Community of Others

by CompanyofOthers in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

Community of Others

Total raised £1,610

raised so far



We need your help to ensure Company of Others still exists post Covid19.

by CompanyofOthers in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

The money we raise will replace any funds we lose from cancelled work, projects or performances.
It will help us honour all payments to freelancers without compromising the resilience of Company of Others.
It will enable us to create filmed workshops for our dancers to help them stay active while we are unable to deliver sessions in person.
It will help to pay our bills whilst we are unable to earn money.
It will enable us to keep supporting our community by doing errands and collecting shopping for our most vulnerable and isolated dancers.

Company of Others was founded in 2016, with the purpose of improving lives in the North East with dance and movement. ALL of our work is with vulnerable and diverse communities.
Since then;

We have developed WALKER YOUTH DANCE PROJECT which you can find out about here: WYDP
'When I dance I am free' - Patience, 13yrs - WYDP

COMPANY OF OTHERS ENSEMBLE, find out about them here: ENSEMBLE
'I feel like I am no longer sleepwalking into old age' - George, 70yrs - Ensemble

And we have made and toured Crackle. Dust. which you can read about here: Crackle. Dust. 
'Keep making art, keep changing the world' Crackle. Dust. Audience
'I don't usually 'get' contemporary dance, but I f*****g LOVED this'
Crackle. Dust. Audience

Our impact and reach is wide and meaningful. But we might not survive the next few months. 

We work with the most vulnerable and take their health and wellbeing very seriously, it is why we do what we do! Which means we are being extra cautious and cancelling/postponing any work which might put them at risk. This isn't easy, our dancers over 65 have been collaborating with a primary school for nearly a year and are due to perform at the end of March. They have worked so hard.
But we will always put them first. We of course understand that some of the organisations we work for and with are also taking precautions and cancelling activities in order to protect their participants.
We are not an NPO, we only receive funding for the projects we deliver or the money we earn for delivering projects for other organisations which match our values.

We are honouring all payments to freelancers that we work with, as we understand how detrimental loss of income can be and how precarious freelance life is. It's simply the right thing to do.
We are filming what workshop material we can, to keep those who rely on our dance sessions to stay physically active and in good mental health. We will then distribute the film on tablets to our most vulnerable dancers.

BUT, given how young we are, how we raise our funds and that all of our money is earned and spent on projects and performances., we don't have running costs in reserves like other organisations, it is something we have been working towards.
We also don't know how long we won't be able to earn money for - this earned money is how Company of Others survives.

We are asking our community to help us ensure we will still exist when we come out the other side of this uncertain and worrying time.

'We were amazing. I feel proud.' Malva, 14yrs - WYDP

If you can give anything at all to make sure we can continue to work with vulnerable communities after this pandemic please do.
We do realise that many of you will also be worried about your finances and will be unable to help us financially, but you can still help by supporting our campaign, sharing with your family, friends and community and urging them to help.

If you would rather support us through regular giving, please visit our Patron page and explore the possibility of becoming a Company of Others Patron

Thank you for any help you can offer, it means the world to us.

Stay safe,

Company of Others x


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