Please donate to our Crowdfunder campaign so that we can employ an autistic individual to moderate our two online Covid-19 Support Groups, we are setting up one group for autistic adults and another for parents of autistic children. Your donation will also help to fund our Autism Wellbeing telephone support line. Covid-19 is leading to rising levels of anxiety for autistic people, which in turn can lead to a range of difficulties including reduced ability to tolerate sensory input, increased likelihood of sensory overload and increased self-harm. Our support groups will provide autistic adults and parents with a safe space where they can both seek and receive peer support, sharing ideas, experiences and strategies. The groups will allow individuals to initiate and build relationships with others going through similar experiences, thereby creating opportunities for mutual understanding, validation and improved sensory and emotional regulation. Our telephone support line provides meaningful, person-centred information, particularly regarding sensory processing difficulties and how these can be addressed effectively. At the same time, the practitioner provides a "listening ear" whereby they accept and validate the individual's experience and support the person's ability to self-regulate, identify their own strengths and come up with strategies relevant to their situation.
This is the link to our previous crowdfunder film