials Campaign
We did it
On 2nd November 2023 we successfully raised £2,101 ( + est. £252.50 Gift Aid ) with 27 supporters in 69 days

Doncaster Foodbank are fundraising to provide packs of Warming Essentials to families and those in need, in Doncaster City, this Winter.

Who are we?

Here at Doncaster Foodbank, we don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. 

Contact us to find out more about how you can #gethelp if you need it and how you can #givehelp if you're able! Tel: 07568 247288 or Click here to find out more and get in touch.


As an organisation we are volunteer led. We work as one team of approximately 60 people, across our 3 foodbank centres and Warehouse in Doncaster City, to provide more than just food to the people who come to us. 

Our warehouse volunteers collect donations from various collection points and sort through the items dropped off by individuals or organisations who kindly donate to us in person, before distributing stock to each centre ready to be packed in parcels according to the needs of each client.

Our Listeners welcome each visitor with a warm drink and a snack, whilst offering a supportive shoulder and friendly ear. We take the time to really try and understand what our clients are going through and we try to ensure we ask the right questions so that we can fully offer the most appropriate support for their circumstances. This includes making up parcels suitable for a variety of  dietary requirements, such as diabetes/allergies/religious beliefs and cooking facilities like Kettle packs for those living in temporary accommodation or unable to afford to fuel their cookers and hobs.  

We work with over 100 partner agencies throughout the City, who are able to refer people to us that they identify as being in financial crisis and we are able to signpost or refer those who come to us independently, to supporting agencies for additional assistance and help in overcoming their struggles.

As a community based charity, we rely on the generosity of others to help us help those facing food poverty, and we are sincerely grateful for the continued support we receive.

Why are we crowdfunding?

Trussell Trust reported a national increase in the demand for emergency food parcels of 37% across their UK Foodbanks...Here in Doncaster we have seen our numbers double! Last year, we fed 8,162 people which is a 100% increase compared to the 4,089 fed in the year before. 

This rise has meant our shopping bill in the past year can sometimes reach up to £2000 a month and we see every week how the Cost of Living Crisis is affecting everyone in our society regardless of their status, with over 6% of our current service users being working families who do not receive benefits.  

Last winter, between November and February, we fed 3,137 people which included almost 1,500 children and we know, that household energy bills were partly responsible for the need for our support. 

This Winter, we don't just want people to be fed, we want them to be warm too. 

We are planning to provide a Warming Essentials Pack to anyone visiting our foodbank centres who are having to make the choice between heating and eating and we're asking YOU to help if you can!


How we’ll spend the money raised

Each pack will include Slipper socks, Gloves, a Scarf and Hat, a small fleece blanket and items like hot water bottles or wheat bags, Sachets of Soup/Porridge and Hot Chocolate, flasks and re-useable bottles, dependant on the household cooking facilities and requirements. We would also like to try and offer a small activity which doesn't require electricity, to help entertain, such as boardgames and puzzles or perhaps supply wool/handicrafts for those who like to be creative. 

We are hoping to raise enough through our campaign to provide 1000 of the warming essential packs over the Winter months, particularly in December, January and February when the weather is traditionally coldest and funds lowest.

If we are successful enough to have any funds raised that are potentially left over once all the packs have been handed out, we will use the money to purchase bulk food and toiletries to fulfil our emergency parcels.

Thank you for considering to support our campaign.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

£20 Reward

A certificate of thanks on behalf of our Foodbank Service Users, Volunteers, Trustees and Staff.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

A certificate of thanks on behalf of our Foodbank Service Users, Volunteers, Trustees and Staff plus our thanks to you on our website and across our social media platforms (unless you prefer to remain anonymous)

£100 or more

£100 Reward

A certificate of thanks on behalf of our Foodbank Service Users, Volunteers, Trustees and Staff, Our thanks to you on our website and across our social media platforms (unless you prefer to remain anonymous) Plus one of our warming essentials packs for you to keep or donate to someone in need in your area.

£500 or more

£500 Reward

A certificate of thanks on behalf of our Foodbank Service Users, Volunteers, Trustees and Staff, Our thanks to you on our website and across our social media platforms (unless you prefer to remain anonymous), Plus Three of our warming essentials packs for you to keep or donate to someone in need in your area and a video walkthrough of one of our foodbank centres to see behind the scenes, how your donation makes an impact.

£1,000 or more

£1,000 Reward

All of the above Plus a personal invitation to visit one of our Foodbank centres, to meet our volunteers and staff and see in real time how your donation has made a difference for our service users.

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