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We are raising money to support volunteers to deliver carbon literacy and climate action workshops in primary schools in Oxford.
by Climate Ed Oxford in Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Our simple and engaging approach inspires children into climate action. And we’d love your support to bring the impact we've had in London to Oxford.
So, what exactly do we do?
We teach children about climate science and show how they can adapt their lifestyles to become more climate friendly to inspire them and their families to take action. We deliver our programme through our network of trained community volunteers who go into schools to deliver workshops about carbon literacy and the future beyond fossil fuels.
What’s the vision?
Climate Ed's 2030 goal is to make high quality carbon literacy education and action available to every primary-aged child in the UK. We aim to give children the knowledge and the motivation to get involved with the issue and discover that climate action can be fun. Through this we also aim to make children less anxious about the issue, by giving them a message of hope and positivity.
We’ve already achieved so much!
So far, our volunteers have educated over 10,000 children about climate change. We've had a really successful launch in London, with over 200 passionate and dedicated volunteers delivering the programme to children. We are now looking to expand across the UK and this fundraiser is focusing on Oxford.
We're responding to the immediate need for more teaching about climate in schools - as climate change is barely on the primary national curriculum. 75% of teachers said they hadn’t received adequate training to teach about climate change (YouGov Survey 2019). Our volunteers have energy, expertise and a great set of activities to engage children. Through video animation, role plays and activities, we get them thinking about climate change in a fun, positive way, and taking small bite-size actions that feel manageable and worthwhile.
Some of our brilliant volunteers in action.
Our goals
We’re raising money towards a successful pilot in Oxford. We are growing our volunteer base here, and aim to deliver to 25 cohorts of children before the end of this academic year. That's about 700 children reached, and every student will also reach back to their families. So 700 students = c. 2,800 people. If each of these families is inspired to drop one tonne from their annual carbon footprint - the equivalent of driving a petrol car for 5,000 miles, a one-way flight from Paris to New York, or 138 meat-based meals - then local families would save 700 tonnes of CO2 equivalents.
A breakdown of the costs and benefits
It currently costs us approximately £320 per cohort to run our programme in Oxford – that’s to recruit and train the volunteers, match them up with schools, and monitor the effectiveness of the programme.
Can you support us to reach more children?
You can find out more about our work here.
Here are some testimonials from schools:
And from the children:
‘I enjoyed it because it inspired me to do more things to help climate change. It was all amazing.’
‘Now I want to help the world by spreading the word.’
‘Before I knew about climate change but had no idea how to prevent it. But now I feel passionate about the topic and I know how I can help.'
‘I enjoyed all of it because it was inspiring.’
‘I liked learning about the carbon footprint of foods and transport. I liked the people teaching us, they were very nice.’
‘It is interesting and amazing, so well done!’
‘I liked it all and I know much more now.’
‘I think I have learned a lot and I'm going to try and spread the word.’
‘I enjoyed all of it, it was amazing!’
‘I would give it 1,000,000,000 out of five if I could!’