Fundraising for a Gàidhlig centre in Inverness

by Cultarlann Inbhir Nis in Inverness, Highland Council, United Kingdom

Fundraising for a Gàidhlig centre in Inverness

Total raised £33,103

raised so far

+ est. £5330.00 Gift Aid



Help us create a modern and vibrant Gaelic Cultural Centre where everyone can meet and enjoy the language and culture.

by Cultarlann Inbhir Nis in Inverness, Highland Council, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 6th July 2022 we'd raised £23,065 with 297 supporters in 69 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

A Home for Gaelic in Inverness · Dachaidh airson Gàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis

Cultarlann Inbhir Nis


Ged a tha sinn cho taingeil sa ghabhas son an t-airgead a thug sibh dhuinn gu ruige seo, tha  sinn fhathast a' sireadh airgid son "running costs" son na sia miosan a tha romhainn. Mar sin bhiomaid glè thaingeil son tabhartas sam bith son ar cuideachadh leis na cosgaisean sin. 

We recently successfully raised funds for the purchase of the East Church, Inverness. We are incredibly grateful for all the donations received towards the purchase of the building. We have chosen to leave this Crowdfunder open as we continue to raise funds for the initial setup and running costs. All donations are very gratefully received!


Read about the original project aims below:

Tha feum againn air àite dhan Ghàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis! Tha sinn ag obair gus Ionad Gàidhlig a chur air bhog ann an Inbhir Nis: àite airson ar Cànan is ar Cultar a’ thoirt Còmhla. Nach e a bhiodh math? Àite far am faigh muinntir Inbhir Nis agus a h-uile duine aig a bheil ùidh ann an Gàidhlig tighinn còmhla. A bharrachd air cupa cofaidh agus cabadaich ann an Gàidhlig gheibhear bùth, taisbeanaidhean, seòmraichean teagaisg agus àite sònraichte airson cèilidhean, bùthan-obrach is eile. Uile ann an suidheachadh beòthail, cruthachail le fòcas Gàidhlig.

Thig thugainn, thig còmhla rinn gu Cultarlann Inbhir Nis! 

Help us create a modern and vibrant Gaelic Cultural Centre where fluent speakers, learners and visitors of all ages can meet and enjoy the  language and culture.

Our aim is to create a space, with the Gaelic language at its heart, which will showcase and celebrate our culture .

  • A welcoming Café with Gaelic speaking staff.
  • A retail area selling Gaelic books, cards, CDs, t-shirts and many other Gaelic related gifts.
  • An exhibition space promoting understanding of the history of the language
  • Meeting rooms for Gaelic learning activities.
  • A venue for Ceilidhs, concerts, family events, story-telling and other public events.

There is a higher percentage of Gaelic speakers in Inverness than any other city in Scotland and therefore, in the world ! We have a very successful Gaelic medium school full of children bursting with talent!

And yet. . . there is nowhere in the city where Gaelic speakers and learners can hear and use the language in a natural day-to-day environment and nowhere for visitors to find out more or experience an authentic Gaelic welcome.

With YOUR help, Cultarlann Inbhir Nis aims to change that!

Please donate if you would like to help make this happen!

In Ireland and Wales, cultural centres like this already exist such as Cultùrlann Aonach Mhatha (below) in Northern Ireland.


Gaeilige language hub in Armagh, Northern Ireland.


Children learning traditional dance in the Armagh Culturlann.

Together we can create the FIRST Cultarlann in Scotland !

A feasibility  survey conducted by Impact Hub confirmed that there was overwhelming support for such a Gaelic Cultural Centre in Inverness.

Comments from the survey included:





Cultarlann Inbhir Nis is a  company with charitable status which aims  to establish a Gaelic language and culture centre in Inverness, a venue to bring the community together to build friendships, reduce isolation and  strengthen  confidence in the language.

This is a very ambitious project – and we need your help!

There are millions  of people around the world who love Scotland, our history, the Gaelic language and culture and who want to see it thrive and flourish!   

You have come to this page because you are one of these people!


Here's how you can help!


You can help  achieve this vision for a Cultarlann in Inverness by contributing to our Crowdfunder for this unique project.

Our initial aim was to raise £50,000 as part of the larger target of £500,000. This was  the first step on our fundraising journey. We will be organising  many other fundraising events as well as  seeking assistance from trusts, foundations and public bodies. 

All donations will go towards the “Cultarlann Building Fund” (Togalach) and will not be used for any other purpose.

We are calling on all Gaelic speakers, learners, supporters, and  exiles to rally to our cry and contribute as much or as little, as you can afford.

If every person who has Gaelic in their family or in their hearts, donated just £10 then this ground-breaking  Gaelic Cultural Centre could easily become a reality. Every penny will count!

When the Cultarlann is open, the names of the top one hundred contributors to the fund will be on permanent display.  

We look forward  to welcoming you to a unique Centre which you helped to build.  Donate now to  make this dream a reality.

Ceud mìle taing.

A hundred thousand thanks!

All Donators will receive updates on our progress and information on up-and-coming events. 

Please take a look at our  website, and social media and share widely.


 A big cairn is made of little stones - Gaelic Proverb.


Cultarlann Inbhir Nis is a Scottish charity SC0653865.


This project offered rewards

£500 or more

Named on an Honoured Contributer's Board

The top 100 contributors of £500 or more will be honoured with their names on the Honour Board within the centre.

Show your support

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