We're still collecting donations
On the 14th January 2022 we'd raised £2,832 with 37 supporters in 60 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Crisp Packet Project HQ are wanting to offer schools & organisations free educational workshops in East Sussex.
by Crisp Packet Project in Saint Leonards-on-sea, East Sussex, United Kingdom
On the 14th January 2022 we'd raised £2,832 with 37 supporters in 60 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
The more money we raise the more children and adults we can reach and raise awareness on sustainability, global issues, recycling and homelessness. This will enable the two of us to hold more free 2 hour workshops. This includes free educational packs on recycling and homelessness. If we can raise more than our target, the more local schools, colleges and community groups we can visit. Also Zoom demonstration to everyone that would like one. The more we raise then the further afield we can travel too, maybe taking the Crisp Packet Project UK-wide on tour, educating everyone on the environment, global issues, about recycling and homelessness.
We have been chosen as one of six Projects That Matter by East Sussex Council . This means once we hit our target of £1,000, East Sussex Council will match our funding - how fantastic is this!
So please keep sharing our page so that we can go to as many schools, colleges and community groups as possible to help spread awareness and teach others.
Please check out our Crowdfunding page, the original birth place of our crisp packet survival items. We are very passionate about this project and are well aware that millions of crisp packets and clear plastic waste flood our seas and land fill, these one use items last over 80 years and need to be used in a more productive way.
Whilst volunteering for Surviving The Streets Uk , We were always running out of sleeping bags, bivi bags and other items and wanted to help in any way I could, as funding was very tight.
I had been racking my brain for a few months and then one morning I dreamt I was in a green crisp packet. The next day I started fusing them together with the clear plastic bags that we collected from surplus food that we picked up from leading supermarkets each night to feed the less fortunate community. Then the Cpp Bivi bag was born and the rest is history .
We are now a world wide project giving new life to one use plastics and helping to save life’s on the streets.
We are based in Hastings and have over 40 Worldwide groups now making these amazing survival items for the homeless and less fortunate communities all from recycling crisp packets and using landfill destined plastics.
We are very lucky and have a great volunteer group here at CPP Hastings. There is me and Adi who is also a director for CPP Hastings who run it. With other wonderful volunteers on admin and making various Items from home, and then we hold free weekly workshops open to everyone. We get asked weekly to go into schools, colleges and community groups and demonstrate, sadly we can only offer a zoom demonstration for a minimal donation, as we just we do not have the funds to enable us to do this. We are now a CIC a nonprofit organisation and do not receive a wage, any donations we make go back into growing CPP and covering any costs. Your kind donations will enable us to have a basic wage and cover all costs of these workshops. Myself and my Team have volunteered hours and hours on our mission since November 2019.
Some of Our lovely volunteers:
Funds raised would cover the cost for the two of us to hold a free 2 hour workshop with free education packs on recycling and homelessness. Supply all of the equipment to make a survival sheet or blanket in a workshop. Cover the cost of travel and insurance.
In these workshops the children and adults would be able to learn about recycling and make there very own Crisp packet project survival sheet which then they could donate to some in need or keep in there car for an emergency. Pen Huston has lots of experience in holding workshops from schools to colleges to Wi groups. Pen has traveled parts of the Uk on a two week tour teaching her crisp packet project workshop too many people. Pen has been on national and international tv and in many news papers since November 2019 since this idea erupted.
The items we make keep our rough sleepers warm due to the reflective silver side of the crisp packet it reflects their body heat back into their body keeping them warmer for longer. They are extra strong ,supple & waterproof due to them being fused in plastic both sides. We make survival sheets, bivvi bags, ponchos, pillows, weave mats, bags and more.
The money raised will allow us to go into schools, colleges and community groups to educate the students on the environment, recycling and homelessnes.
We would love to demonstrate how to make these survival items to a wider audience for now covering the East Sussex area. In 2019/ 2020 we went on a Uk tour that was very popular. Pen Huston travelled by train an held 11 workshops from London to Newcastle. So with your help we can do many more.
“These items are the best protection for me on the streets, warm and waterproof, they make my situation much easier, thank you”
“Its amazing what a crisp packet can do”
“These are life saving on the streets, we can’t praise them enough”
“ This is a great bit of kit ingenious”
“This saved my life last night Thank you so much”
You are never too young to learn and help us make these survival items bringing families together and people of all ages, to do something amazing for their community.
This project not only helps rough sleepers but gives others a being a self purpose. We have had many emails and messages regarding how this has helped people’s mental health especially through the lockdowns of this Pandemic.
Also helping environmentally saving hundreds of thousands of crisp packets to a long life in landfill and clear plastic waste. We are very aware this will eventually end up in land fill but until this valuable material ceases being made it can be given a new life a new purpose help someone . Think again when your eating your 3 minute snack. Help others to learn about this wasted life saving material destined to land fill.
We thank you for your donation, this helps us so that we can help others, to teach others, spread awareness about our world wide project. Please check out our https://crisppacketproject.com/
Thank you to everyone for your continued support in sending us crisp packets so we can continue this valuable project. Your support means a great deal to us and everyone we are able to help.
We want to say a Huge thank you to the supporters from our initial crowdfunder and share some of their comments: Your donations will be going into this new crowdfunding project, so thank you very much!
SC Susana Coop 18th October 2021
An amazing project ladies, you work so hard. Wishing you all the success with your project.
EH Elaine Hayes 18th October 2021
Thank you so much for giving your time freely. This is such a great idea for so many reasons. We’re fast approaching winter when these blankets could really save lives, I hope you are successful ????
AC Alison Cook 16th October 2021
Good luck you guys! Great project ❤️
AG Amanda Goodwin 14th October 2021
This is an amazing project and we and the kids cannot wait for you to come and visit us. Good luck!
MR Mariella Reina 13th October 2021
Reducing landfill to support homeless people - what could be better! Such a perfect project - thanks for all you do x
CW Christopher Weymouth 13th October 2021
Great on the ground help on the streets
This project offered rewards