Collegeland Gets Active

by St Peter's Primary School Parent Support Group (PTA) NIC108777 in Dungannon, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, United Kingdom

We did it
On 22nd March 2023 we successfully raised £8,812 with 44 supporters in 56 days

To support and promote the development of a healthy and active lifestyle to boost both physical and mental health.

by St Peter's Primary School Parent Support Group (PTA) NIC108777 in Dungannon, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Any additional funds raised will help to cover the following activities:

Healthy Kidz will offer an additional day of afterschool activities to all children of St Peter's Primary School Collegeland which will include Emotional Well-being workshops. Healthy Kidz has partnered with Dr Des Rice of Lifeskilz to deliver Emotional Well-being activities. The role of Lifeskilz is to make kids, teachers and parents aware of their human needs, the consequences of not getting these needs met or attempting to get them met in an inappropriate way. Most importantly, they teach them the skills they need to get their needs met in appropriate ways and stay emotionally healthy. 

Healthy Kidz has created an Emotional Well-being booklet which they will be able to print and supply to each child that takes part during these sessions. 

Any additional funds raised as a Stretch Target would also go towards physical recreation trips to local facilities for pupils.

Who are we?

St Peter's Primary School Parent Support Group (PTA) is a registered charity (NIC108777) who want to advance and support the education of all pupils at St Peter's PS. We hope to achieve this by engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education and well being of all pupils.


Why are we crowdfunding?

Covid 19 and the associated restrictions has had a profound impact on children's physical, mental and social wellbeing. The pandemic has led to an increase in screen time, children losing active habits with an overall decrease in activity levels. We are also seeing among some children a change of attitude with fewer children enjoying taking part in sport and physical activity, decrease in confidence, competence, self esteem, motivation and resilience.

The impact of the cost of living crisis is also a serious concern. With the squeeze on family finances and school budgets some young people are at real risk of being priced out of participating in sports and physical activity that schools are unable to offer during regular PE lessons. 


How we'll spend the money raised

With the additional funding available through SportsNI our aim is to offer a wide range of new extra-curricular sports that the school currently doesn't offer through a fully funded Afterschool's Programme to suit all children to ensure that there is a place in sport for every young person. A school where every child has access to the benefits of playing sport and living an active life. We want to build positive attitudes towards sport by providing positive experiences at an early age to help build up the foundations for an active life.

We hope to fund specialist coaches who will deliver fun and engaging physical activity and sports sessions within a safe, positive and trusted environment. With a new range of both contact and non-contact sports our goal is to introduce new sports into school for all ages, increase participation rates, re-engage pupils, develop a knowledge and understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and importantly improve mental health through physical activity.

At St Peter's Primary School we listen to and value our pupils' voice. For this project we have provided opportunities for pupils to voice their opinions about which sports not only interests them but also which matters most to them and which they would like to see introduced as part of a new Afterschools' Programme. These included:

Dance                                                                                                                                     Gymnastics                                                                                                                                    Soccer                                                                                                                                         Karate ~ Martial Arts                                                                                                             Hurling                                                                                                                                         Basketball       

New equipment that we would need to introduce these new sports into school and we hope to also fund will include:

  • Portable PS Speaker System with Bluetooth, MP3, 300w 12" Woofer & 2 Wireless Microphones (P120)  
  • 120 Junior Sports Balls
  • 40 Soft Toughskin Dodgeballs 
  • 80 Junior Bibs - Range of colours 
  • 120 floor spots 
  • 12 x 6 Forza Steel42 GAA Gaelic Football and Hurling Goal - set of 2 
  • Physical Education Mastersport Activate After School Mix.
  • Set of 6 Indoor Physical Education Agility Tables for Schools with Trolley 
  • Gymnastic Mats 
  • Forza Adjustable Basketball Hoop and Stand System 
  • 15" Forza Football Training Marker Cones 


Community Impact

The impact of this project will not only provide massive benefits to the school community helping to improve the children’s physical, mental and social well-being but also to our wider community. 

Sport and physical activity can help build stronger communities by bringing people together.  This project will build a sense of community and belonging connecting children and strengthening community ties. We hope that the children through enjoying the new afterschool's sports, will join their local sports clubs and potentially create a new interest to introduce new sports into the community.

By introducing our pupils to a range of new and exciting sports at school we will not only see an increase in participation, development of new skills, the opportunity to make friends but also it allows new pathways to be developed to allow young people to make the transition from school sport to community sport and realise opportunities leading them to a habit of lifelong participation. This new pathway allows for the perfect progression into local sports clubs where children can further implement their skills and integrate from participation into competition.

Sports and playing in a team helps children to develop many of the social skills they will need for life and being part of and contributing to the wider community. It teaches them communication skills, how to cooperate and listen to others. It helps them to learn leadership and patience and develop resilience when things don’t go to plan.  It will also help build on and strengthen cross community relations through a love of sport

Not only will the school benefit from improved facilities through new equipment but external coaches and the wider community who use the school will also gain access to these. 


How you can play your part

There are four simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a pledge. Don't delay if you're going to support us because momentum is key to our success!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell the world to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3. Offer rewards. Get involved if you are local business by donating things we can offer to our supporters. We will give you a shout!

4. If you want to run your own fundraiser to support us, maybe a sponsored activity or similar, use the 'contact project' button at the top of our page and let us know. Setting up only takes a few minutes and you won't need any bank details. Just a fun idea! 



This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£200 or more

1 of 1 claimed

Martin Traynor Motors ~ Car Service

Full service for car by fully trained mechanics which includes oil air and fuel filter.

£8 or more

0 of 10 claimed

Sports Goodies

Gymsack containing drink bottle and sports ball.

£20 or more

3 of 4 claimed

2023 Youth Registration at Collegeland O'Rahilly's

Youth Registration for Collegeland O'Rahilly's GAC 2023 season. Registration to take place early Spring 23.

£20 or more

3 of 5 claimed

JG McNicholl Ltd Insurance Voucher

£20 off any insurance product at JG McNicholl Moy

£20 or more

2 of 3 claimed

Youth Registration at Duiche Neill Hurling Club

Youth Registration for Duiche Neill Benburb Hurling Club 2023 season.

£15 or more

20 of 20 claimed

£10 Eurospar Moy store voucher.

A voucher to spend on a great range of quality groceries and award-winning food at Eurospar Moy

£25 or more

4 of 4 claimed

£20 Sports Direct Voucher sponsored by APM UK

A store voucher to spend at Sports Direct ~ your one stop sport shop for the biggest brands.

£55 or more

2 of 2 claimed

£50 Campbell Fuels Voucher sponsored by APM UK

A voucher to be spent at Campbell Fuel, Armagh

£110 or more

1 of 1 claimed

£100 Store Voucher for Traynor Furnishings

Traynor Furnishings is a family owned business which offers unrivalled quality, value and service to customers in Northern Ireland & Ireland

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