Coffee Machine for KM Cafe

by Lift the Lid KM Cafe in Malborough, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,285

raised so far



To purchase a Monroc Grade 2 commercial coffee machine and offer training for staff with Learning Disabilities for the KM United Cafe.

by Lift the Lid KM Cafe in Malborough, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 1st June 2021 we'd raised £1,240 with 45 supporters in 57 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

1617723641_bd2cfedf-036c-4e54-b16c-f76d5678fb5e.jpeg1617722295_1124bc89-bd7b-4563-b690-8eaec018ddfe.jpegThe Goal

The clubhouse will run officially as a cafe business offering quality coffee and other drinks and snacks to the KM United community, specifically with the aim to offer work experience to young adults with learning disabilities. To do this, it will use the Lift the Lid team, employing local young people.  Please help us fund an ex-rental commercial quality coffee machine and training to get us up and running.

The Team


Abbie has been part of this process and planning for 18 months, planning smoothies, cafe layout and information and had the idea to do a crowdfunder for our coffee machine.
Her parents live in Salcombe and with Matt’s support is now seeing more of them again. She loves looking after Buddy the dog, seeing her family and has a great memory.


Andrew is an awesome swimmer and very friendly. He enjoys the support Lift the Lid can give, especially the patience and use of visual resources and trust to learn new skills. He may get money wrong sometimes and he’s always friendly and chatty. He wants to work here to gain experience and talk to customers to then gain employment here or somewhere else. He also does gardening work and is strong. ????????

Megan is new to the team through the lovely Rosie (next para). She is deaf and has cerebral palsey and is already an awesome baker. She is studying catering at South Devon College and will gain work experience here and hopefully employment in the future.

Rosie Molton is studying a Masters in Education; Special Educational Needs and will be heading up most things at the cafe. She has also offered loads of time for free to help decorate and provides skill, expertise and execution to Matt’s ideas.  Lauren Taylor is studying Sports Science at Marjons and Tori Staples is juggling A-Levels at KCC.

Lift the Lid offers training and education support. Matt had spent over 15 years in education, teaching in main stream and special needs schools, including as Sendco and also Teaching and Learning teams.  We are running the KM United clubhouse cafe as a training and work experience opportunity for young adults with special needs.  We have taken time to do it up using own time and resources and with some help from lovely local people, such as Hope Cove Gallery, Burts crisps, Morrisonsand folk who have donated astro turf, tiles, paint, artwork etc for free ????.



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This project offered rewards

£20 or more

£20 Reward

FREE Coffee for a month

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Jukebox song choice Choose a song to go on the playlist at the clubhouse cafe.

£40 or more

Barista experience

1:1 or 1:2 training on making own coffee including milk steaming techniques and bean to cup process. NB: Subject to Covid restrictions

£50 or more

50 Reward

Name/Logo on the coffee machine as a public thanks

£50 or more

6 month coffee pass

6 month FREE coffee pass

£100 or more

£100 Reward

12 month free coffee pass

Show your support

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