The match funded DAB+ Challenge

by Cross Rhythms Plymouth in Plymouth, United Kingdom

Total raised £70

Gift Aid
+ est. £17.50
£1,600 target 25 days left
4% 2 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 11th October 2024 at 4:58pm

The DAB+ Challenge is aiming to raise £1,600, which will be matched funded to cover the cost of transmitting on DAB+ for a year.

by Cross Rhythms Plymouth in Plymouth, United Kingdom

Cross Rhythms Plymouth is a Christian community radio station run by the charity Spirit of Plymouth (Radio) Limited (charity number 1117215). We have been the local community station for Plymouth since 2007.

We have been granted a DAB+ licence by OFCOM and we are running this Crowdfunder to raise the funds needed for one year's worth of rental on the local DAB+ transmitter.

In short, once we hit our target we'll be broadcast on DAB+ locally as well as FM!



At a time in society where there is an increase in poor mental health, particularly in relation to loneliness, radio plays a crucial role in helping people feel less isolated and more connected. 

Community radio in particular helps by connecting people to content that is local and relevant to the community in which they live. 

We believe that having the chance to express the gospel and the values at the heart of the Christian faith plays a significant role in helping the lives and mental health of local people. We've had this confirmed by numerous testimonials from listeners over the years.



We broadcast positive, uplifting Christian content that is relevant to the local community both in terms of the sound of the music on the station and the interview and spoken aspects.

We provide community information through our programming and interviews with local charities and organisations working for the good of the city. that are there to support the people in their time of need.  

We primarily aim our content and music at those who are not Christians and not attending a church to give them the chance to hear the gospel and to give them an understanding of what the Christian faith is and the music played on the station is entirely Contemporary Christian music which helps to communicate the Christian faith through its lyrical content.

Our content is not served by any other local media outlet and so we are a vital resource for the local area.


Our radio transmitters broadcast to an area with a potential audience of 280,000.   We also reach countless more people in their cars.

With the transition to DAB+ we will be able to reach all the new car radio systems and household DAB radios too.



We have many listener testimonials over the years of how the station has impacted and changed people’s lives as they hear something of the love of God for them.  Below are a diverse selection of some of these we’ve received over the years.  For understandable reasons these have been anonymised.

  •  We received a message through the website from a listener who asked us for prayer for anxiety and suicidal thoughts. They were listening to the station and finding comfort in it and turned to us through the website for prayer, to which we duly responded and received a positive reply.  
  • We heard from a female listener that a major reason her husband became a Christian was due to Cross Rhythms and more specifically the Cross Rhythms Experience programme. She told us he was a big music fan and would tune in to hear the different types of music from artists that he didn’t hear elsewhere. Over time the message in the music went deeper into his heart and he eventually chose to become a Christian. A decision which has very positively impacted his life.

  •  One of the interviewees on Life Stories was approached by his gardener who told him he had heard him on the radio. The interviewee was surprised and it turned out the gardener had turned on Cross Rhythms Plymouth whilst driving at precisely the time his Life Stories interview was airing. The gardener asked questions about his life and faith that he had never asked before.
  •  A guest on Community Matters who was in a prominent role with a major local charity told us that he had filled his album collection with many records from artists that he had discovered on Cross Rhythms Plymouth.  He wasn’t a Christian but loved the music so much it was regularly becoming part of his daily playlists and impacting his life through the message in a way it never would have without the station.

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