Cronfa Gymunedol Covid19 - Covid19 Community Fund

by Mel Partneriaeth Ogwen in Bethesda, Wales, United Kingdom

Total raised £2,180

raised so far



Ein bwriad yw creu cronfa i gefnogi ein cymuned yn sgil Covid-19. Our aim is to set up a fund to support our community during & post Cov

by Mel Partneriaeth Ogwen in Bethesda, Wales, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

The funding will go towards the food bank food supplies but we would like to develop well-being projects eg. Craft packs for families, online counselling services etc.  



Mae Partneriaeth Ogwen a Neuadd Ogwen yn cefnogi gwirfoddolwyr lleol i sefydlu cronfa gefnogi gymunedol fydd ar gael i gefnogi unigolion mewn angen yn ystod y pandemig Covid-19. Ers mis Ebrill, mae cronfa fwyd argyfwng wedi cael ei redeg gan Manon Llwyd o Neuadd Ogwen a mae’r galw am gymorth ymarferol gan unigolion a theuluoedd o fewn ein cymuned ar gynnydd. 


Wrth i’r sefyllfa a’r sgileffeithiau waethygu, hoffem fod mewn sefyllfa i helpu’n cymuned trwy ddarpariaeth bwyd a nwyddau hanfodol. 


Bydd y gronfa hon yn cael ei defnyddio i brynu bwyd a nwyddau ayyb. Y bwriad yw darparu cymorth ar ein stepen drws gan gefnogi unigolion sy’n wynebu tlodi bwyd ond ein gobaith yn y man hefyd yw defnyddio’r gronfa i ddarparu cefnogaeth i unigolion sydd dan straen emosiynol o ganlyniad i’r pandemig yma. Bydd y gronfa ar gael i bawb yn ein cymuned a’n gobaith yw y bydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth bach i leihau’r baich ar unigolion a theuluoedd fydd yn dioddef yn ein cymuned. 


Os gwelwch yn dda, cyfrannwch i’r gronfa hon os gallwch wneud hynny! Gadewch i ni wneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau’r unigolion hynny sydd mewn angen yn ein cymuned. Dilynwch y ddolen yma i’r dudalen Just Giving. 




Partneriaeth Ogwen and Neuadd Ogwen are supporting local volunteers to set up a community contingency fund that can be accessed to help support individuals currently in need due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Since April, an emergency food bank service has been developed by Manon Llwyd at Neuadd Ogwen and the demand for practical support for individuals and families within our community is increasing.


As things progress and infection rates peak in the coming weeks and months, we will look to support the community further though the provision of food and essential goods. 


This fund will be used to purchase food items and supplies etc. The aim is to assist people who are feeling the economic strain of this virus but we would also like to use the fund to support individuals facing the emotional challenges due to this pandemic. The fund will be accessible to all within our local community and we sincerely hope that it will help alleviate the negative impact this virus will have on individuals and families in our community.  


Please contribute to this fund if you can!  Let's make a difference to those who currently need support in our community. Please follow this link below to our just giving page...


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