UPDATE: Thank you so much to everyone that has so kindly donated for Dave Toole's wheelchair power assist. We have been overwhelmed by the support and hit the target far quicker than we ever imagined. Due to the high cost of the power assist device (£4500) we did not ask for the full amount when we set this page up as Dave felt uncomfortable asking for so much money. Everyone's generosity has wildly exceeded our expectations so we have decided to stretch the target in order to give anyone who would like to donate, but hasn't yet, the chance to. Thank you.
For those of you that don’t know him, Dave Toole, is a dancer who has been performing professionally for over two decades. You might know him from DV8’s ‘The Cost of Living’ or his featured solo in the 2012 Paralympics Opening Ceremony. He works regularly with us (Stopgap Dance Company) and has collaborated on many of our major indoor and outdoor tours in the last 6 years.
Why does Dave need the Smart Drive for his wheelchair?
In Dave’s words: “Right now I am helped to get around by a lot of amazing people at Stopgap, particularly on tour in places with that are full of hills, cobbles and steep curbs. The Smart Drive Power Assist would attach to my wheelchair, give me a power boost and allow me to go anywhere I like, whenever I like.”
The Smart Drive MX1 Power Drive would enable Dave to travel around on his own more easily: he could drop down curbs, wheel up hills, power through grass and over cobbles and not be at the constant mercy of his access workers! It would also take the pressure off his arms and help him continue his dance career for decades to come.
Stopgap are a charity and unfortunately we do not have the funds to pay for the Power Drive. But we are determined to help Dave get it so are fundraising to help him raise the amount needed!
Please help by giving whatever you can – every penny will go towards getting Dave more ‘me time’!
Click here to see Dave in action in Stopgap's Artificial Things.
Click here to see Dave in action in DV8's The Cost of Living
Click here see Dave's featured solo at the 2012 Paralympics Opening Ceremony
To find out more about Stopgap Dance Company and Dave Toole please visit stopgapdance.com