Who are we and what do we do?
Roooaooarr .. we mean hello! Welcome to our Dinosaur Disco fundraiser. Did you watch the video? It gives a good idea of what we do.
We partner with community art centres to run roarsome dinosaur discos. We play live folk music with electronic mash ups. Think jurassic park theme tune with jungle basslines and traditional circle dance tunes from around the world. We dance, we sing, we stomp ... we play.
We have a chill out zone for those of us who prefer to dino in peace. Here we can make dinosaur costumes out of rubbish and/or create dinosaur dances. We might like to read or be read to, or just enjoy being in the quiet presence of friendly dinosaurs. All dinos are welcome.
Adults must be accompanied by a child (though we are open to dino after parties... or just parties... for any age to help us raise funds).
We also love to welcome dinosaur friends to our discos.. fairies, moonbeams, trucks, mermaids, elves... all are welcome. We're particularly keen to run a dinosaur disco with our elf friends this Christmas...
Can you help us?
We need funds to share these beautiful dinosaur disco occurances with children who don't access experiences like this normally. With your support, we can partner with schools, care homes, refugee camps, hospitals, arts centres.. and ensure our discos are as accessible as we can possibly make them.
Our dinosaurs need help to travel around, we need to feed them, and we need to support their livelihoods as professional musicians and therapists by paying them.
We'd love to purchase a dino mobile aka a decorated and kitted out vehicle, ready to disco in a playground or hospital car park as needed... if you need us, call us. Imagine chitty chitty bang bang dinosaur style, full of instruments and musicians ready to disco.
We'd love to offer our team of professional musicians and therapists paid positions to help us to run dinosaur discos all over the country, particularly in areas of deprivation and where well-being based arts projects are needed.
And we'd love to create paid dinosaur opportunities for artists in the areas we connect with to ensure a continuation of this beautiful work can develop with local partners.
This project is part of a research based charity, Mindful Music. We research wellbeing and how we can improve wellbeing for children in areas of deprivation, who might be struggling with emotionally or socially. We do this using mindfulness and music. Dinosaur Discos are one way our team like to cultivate joy, connection and togetherness with children and their parents/carers in community.
Some of the things humans have said about us and our approach:
“I just love the atmosphere that is created by the sessions for the younger children. Every time I looked in they seemed engaged, yet peaceful and the space felt like a sanctuary.”
- Bria, Green Man Festival Programmer
(about a singalong CD which we'd love to share through Dino Disco projects, see rewards too) “Brilliant idea! Thank you for doing such amazing work” - Manda
(about our approach to mindfulness based work in schools and community) “I have come across many people who aim to provide accessible mindfulness workshops but none who deliver with the integrity, enthusiasm, constant self-development, inclusion and creativity of Mindful Music.”
– Amy Scott, Teacher, Counsellor/Therapist and Musician