Community Cafe Re:store

by Re:store in Seaton, Devon, United Kingdom

Community Cafe Re:store

Total raised £1,625

raised so far



Re:store Axe Valley CIC are preparing to continue the welcoming Community Cafe at Seaton Hospital after 2 1/2 years of utilising the space.

by Re:store in Seaton, Devon, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 12th February 2025 we'd raised £1,475 with 43 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Having had the privilege over the last 2 1/2 years to utilise the space at Seaton Hospital, working with NHS Property Services and The Community Waffle House CIC, Re:store Axe Valley CIC recognise the importance of the café hub to the local community, community groups, hospital staff and patients alike. 1736935867_cafe_logo.jpg

Re:store are preparing to continue this service and need the help of the local community to take over this venture and make it a success.

It has been a fantastic journey since June 2022, turning an empty damp kitchen into a wonderful environment for the local community and for people to use throughout the week. So many community groups and services from support groups (for families and youth) and befriending, to reading with Seaton Primary School and Citizens Advice have made this space home.


We have some exciting new partnerships planned with groups such as Sustainable Project Live CIC (Seaton Radio station), Cycling Without Age and Dementia services, and we aim to continue to offer services in the space which will benefit the health and wellbeing of the Seaton community. 

Since the set up of the community café hub we have been kindly supported by NHS property services who have covered many of the costs associated with the space. Re:store will now need to cover the increase in these costs along with transitional and set-up expenditure such as equipment, furniture, storage and a new community room. We are aiming for £2500 towards helping us achieve our goal of taking on and continuing this essential community space.

Please help us continue the excellent work that has been established.


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This project offered rewards

£150 or more

Wall of Fame

All donations of £150+ will give you a place on our Community wall of fame in the Café. This can be done as a single individual, family name or even be added for donations in memory of people. It would also be a great investment for a local company to support the café.

£150 or more

5% off loyalty card for 1 year

Get a voucher for 5% off all food & drink purchases at Cafe Re:store for 1 year. Valid from date of issue.

£250 or more

10% off loyalty card for 1 year

Get a voucher for 10% off all food & drink purchases at Cafe Re:store for 1 year. Valid from date of issue.

£500 or more

20% off loyalty card for 1 year

Get a voucher for 20% off all food & drink purchases at Cafe Re:store for 1 year. Valid from date of issue.

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