Proposed judicial review of the United Kingdom Governments adoption of The Paris Agreement
URGENT REQUEST TO KICK START Gaiadoc Paris Legal Fund please donate now to our crowdfund, click on the donate button we need you to do it, its critical.
Project Aim
This proposed judicial review seeks to have the United Kingdom Governments adoption of The Paris Agreement (2015) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) outcome document (UN COP21 FCCC/CP/2015/L.9) overturned and have it replaced with realistic required actions for climate change prevention.
About the Project
We must take immediate decisive action on climate and we are heading into the #NewYear ready for a legal challenge to the UK Governments approval of climate destruction as contained in the Paris COP 21 Climate Agreement. We have a Judicial Challenge in motion and we need financial support to ensure we can move forward with haste. We face a vastly powerful opponent, and we are less than David in front of more than Goliath. Overshadowed by big business and a lack of organised action from civil society, but we are ready to act. We are currently in an very complex stage in proceedings and a lack of funding is affecting our progress in the here and now. The Government asked for us to wait 10 days longer than the legally prescribed time scale for their response from the 4th of January to the 14t of January. We crunched the #carbonbudget numbers and worked out how ten days would affect the future of our planet and it turns out that things are worse than everyone thought.
We calculate that an extension in time of 10 days is equal to a likely 1.1 GT of CO2 or equivalent emissions. That is equal to what we have estimated to be 2.74 % of the total current available annual budget or 0.55% of the total global budget in whichever timeframe you want to work within, be that 2040 or 2100. This creates a significantly higher risk to our climate and the systems and people that rely on it at the global, regional, national and local levels. In this particular case we feel it is reasonable to ask for the initial response by the stated date with the two extra days.
Did you know it was this bad as no-one seems to be shouting this, its now about days and hours and not weeks, and funding is now delaying us, as if the government does not respond we feel we should be in the High Court demanding action yesterday. We haven’t got ten days and the negotiations are over. Its our view that we cannot without fight accept even a further day of delay.
So we want to be clear: No-one is doing more than @Gaiadoc Trust to prevent climate change in a real a proportional way.
When you pledge your donation you will automatically become a member of the Judicial Review Supporters Group or you can do it anonymously as suits you. The funding will allow us to initiate a process that overturns the Paris Agreement so frackers, oil men and rainforest eating ranchers can’t just keep destroying. Safeguarding our children requires this action as confronting climate change issues and laying the foundations for a safe future by shifting to clean, safe, affordable #energy needs drastic legal action now.
Safeguarding of the planet and the conditions of life on Earth is everyone’s concern. --- These are first steps in getting real action on climate change in 2016.
It is a desperate situation and we need your help to us take real action initially against the UK Governments failure to act on greenhouse gas #emissions and what happened in Paris and then and now the global issue. We plan to tackle this all the way to the core of the problem, a real solution with a very hard road ahead.
We must raise £30,000 to start the legal challenge and it’s a huge race against time.
In exchange for your funding we will keep you in the loop on our progress and give you a range of documents on the work we are doing. These are small but critical bits of information that affect our very occupation of the earth, its not fiction and its real live time history of what is happening.
We need people to work with us, to fund raise, to do small and big jobs, would you be interested in working with us on this. We are looking for people to support us rather than to prescribe the next steps. Please check back for updates or send us an email [email protected] for details of how to help now
Thank you for your donation
The donation will be for legal costs and the first £180 will pay a court fee and to get the case started if we can, if that is necessary and appropriate. We think we will probably not be able to claim things like paper and travel for quite a time yet. Thank you for taking the time to explore this page. We hope that you are excited by this opportunity to take real groundbreaking steps towards a new, sustainable, better safe world for our children.
Have a question?
If you have any questions, please tweet us at @Gaiadoc or click on Send Message below and we'll respond as quickly as we can.
See below further information which you can read at your leisure, please donate now as we need to move very fast and without support these actions are paralised whilst multi billion pound industry is free to destroy as they want without opposition.
Kind regards
R Levicki
BSc, MSc
Further details of the case
The Basics
Richard Levicki is the director of Gaiadoc and seeks to ensure that his children, family and their children as well as society are not placed in a position of critical highly dangerous risk from anthropogenic climate change. He seeks to ensure that all legal entities with relevant powers and obligations strictly work towards actions to protect the public including in relation to climate change agreements and obligations. The UK international climate commitments are ratified under Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which requires “the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. The Paris Agreement (2015) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) outcome document (UN COP21 FCCC/CP/2015/L.9) is a gross failure in this regard.
The duties that create an environment where this agreement is illegal are not limited to the ratification of the UNFCCC and include a host of already existing legal obligations, concepts and duties of such as the duty of care, conduct in public office, requirement to adhere to human rights, etc. etc.
The adoption of the Paris Agreement by The Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change is unlawful for a wide range of reasons not least that it creates an unprecedented risk which is gross criminal negligence as it promotes continued uncontrolled dangerous emissions of a highly dangerous substance namely CO2. The World Health Organisation have stated clearly that many hundreds of thousands of deaths have already occurred and will continue as a direct result of human induced climate change in relation to multiple direct and indirect results.
It is without any reasonable doubt that by agreeing to the Paris Agreement the Governments actions breach a range of national and international law at a criminal, civil and other levels.
The Agreement
The outcome of the United Nations Climate Meeting in Paris COP21 has been made to look like a climate change prevention document when it is in fact a fraudulent promise to emit dangerous carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with no regard for human health and other effects and the agreement creates further irreversible climate change. It has been constructed in conspiracy with a vast range of highly powerful actors with only self-interests in mind. In so being formulated it puts many millions of lives in the UK and abroad at risk, many of whom are vulnerable and at huge breaching many rights and expectations of our leaders. There is no action prescribed in the agreement until 2020 and the current science requires us to act tomorrow at the latest.
The Science: The Requirement to Act in January 2016
The governments are fully aware of current emissions yet deceitfully request further research pushing action beyond that which is reasonably safe. We need action on these matters in January 2016 and not 2020. The current science is a simple number requiring immediate action and is totally and irrationally ignored. We can only assume that this is done in order to allow some of the richest and most powerful people on our planet to accrue yet more wealth at the expense of others. The document instead asks for further research to discover what is already known.
The document is a fraudulent climate destruction agreement and not a climate change prevention agreement and it is created within a conspired project to prevent appropriate action. As such it breaches a huge range of national and international law Our decision to adopt the agreement is illegal and must be reversed by the courts under an expedited process. See also .
Proposed defendant
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
The claimant
Mr R Levicki
The details of the matter being challenged
Governments decision to adopt the Paris Agreement, outcome of the United Nations Paris COP21 (2015) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change document (FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/)
The details of any Interested Parties
The Prime Minister Mr David Cameron, 10 Downing St, London SW1A 2AA, copy of this document sent.
The Treasury Solicitor, One Kemble Street, London WC2B 4TS, copy of this document sent
The issue
Illegal, Irrational and Procedurally Unsound Agreement Should Not Have Been Adopted
The World Health Organisation (WHO) have stated clearly that many hundreds of thousands ........he Prime Minister and Secretary of State have created a criminally obvious and serious risk of injury to millions of people with their actions as well as numerous substantial global scale risks of damage to property. In doing this they ignored the risks that they were fully aware of and have proved this on signing and promoting this agreement. We have asked them time and time again to not do this and they have totally ignored the requests and gone on regardless. Further they have conspired with others to create an environment where others refuse to act.
The outcome of the United Nations Climate Meeting in Paris COP21 has conspired and in a fraudulent way been made to look like a climate change prevention document when it is in fact an agreement to create further criminal and highly dangerous irreversible climate change. As such it puts many millions of lives in the UK and abroad at huge risk. The agreement actually agrees to emit a highly dangerous substance in an act of gross negligence, in doing so delaying urgent actions required under the UNFCCC for a further 5 years to 2020. The current science requires us to act many years ago and is clear that we are now in our lasts chances for action by at the latest tomorrow. The further five year delay takes us past the point of any reasonableness that was not already reached and can be found in detail throughout the document including in Section IV paragraphs 106 to 133 and Section II Paragraph 17 (Paris Agreement 2015 COP21 UNFCCC).
Proposed reply date
We ask that you provide a substantive reply to this letter within the standard 14-day protocol period with an additional 2 days in consideration to the festive period, that is by close of business on the 4th of January 2016.
14 Additional Information
We put you on notice at this early stage that we have deep concerns about the failure of the legal establishment to have brought such a case to date and will seek leave to the courts to self-represent should legal representation not be available and will do this based on the Public Interest.
We will also have to apply for a Protective Costs Order in any proceedings that are necessitated. In order to avoid unnecessary costs and the risk of satellite litigation, we would invite you to agree to one-way costs shifting in advance,