Dewsbury Moor Sports Club

by Dewsbury Moor ARLFC in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Total raised £23,067

raised so far

+ est. £2536.75 Gift Aid



We're growing so big, so fast that we need additional changing facilities. We have the space, we just need to convert it!

by Dewsbury Moor ARLFC in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 28th March 2024 we'd raised £23,067 with 122 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Any funds we raise towards the conversion of the space into changing rooms will go towards the changing rooms - this is a big project and we need all the funds we can get   

Who are we?

  • Dewsbury Moor Sports Club is a not-for-profit making organisation providing sport and social facilities to the community of Dewsbury Moor and surrounding area. Our primary sport is Rugby League (Dewsbury Moor Amateur Rugby League Football Club) but we also provide facilities for the following: 
  • Dewsbury Moor Amateur Football Club (newly formed for the 2022 season)
  • Saville Bowman archery club
  • Over 50s social club
  • Bat-Girls Ladies only Rounders’ team 
  • Yorkshire Phoenix Table Football Club, playing as Dewsbury Moor TFC   

We have circa 400 players and 600 members. 

We have 17 junior rugby league teams with circa 250 children aged from 3 years to 18 – Boys and Girls  

We also have 2 Open Age mens rugby teams consisting of circa 50 players 


And 1 Open Age Womens rugby team of circa 40 players 

We also have 2 Open Age football teams – 1 mens team, 1 womens team – circa 50 players l 

Dewsbury Moor is a Super Output area and is in the bottom 10% of the most deprived areas in the UK. Dewsbury Moor Sports club support the residents of Dewsbury Moor in many ways including providing a social hub for the whole family. 

 We provide: 

  • Support local families when they are in times of need/hardship 
  • Keeps children (3 years to 18 years / girls and boys) off the streets 
  • Keeps children and adults (Open Age teams) fit and healthy 
  • Enables children and adults to develop as individuals, instilling confidence and self-belief 
  • Encourages team work and the belief that there is strength in numbers
  • Provide role model support and mentorship to the youth in our care 
  • Uses local business as suppliers 
  • Employ local people (mainly under 25s) 

Why are we crowdfunding?

We are in desperate need of additional changing facilities. 

We want to convert unused space in our clubhouse into changing rooms 

We need to do this because we do not have sufficient changing facilities to support the number of teams at our club.  

We have been saving hard to cover the cost of the refurbishment but we need one last big push so that we can start the work as soon as possible so please support us by donating whatever you can to the club


How we’ll spend the money raised

We will use it to convert the unused space we currently have into changing rooms and an additional shower room


Community impact

Having the additional changing facilities will:

  • Provide a better match day experience to our existing players who currently have to get changed in cars and carparks as we do not have enough changing facilities
  • Improve hygiene in the club – with their not being enough changing facilities players often do not get showered after the game   
  • Allow more children and adults to play sport – the more facilities we have the more teams we can accommodate
  • We will also provide female specific changing facilities which will encourage females to part take in sport   
  • Improve our facilities to our current sporting partners and encourage new sporting and social partners to join our club which contributes to our sustainability plans.

The outcomes we want to achieve are: 

  • Increased participation in the junior game especially for girls aged 12-18 
  • Retention of existing players
  • Provide changing facilities which are accessible for all 
  • Allowing the existing female only changing rooms to be just that (at the moment we cant accommodate this as we don’t have enough changing rooms) 
  • Improve hygiene by allowing everyone that plays the opportunity to shower after the game

Make our match day experience a good one so that families want to come to the club, play sport, spend time with their family and friends in a nice safe environment. 

Thank you...Please help us again....

Back in 2020 you lovely lot helped us raise £20k to ensure the club survived, now in 2023 we are hoping that with your help again we can achieve our target of £15k for funds toward the conversion of unused space in our clubhouse into changing facilities.... 

With such fantastic support the donations made our commitment to keep the club going a reality and without your donations it would not have been possible! 

Please help us achieve our next project of converting unwanted space into valuable changing room faciliites.


How you can play your part

There are four simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a pledge. Don’t delay if you’re going to support us because momentum is key to our success!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell the world to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3. Offer rewards. Get involved if you are a local business by donating things we can offer to our supporters. We will give you a shout out!

4. Fundraise for us. If you want to run your own fundraiser – maybe a sponsored activity or similar – use the 'contact project' button at the top of our page to let us know. Setting up your own page only takes a few minutes and you won’t need any bank details. Just a fun idea!

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£5 or more

Half price 2024 membership

2024 membership is current £10 We are offering half price memberships of £5 for the first 10 people that pledge a £5 donation

£5 or more

Taster sessions

Enjoy watching rugby league? Fancy giving it a go but dont want to commit to a team just yet? Then our taster sessions are ideal.... Please let us know which age group you are when submitting your donation.

£20 or more

Salindras - Stunning flower bouquet

Local florists Salindras have provided 2 £30 bouquet for the first 2 donors to pledge £20 We are a local independant florist based in Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire which specialises in modern and traditional craft including all aspects of Sympathy ... Once the donation is made the club will contact you to arrange your order

£20 or more

Fancy some Italian food?!

A £20 donation will get you a £30 voucher to use at our favourite Italian restaurant Zucchini - Our lovely friends at Zucchini have kindly donated a couple of vouchers to use in their wonderful restaurant in Batley Please contact the club to claim your voucher.....Buon Appetito!!

£20 or more

Does your dog need a groom?

Our lovely member Nancy has offered to groom your dog in return for a £20 donation to the club (standard groom for any size dog) So if your dog is in need of some pampering grab yourself a bargin! For more information on the services that Nancy offers please visit To claim your reward please contact the club

£25 or more

Does your car need a service ?

Our local mechanic Duncan Hogg has very kindly offered to service your car in return for a small donation to the club The date will need to be mutually agreed but if your car is due a service grab a bargin whilst you can!! Thank you Duncan Please contact the club to arrange

£50 or more

Community volunteers

Are you a community group that needs the help of volunteers to complete a one off task? Litter picking? Cleaning up? Or maybe just some support of a group? If you are then let us know what you need doing and we will arrange for a team from our club to come and help you.

£50 or more

A joiner for a day

Need some joinery work doing? One of our lovely members has offered their services for the day. The date will need to be mutually agreed but you can have the services of a joiner for a full day. Please note this is labour only, you will need to provide your own materials Please contact the club to arrange

£50 or more

A plasterer for the day

Need a some plastering doing? One of our lovely members has offered their services for a day. The date will need to be mutually agreed but you will have an experienced plasterer to do whatever you need them to do. Please note this is labour only. Materials will need to be provided. Please contact the club to arrange.

£100 or more

Kit Sponsorship

Advertise your business on our kit! - All our teams are looking for sponsorship towards new kit whether it be playing kit or after-match wear . When you make your donation please specify which age group it is and whether its boys or girls - thanks

£175 or more

£175 Sponors you an Open Age player of your choice

£175 gives you the opportunity to sponsor an Open Age player of your choice - Mens Rugby (2024 season), Football (2024/5 season) or Womens Rugby (2024 season) or Football (2024/5 season)

£200 or more

Kit Sponsorship

Advertise your business on our kit! - All our teams are looking for sponsorship towards new kit whether it be playing kit or after-match wear . When you make your donation please specify which age group it is and whether its boys or girls - thanks

£300 or more

Kit Sponsorship

Advertise your business on our kit! - All our teams are looking for sponsorship towards new kit whether it be playing kit or after-match wear . When you make your donation please specify which age group it is and whether its boys or girls - thanks

£500 or more

Playing top sponsorship

£500 of sponsorship will cover the cost of half a full playing kit. Advertise your business on our playing tops All our teams are looking for sponsorship towards new kit whether it be playing kit or after-match wear . When you make your donation please specify which age group it is and whether its boys or girls - thanks

£1,000 or more

Full Team, Full Kit Sponsorship

Have sole advertising rights to have your business on our kit - All our teams are looking for sponsorship towards new kit whether it be playing kit or after-match wear . When you make your donation please specify which age group it is and whether its boys or girls - thanks

Show your support

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