Small charity dedicated to support marginalised communities need your support
The Little Portion Community Project
We are a London-based small charity, founded in 2010, dedicated to help and support socially disadvantaged communities across Britain.
About the charity:
We are a small charity, founded in 2010 (formally established two years later), offering counselling, information and support to people suffering from anxiety, most of whom are victims (which is why people often call us a victims services charity).
Our values are respect, understanding, compassion, kindness and working with hope. Our patron is a retired Supreme Court Judge. We have a Board of Trustees and a team of Advisers, who are experienced professionals.
Leadership Team:
Our chairman is a well-respected, widely published and award winning senior professional who graduated from 4 British Universities. His distinguished career spanned two decades in civil service, local authorities and public sector. Over the past 21 years, he was elected to the Board of Governors at 5 Schools and 20 major NHS Hospitals (due to disabilities and poor health, he was only able to serve some of those 20 hospitals) in London. In 2016 he passed the rigorous Ministry of Justice assessment to be a Justice of the Peace for England and Wales (Magistrate) and on 31 March 2017 he took the Judicial Oath to be sworn into the Judiciary of England and Wales. Over the past two decades, his outstanding work earned respect from senior judges, lawyers, police, community leaders and eminent politicians, evidenced by the documents in over 100 lever arch files.
Life has always been extremely tough for our chairman because he was born with a rare incurable medical condition which affects half of his head and face. Then at the age of 21, he was diagnosed with a second incurable medical condition. Both serious long-term illnesses give him permanent disabilities in his right eye, nose, mouth, face, colon, speech and skin. He suffers from chronic pain and fatigue.
The Chair is supported by three Chartered Accountants and 2 Honorary Counselling Supervisors (a Senior GP and a retired Doctor Major from the British Army). We have 58 eminent and distinguished professionals as Honorary Life Members, including a former Archbishop of Canterbury, peers in the House of Lords, Hospital Consultants and University Professors.
Independent legal advice on charity status:
As a small charity, there is no legal requirement for the Little Portion Community Project to apply for registration with the Charity Commission, because Section 30(2)(d) of the Charities Act 2011 states that a small charity whose gross income does not exceed £5,000 is not required to be registered with the Charity Commission.
The Charity Commission (the Regulator for charities in England and Wales) confirmed that in order to avoid unnecessary administrative costs, they don’t register small charities whose income is less than £5,000 a year.
The Charity Commission advised that a small charitable organisation with an income that does not exceed £5,000 can enjoy the benefits of charitable status without having to meet the regulatory requirements of registered charities.
We are recognised by the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as a charity for tax purpose in line with Schedule 6 of the Finance Act 2010.
We are a part of the Victims Services Alliance.
Like other small poor charities of similar size, every penny we have is spent on the poor people we help and therefore we have no funds for publicity or PR. However, we regularly produce detailed reports for trustees and advisors of the charity.
Social media:
Besides this small charity, we also founded an international health support network called Healed by Compassion health support network, which published community profiles on all major social media platforms.
We have community profiles on all major social media platforms. Our most prominent community social media profile with approximately 50,000 followers , is published on X, formerly known as Twitter. Our Vice Chair has nearly 20,000 followers on his LinkedIn profile. We have a combined total of approximately 80,000 followers across all major social media platforms.
Over the last decade, many communities, government representatives and organisations in 195 countries around the world actively engaged with the unfunded international health support network’s dedicated team of volunteer advisors on various major social media platforms.
Our prominent profile on X (formerly Twitter) was set up on 1 November 2012, it was verified on 10 November 2022 and received a blue checkmark. In the last decade, our social media team published useful information for communities in over 170,000 posts.
After many years on social media platforms, our publications on X (formerly Twitter) went viral. According to Analytics on 14 June 2024, our publications in the last 12 months received:
58,000,000 views (impressions)
532,000 media views
518,000 video views
81,000 re-posts (retweets)
52,000 link clicks
Our top 10 most popular publications on X (formerly Twitter) received a grand total of 11,389,000 views on the internet through social media :
1. Publication on 17 October 2023 about solidarity with victims received 5,800,000 views
2. Publication on 1 March 2022 about an award-winning Senior Governor of 20 major NHS Hospitals successfully elected by communities across Greater London region received 1,000,000 views
3. Publication on 19 March 2023 about a prominent Community Leader in London received 752,000 views
4. Publication on 10 May 2022 about social inequality and poverty received 717,000 views
5. Publication on 3 November 2023 about atrocities received 694,000 views
6. Publication on 1 March 2024 about a new MP received 611,000 views
7. Publication on 13 October 2023 about community birthday celebrations received 539,000 views
8. Publication on 23 September 2023 about being grateful received 472,000 views
9. Publication on 18 October 2023 promoting compassion received 433,000 views
10. Publication on 17 October 2023 highlighting some of our values received 371,000 views
In 2023, our social media publications went viral during the following 2 weeks:
Between 1 and 7 November 2023, our posts published on X received over 7 million views (please visit the home page of our website to view the evidence).
Between 12 and 19 October 2023, our posts published on X received over 7 million views (please visit the home page of our website to view the evidence).
Based on the latest social media analytics, experts advised our publications on X (formerly Twitter) are expected to receive over 300 million unique views a year.
Recognition, respect and support from the highest authorities in the United Kingdom and upper echelon of the British Establishment (in chronological order):
On 27 February 2006 (4 years before this health charity was founded), the Right Honourable Lord Bingham provided a formal letter from the House of Lords Senior Law Lord’s Office confirming he accepted our chairman’s invitation to be Patron of a Community Centre in London, which our chairman ran with friends. Lord Bingham was Master of the Rolls (highest ranking judge of all British civil courts) from 1992 to 1996, Lord Chief Justice (highest ranking judge of all British criminal courts) from 1996 to 2000 and Senior Law Lord (today’s equivalent of Supreme Court President) from 2000 to 2008. Lord Bingham is regarded as the greatest judge in British legal history. During the years when Lord Bingham was patron of our chairman’s community centre, they became good friends and their friendship was maintained until Lord Bingham passed away in 2010. After Lord Bingham passes away, our chairman exchanged letters with Lady Bingham and kept in touch with his friends. The photos of Lord Bingham with our chairman and the many personal letters they wrote to each other will always be cherished.
On 19 April 2006, the British First Lady wrote a hand written thank you letter to our chairman, a rare honour that is reserved for major national treasures.
On 3 January 2007, the higher echelon of UK Establishment’s most inner circle and the British Prime Minister’s sister-in-law, who is the wife of a High Court Judge, arranged for our chairman to be published in mainstream newspapers in Hong Kong (a major global financial centre with over 7 million residents), including the front page of one major newspaper. The news articles contained professional photos of our chairman working with the British First Lady, Leader of House of Lords, Lord Chancellor and Mayor of London. The articles described our chairman as a hard working and talented professional who serves the public and cares about the world. Copies of those newspapers were widely circulated beyond Hong Kong, residents in Singapore, Macao, Tokyo, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, Taipei, Shenzhen, Guanzhou and many major cities around the world also read the news articles. The British First Lady and the Lord Chancellor had both met our chairman at the 2005 Lord Chancellor’s Annual Legal Dinner and other occasions, evidenced by photos taken by journalists. A board member of Her Majesty’s Courts Service (in 2011 it merged with the Tribunal Service to form Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service), whom our chairman successfully nominated for a national honour, also attended the 2005 Lord Chancellor’s Annual Legal Dinner. In 2007 the aforementioned board member received an OBE from Her Majesty the Queen as a result of the nomination co-ordinated by Simon. In another national honours nomination, our chairman received a letter of support dated 2 June 2009 from a High Court Judge in-charge of the Administrative Court (responsible for judicial reviews) inside the Royal Courts of Justice.
On 28 June 2007, the British Prime Minister wrote a hand written thank you letter to our chairman, a rare honour that is reserved for major national treasures.
On 17 January 2013, a Judge in the UK Supreme Court provided a formal letter from the Supreme Court confirming he accepted our chairman's invitation to be the Patron of this health charity.
On 15 January 2014, the Right Reverend and the Right Honourable the Lord Williams of Oystermouth provided a formal email from the University of Cambridge confirming he accepted our chairman’s invitation to be an Honorary Life Member of the Little Portion Community Project, the health charity which established this health support network. Lord Williams was the Archbishop of Canterbury and Leader of the Church of England from 2002 to 2012, Master of Cambridge University Magdalene College from 2013 to 2020 and Chancellor of the University of South Wales since 2014. Thirteen days after Lord Williams accepted the invitation, on 27 January 2014, His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor also accepted the invitation, as confirmed in a formal email from his office. Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor was the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster Cathedral, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England & Wales and Catholic Primate of England & Wales from February 2000 to April 2009.
On 7 July 2014, our chairman was invited to a private meeting with the Minister of State for Care and Support and his Private Secretary at the Department of Health Minister’s Private Office.
On 17 November 2014, the Minister of State for Justice and Civil Liberties had a private meeting with our chairman in the Parliament.
On 24 November 2014, the Right Honourable Baroness Mary Warnock (wife of the former Oxford University Vice-Chancellor) provided a formal email from the House of Lords confirming she accepted our chairman’s invitation to be the Patron of the Healed by Compassion health support network (which is a part of this health charity).
On 19 March 2015, the Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS London provided a formal email from her office confirming she accepted our chairman’s invitation to be Honorary Life Member of the Little Portion Community Project, the health charity which established this health support network.
On 23 March 2015, the Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice (highest ranking judge in British civil courts) provided a formal letter from his office in the Royal Courts of Justice confirming he accepted our chairman’s invitation to be Honorary Life Member of the Little Portion Community Project, the health charity which established this health support network.
On 26 April 2016, the Deputy London Mayor for Policing and Crime (one day before his term of office expired) provided a formal email from City Hall confirming he accepted the invitation to be Honorary Life Member of this health charity. The honorary life member later became a Peer in the House of Lords and a Government Minister in the UK Home Office.
On 18 July 2016, the newly appointed Deputy London Mayor for Policing and Crime sent a reply to our chairman after reading examples of his extensive voluntary work. The third paragraph states: “It is always wonderful to read examples of people actively engaging in their communities to make London safer and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the work that you do”
On 20 October 2017, the President of the UK Supreme Court confirmed, in an official letter, our chairman’s voluntary work is “fantastic” (this is a direct quote) after reading some of our reports.
On 16 January 2018 our chairman was invited to shadow an Assistant Director at the Home Office as part of the NCVO’s “a day in the life” programme. The Home Office is the parent body of all police forces in the UK, including London Metropolitan Police.
On 9 February 2018, the above mentioned Home Office Assistant Director shadowed our chairman’s charity work.
On 12 April 2018, our chairman was the first and only professional in recent British legal history to receive the recognition of being “extremely distinguished” (this is a direct quote) in an official letter from the third most senior judge in the UK Supreme Court.
On 8 April 2019 a formal letter from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) confirmed our chairman has been committed to community cohesion and dedicated his life to supporting communities across Britain (including London).
On 3 February 2020, our chairman was invited to the New Scotland Yard (Greater London regional police headquarter) to present a charity award to the London Metropolitan Police, which was received by a Police Superintendent on behalf of London’s Police Commissioner. Over the next few days, our chairman and the Police Superintendent (who works in the Office of the Commissioner at the New Scotland Yard) exchanged many positive communications via email, which included evidence from the Home Office about our chairman’s professional standing. Email replies from the Office of the Commissioner, written by the Police Superintendent, indicated they have no objection if our chairman’s legal advisors initiate Private Prosecutions against the individuals and organisations who maliciously turned his life upside down and made his life a living hell. The same Police Superintendent kindly agreed to help our chairman shadow another Police Superintendent, since he was advised by experts to become a Police Superintendent via the direct entry application route for experienced professionals, sadly the plan did not progress any further due to the pandemic.
On 1 April 2020, our chairman finally won his long-standing appeal against the Ministry of Justice Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Committee. It was the first time in human history for a statutory regulator to consider an appeal against the Ministry of Justice and to rule in favour of the victim. The Ruling from the Office of Public Appointments Commissioner, the statutory regulator of all public appointments, is final and is in the victim’s favour.
On 19 October 2020, our chairman was informed by the UK Government’s Representative that he made it onto the longlist of the candidates for the position of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service but they didn’t shortlist him, even though experts agreed he fully met all criteria.
On 10 February 2022, several hours after the sudden resignation of the London Metropolitan Police Commissioner, communities emailed the Home Secretary recommending our chairman to be the new Commissioner on the basis of his extensive community work and deep understanding of policing. Then on 18 February 2022, communities published a succinct summary of their recommendations on social media, which was read by millions of people around the world.
Some of the people we helped provided a succinct summary of our good work, they wrote:
“Helping the local community is about doing what matters on a very small scale and doing little things that matters to the local community everyday. When we put all that together, the positive impact is significant.”
The people we helped shared these 2 good quotes:
(1) Sometimes the smallest act of kindness can take up the biggest space in someone's heart.
(2) The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
What are the expenses the crowdfunding aims to cover:
The specific costs are as follows
1. To cover some of the essential costs of running the small health charity and its heath support network, such as telephone bills, travelling expenses, insurance, therapy room rental costs (when delivering face to face counselling), clinical supervision, membership of professional organisations, broadband (when providing emotional support via internet), reimburse volunteers' expenses (such as refreshments), replacing aging and faulty desktop computer, laptop and mobile phone used by the charity for its services, PO Box address rental, stationery and a wide variety of miscellaneous costs when the complex needs arise from various communities we support.
2. To alleviate extreme poverty and severe hardship continuously suffered by our middle aged disabled chairman as a direct result of the impact of ongoing bullying, harassment, discrimination, victimisation and persecution (leaving him in ill health, ruined his reputation and made him unemployable) from the UK Establishment, who repeatedly threaten and silence our chairman and charity advisors due to their advocacy work in socially marginalised communities.
3. To pay for the costs of hiring professional legal support from a Solicitor's Firm or a Chamber with direct-access Barristers to carry out these 3 essentials tasks
(a) To handle the large volume of emails and letters written by powerful individuals to bully our chairman when he was trying to help socially disadvantaged communities. Our chairman has disabilities in his eye, nose, mouth, face, speech, skin and colon, life is already painful enough without suffering bullying. In one of the incidents, the bullies sent 2 male strangers to scare our chairman in his home, this kind of bullying is rare even in countries with no human rights legislation.
(b) To help our chairman seek legal remedies for the aforementioned bullying and harassment. The previous cases collapsed because we had no money to hire professional legal support, as a result he suffered many profound disadvantages in the legal process and received no justice. In fact, the bullying intensified after our chairman tried to seek justice in the courts and when the courts did not protect him, the individuals continued the objectionable behaviour.
(c) Use the law to ensure the bullying will desist, the losses are recovered, incidents of similar nature will not be repeated and persuade the authorities to carry out independent investigations (as a small poor charity, we have no resources or expertise to do this tasks)
The aforementioned tasks are essential because our chairman, who is severely disabled with several serious medical conditions, cannot continue to suffer the intolerable bullying from the individuals.
We have received free legal advice from several pro bono organisations prior to writing this summary and was advised not to mention the names of the individuals who bullied our chairman as it would lead them to make more accusations. However, if genuine supporters would like to see the evidence, we would be happy to meet with you.
Who does this high profile case affect and why does the case matter
Our chairman is an award winning, widely published and well regarded Community Leader who devoted his life to serving the public. At the height of his career, he was published all over the world.
When the bullying began, our disabled chairman was recovering from major surgical operations. For the past several years, this vulnerable disabled man to forced to spent most of his time and energy on coping with a wide range of grotesque bullying. This meant he could not properly recover or find employment (which caused profound poverty, leaving no money to hire legal help). Some of the incidents put his personal safety at risk.
What's at stake for the charity and communities it help
The volunteers in our small charity spent the last 6 years helping the disabled chairman to cope with the horrific bullying, leaving less time and resources to help the communities.
What happens if nothing is done
If nothing is done about the bullying, then the individuals will persist and in fact they have continued the bullying to this day.
This distressing high profile case has wide public significance. At the last 3 court hearings, our chairman had no money to hire legal support and even though he was accompanied by a group of charity volunteers, the wealthy defendants (who had money to hire powerful lawyers) won. The judges treated our chairman with contempt and made decisions that are totally unfair. This set precedence, which means that bullies can enjoy impunity if they are wealthy and have money to hire powerful lawyers. In other words, those have lots of money can enjoy impunity while the poor can't get any justice.
Due to massive cuts in legal aid, there is no legal aid for harassment, misfeasance in public office, personal injury and defamation, which is why friends in the charity sector advised us to seek public support via crowdfunding.
What's next in the legal process
The previous cases collapsed due to lack of legal support. With sufficient resources, we can launch a private prosecution, judicial review and new civil claims as well as appeals against the wrong decisions in old claims. Or at least hire an experienced lawyer to write a letter asking the individuals to desist harassing our disabled chairman and his supporters.
Appreciation of support
To show our appreciation, supporters who donated £10 or more can choose to be thanked on social media and supporters who donated £20 or more can choose to receive a certificate of appreciation via email. If you would like this, please contact us via our social media profile on Twitter.
Genuine supporters can contact us via our social media profile on Twitter:
Search “Healed by Compassion” on the internet and our social media profiles are listed on results page one.