Exmouth Community Bus to transform peoples' lives

by Exmouth Community Transport in Exmouth, England, United Kingdom

Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

We need to replace one of our community buses. Our 3 transport services prevent social isolation and loneliness. A door to door service

by Exmouth Community Transport in Exmouth, England, United Kingdom


We offer door-to-door timetabled Ring & Ride services using vehicles with passenger lifts - we go to supermarkets, pub lunches, trips, garden centres, silver screen at Exmouth Cinema. It is for people who have limited mobility, no access to public transport or cannot get to the nearest bus stop, struggle to shop and get to appointments including medical appointments.

We are here to help - give us a ring on 01395 26 66 62 between 10am and 2pm.

Without this service, people would be lonely and isolated. Especially those who have personal care who live independently in their own homes. Our drivers are fully trained and police checked and will help you - they will help you on and off the bus. You can bring an escort if you need help.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£100 or more

0 of 4 claimed

£ 25 Return trip plus lunch including a friend

Free return trip for a qualified person plus friend with lunch.

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