The Totnes Climate Change Response Centre

by The Totnes Climate Change Response Centre Team in Totnes, Devon, United Kingdom

Total raised £28,437

raised so far

+ est. £1048.75 Gift Aid



We are creating a Climate Change Response Centre to inspire, educate & enable our community to respond to our local & planetary challenge.

by The Totnes Climate Change Response Centre Team in Totnes, Devon, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 8th October 2021 we'd raised £26,112 with 122 supporters in 32 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Regular Donations: After you have completed your donation you will be able to set-up a regular donation arrangement to continue supporting this great cause.

 New stretch target

We will use extra money to cover the building rental for an extended time, which would provide the project with a sense of security & stability.

We will use it to develop educational outreach programs for local schools & colleges.

We will use it to pay for counsellors & coaches to support community wellbeing& group leaders to facilitate workshops.

We will use it to set up better facilities for the community to use.

We will use it to create a fun filled launch event for the town to enjoy.

The centre will be set up in the middle of Totnes town, to inspire, educate & enable the community to respond effectively, intelligently & creatively to climate & ecological breakdown at a local level. 

We will enable individuals, families, groups, businesses, organisations & councils to make more sustainable choices, reduce their carbon footprints, protect & reconnect to nature, & to live in more regenerative & caring ways. 

At the same time, we are helping our community to become more resilient, prepared for & able to adapt to the changes that are occurring now & will continue in the coming years.

Helping us all to respond & make changes more easily

1629865327_green-energy-choice-4782796_1920.jpgFacing the challenges of climate change & ecological breakdown can be scary & incredibly overwhelming. Recognising what we personally can & should do often seems confusing & difficult. Realising that even as individuals we can make a difference & then being given some of the tools & the knowledge to make new & sustainable choices much more easily, is both empowering & an effective way to support both individuals & the whole community to make the shifts that are required of all of us right now.  

We intend to do this in an enjoyable, generous & accessible way that raises people’s quality of life & leads to the creation of a much stronger, & more connected & caring community.

The kind of things that we would like to make available & to happen there...

1631537352_ccrc_support_for_the_community.jpgWe hope to provide: workshops on all things sustainable & regenerative; a meeting space for groups & people’s assemblies; an eco-business work hub; climate cafes (places where people can express their feelings & talk about our planetary challenges); counsellors & emotional support;  education/school outreach programs; speaking events; film evenings; repair cafe sessions (a time & place when people can get things fixed); energy & retrofit advisors; a creative space for reimagining & new solutions generation & development; a listing of all the local green/sustainable businesses, etc.


Easy & inclusive information about: all of the present local, sustainable, regenerative, eco projects; how we can each live more sustainably & resiliently; how to understand & measure our carbon footprints; renewable energy options; insulating & retrofitting our houses; actions & campaigns to encourage faster changes at the national & international levels; growing & buying local food; ways to care for & protect nature locally; carbon sequestration; rewilding; learning wellbeing skills; repairing & recycling; reducing plastic & pollution; green transport options; sustainable building; creating neighbourhood groups to enable your local street to shift to more sustainable lifestyles; etc.

1630683429_tccrc_hands-wordcloud-1600x900.jpgTotnes is already leading the way

There are a lot of local groups who are already working on sustainable & regenerative projects here in Totnes. Having a central hub will:

  • Enable them all to come together, share, mutually support each other & make their projects more visible.
  • Allow the public to see these groups as part of a cohesive whole.
  • Make it easier for our community to understand the sustainable changes that we can all make & enable us to make those changes.
  • Provide an inspiring & effective template for other climate emergency centres around the country to adopt.

A matter of urgency

1629865547_fridays-for-future-4161573_640.jpgTaking action & making changes is important because we are facing an unprecedented threat to our human world & the biosphere. Climate & ecological breakdown will severely affect our community’s ability to continue to live comfortably or perhaps even to survive, if we do not make every effort that we can to change the way we are living. It1629865437_climate-4342960_1280.jpg will have a massive impact on our nature, our food accessibility, our energy security, the air that we breathe, the weather that we can tolerate, our society, our families, our need to accept climate refugees, etc.

There are many things that we can all do to reduce our carbon footprint & our impact on the environment. 

1629865696_co2-6317011_640.jpgIf we all start making these changes on an individual & local level, around the world then we can have a bigger impact & reduce the likelihood of the worst potential outcomes of climate & ecological breakdown. We don’t need to (and cannot afford to) wait for Governments to make the changes, we can start now.

Who we are...

This centre is inspired by the Climate Emergency Centre network that is encouraging the setup of more such centres around the country & through which we will be able to share our local experiences & learn from the experiences of others. The project is being supported & enabled by Transition Town Totnes Ltd, a registered charity.

1631537483_team-03-medium-sq-cropped.jpgOur core team have experience working in a variety of relevant work backgrounds & our team have previously established and worked with INGOs (including the UN), NGOs, non-profit organisations, housing associations & local climate emergency response council & community groups. We are also supported by a group of local environmentally conscious volunteers and are deeply woven within the community.

The centre is of course, also being set up as a collaborative project where the many local inspiring sustainable & green organisations, can support each other & their projects & services showcased.

What we need the money for...

  • Building Lease - We need to raise this money to obtain a suitable building & the more that we raise, the better the building that we can afford to lease will be!
  • A Welcoming Space - We want to create a comfy, bright & relaxed place for local residents & groups to come to. We also want it to be a great place for having meetings, running workshops, giving trainings & advice, etc. This will, no doubt, require redecorating & furnishing it.
  • Services – Where we can, we want to provide services for our community for free or at reduced costs so that we can make them as readily available as possible & thus support a faster transition to a more sustainable lifestyle for everyone.
  • Community Outreach Programs - we want to create programs & train people to involve, support & inspire the whole community.
  • Website - We will be creating a web presence.

The more money that we can raise now, the better the facilities we can create & the more accessible & prolific the services that we can provide.

Rewards & Gratitude

If you are able to support the centre to come into reality by donating money to this campaign, not only will you receive a great deal of gratitude from us but you can also receive many types of reward that have been offered by our fabulous community. Have a look at the list of brilliant rewards that have been offered to the right & if you would really appreciate any of them, then grab them before they go.

Please click the GIFT AID button if you are eligible, as this will result in us being able to claim an extra 25% of your donation from the Government.

In Summary

The centre will inform, inspire & enable our local community to learn about & live in a more caring, sustainable & resilient manner. It will support people to do so in a more enjoyable, easy & rapid way. 

It will also be a hub for all of the amazing local projects, businesses, groups & schemes that are already involved with helping us respond sensibly & effectively to the climate & ecological crises that we are facing. 

Having a centre like this will strengthen & make our community much more resilient & adaptable – qualities that will be essential as more challenging changes happen in our world.


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This project offered rewards

£100 or more

Professional Coaching with Mark Mabon

If you feel blocked, whether it’s in your creativity, health, habits or professional development, this session is for you. Mark Mabon is a coach and facilitator using the therapeutic method ‘family constellations’ along with performance coaching methods. Expect to make a positive shift! And to move to the next stage of whatever journey you’re on.

£5 or more

Nature Poetry Collection by Ez

A beautiful collection of inspiring poetry by Ez

£8 or more

Hot Fish Finger Sandwich from Cormacks Seafood

A freshly made, hot fish finger sandwich straight from your favourite seafood bar, that sells fresh, locally caught fish in Totnes.

£10 or more

Good Karma Point

Add this Good Karma point to your collection of good deeds. Helpful in the next/after life. Order as many as you would like (or think that you may need)!

£10 or more

The Barn Retreat Vegetarian Cookbook

Delicious vegetarian recipes to inspire a mote plant based diet.

£15 or more

Embodied Movement Dance Event

A 3 hour event of exploring your own authentic movement to emotive & beautiful music, led by Emma Roberts This event will be happening in October or November, in or near Totnes.

£15 or more

Group Forrest Therapy Walk

A 3 hour walk in the woods guided by your Forrest Therapy Guide, Ez, with a group. These walks support you to deepen your connection with the natural world & come back to a place of centred resilience & calm.

£15 or more

Tote Bag - for plastic-free shopping experiences

These cotton bags are a fabulous environmentally friendly way to carry your shopping home in. If all goes to plan, they should have a hand printed design that reflects that you care about nature & the planet.

£15 or more

£5 Arcturus Vouchers

Get a £15 book (or other gift) voucher from Arcturus Books for yourself or as a gift for a dear one. Arcturus Books in Totnes have a brilliant range of books to choose from.

£20 or more

Sharpham House Vegetarian Cookbook

This book is oacked with Janet's delicious vegetarian & vegan recipes.

£20 or more

Food From Your Forrest Garden book

Food_from_your_forest_garden - How to harvest, cook and preserve your forest garden produce. Good knowledge to have as we start developing more local food sources. By Martin Crawford and Caroline Aitken.

£20 or more

Gazebo Gifts - £20 vouchers

Gazebo Gifts is a delightful gift shop on the High Street in Totnes. These vouchers are perfect for whenever you are looking for presents for the special people in your life.

£25 or more

12kg bag of Dartington Mill flour!

Normally £50, these bags of the best quality locally milled flour are perfect for the keen baker, the local restaurant or the survivalist prepper! Or you could share it with your family friends & community.

£30 or more

China Blue £30 Voucher

Use this voucher at China Blue - the home accesories, ceramic studio & cafe, in Totnes.

£40 or more

Ethical & Organic 100% Cotton Bath Towells

These wounderful towells normall retail at £49.99. They have been gifted by Green Fibres, our beautiful, organic and ethically made bedding and clothing shop in Totnes.

£50 or more

A Structural Rebalancing Session

Structural rebalancing is a form of bodywork derived from McTimoney Chiropractic, Spineworks, Sports Massage & Therapeutic Massage, in which Jem is trained. Sessions last up to 60 minutes & are particularly helpful for structural problems such as back, neck & pelvis problems.

£50 or more

Radically Reimagining Change Coaching

A 1-to-1 90 minute session. Jessica will create dedicated time and space to identify and explore how radically reimagining change can support the evolution of your life, work or projects. Together, you will connect to visioning and nourishing practices that support you in developing your radical reimagination and creating change. www.jessica

£50 or more

Social Media for Change Makers workshop

In this half day workshop, learn how to tell your story and make it meaningful by creating content that counts. Workshop is for up to 6 people from any group/ business/ organisation or individuals. (Date to be confirmed with attendees). Offered by Green-Measures Media

£50 or more

A Month of ReRooted Plant Milk

ReRooted are offering 4 bottles every week of organic plant milk delivered to you in Totnes for a month, These healthy milk alternatives include Oat barista, Oat, Coconut or Almond milks. Delivered to your door if you live in Totnes!

£70 or more

One Night in the Living Lightly Eco B&B in Totnes

Treat yourselves to a night in a home that showcases a lighter living approach to holidaying. Expect British wool duvets, organic cotton bedding, fabulous home-made, locally sourced food and heaps of character; all accompanied by a warm, friendly welcome. This is a beautiful, light and spacious Victorian house, a few minutes walk away from the heart of Totnes. Reward is a night for 1 or 2 people + breakfast in this gorgeous home.

£70 or more

Climate & Ecological Emergency Mentoring Session

A 1 hour zoom or in person (Dartington only) personal session with Toni Spencer. Exploring any aspect of your relationship to the climate and ecological emergency: from creative responses to embodied presence, from trauma awareness to shapes of activism and leadership, from grief tending to decolonising your working life...

£75 or more

Social Media for Change Makers Coaching Session

‘Social Media Consultation’ with 5-point plan to make immediate changes that will make a difference. 1-1 sessions. Offered by Green-Measures Media

£80 or more

Guided 1 on 1 Forrest Therapy Walk

A 3 hour walk in the woods with your personal Forrest Therapy Guide, Ez, to support you to deepen your connection with the natural world & come back to a place of centred resilience & calm.

£80 or more

Post-natal closing the bones/rebozo ceremony

This beautiful Mexican ritual honours, celebrates & nurtures the birthing person after the physical & mental transition of pregnancy & birth. The 2 hour ceremony is led by Johara Bellali (doula).

£100 or more

Resilience, Wellbeing & Transformation Coaching

Normally £120, these 60-90 minute coaching sessions can be invaluable for supporting you to find clarity, to bounce back from challenging situations , to live in healthier ways or to make important changes in the way that you are living. Learn more at:

£100 or more

Good Karma Points Bundle 3

10 Good Karma points to add to your collection of good deeds. Should be helpful in the next/after life.

£100 or more

Group Foraging Walk in Dartington

A 90 minute personalised foraging walk for you and up to 5 friends / family as you wish, to invite on the Dartington Estate. Including specialist options of ways to cook. Your personal guide is Toni Spencer.

£150 or more

A Private Concert at Home - songs, stories & poems

Anna Ling and Nirvan Murrell will come to your garden/ front room/ any other place you’d like, and perform a set of songs, stories and poems. ( - check them out). Singer-songwriter Anna Ling is an engaging performer with distinctive, poetic songs. Trained in Bulgarian & Indian classical singing & passionate about Alt/Folk and World Music. Nirvan Murrell is a multi-instrumentalist and loop player.

£250 or more

Good Karma Points Bundle 2

25 Good Karma points to add to your collection of good deeds. Should be helpful in the next/after life.

£500 or more

Good Karma Points Bundle 1

50 Good Karma points to add to your collection of good deeds. Should be helpful in the next/after life.

£1,000 or more

Planetary Gratitude

Deep appreciation from our planet & especially from the biosphere, that really needs us to raise our levels of consciousness & kindness, to change many of our ways of living & to start repairing the damage that we have done. Any actions that we take in this general direction are deeply appreciated.

£10 or more

Totnes Cinema Tickets

Ticket for any film being shown at the Totnes Cinema.

£10 or more

£10 Shopping Voucher for Annie's

Buy some local groceries from Annies in Ticklemore Street with this £10 voucher & help found the Climate Change Response Centre at the same time!

£20 or more

Green Table £20 voucher

A £20 voucher for the Green Table, a wonderful healthy cafe set in the beautiful grounds of Dartington estate. Breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea.

£20 or more

The Kitchen Table £20 voucher

A £20 voucher for food at the Kitchen Table. The caterers whose rustic dishes are made from mostly organic, seasonal ingredients sourced from small local producers and community projects. Some of the scrumiest food to be found in Totnes!

£20 or more

Share Shed Membership

An annual membership for the Share Shed. Share Shed is a fantastic Totnes venture that is aimed at reducing unnecessary consumerism, by enabling us to share fantastic tools & equipment. It is like a library of things that can be borrowed when you actually need them. Well worth becoming a member.

£20 or more

A Therapy or Treatment of your Choice

Choose any treatment that you would like to nourish yourself with at the Totnes Natural Health Centre.

£20 or more

£20 Voucher for Green Life

Get your healthy food & grocery shopping from Green Life with these vouchers & support this cause at the same time! Located on the market square at the top of Totnes, it is one of the largest health food shops in the South West. Greenlife has been trading since 1990. Their ethos is to source from local suppliers where possible, and to offer the widest possible selection of ethically traded products.

£25 or more

Wild & Curious Foraging walk/course voucher - £25

If you would love to learn a little more about the wild edible foods that surround us, these courses & walks can teach you alot. (In fact, you may never need to go to Morrissons again!) A truly lovely & worthwhile experience & this £25 voucher will make the courses even more accessible whether for you or as a gift for a loved one.

£30 or more

Resurgence Magazine Annual Subscription

Annual subscription for this incredibly inspiring magazine is normally £36. You can pay £30 (or more if you would like & are able to) for it as a reward.

£30 or more

Bowen Therapy Treatment

Bowen is a gentle, holistic remedial body technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions. Claudia Downing practices in Totnes & Bridgetown

£30 or more

Riverford Organic £30 Gift Vouchers

A £30 voucher to spend as you like on the Riverford organic online shop. Perfect for food lovers & the super health conscious.

£35 or more

Reflexology Session

A deeply relaxing & rebalancing 1 hour reflexology session with Sue McCormick

£50 or more

Cott Inn £50 meal voucher

A £50 voucher for eating at the wonderful Cott Inn, in Dartington.

£50 or more

Health Superfoods Starter Kit from Detox Trading

If you are new to superfoods and want to improve your overall health and daily nutritional intake and not sure where to start, then this is for you. The Detox Trading starter pack is a wonderful introduction to their most popular superfoods. As it’s so beautifully presented, this also makes a great gift.

£50 or more

Chiropractic Assessment & Treatment

Dr Claire Ryan DC from the Ola clinic is offering an initial consultation & treatment to help bring you back into alignment & balance.

£80 or more

Traditional Thai Massage

This 90 minute Thai massage is a profoundly relaxing & yet energising experience. It combines accupressure along the merdiens & stretching of the body to rebalance your body's energy system. Jem originally trained in Thailand over 32 years ago & is very proficient.

£150 or more

Sauna at sunset!

Sauna at sunset… Wild-swimming sauna experience at The Hillyfield woodland farm on Dartmoor, just 15minutes from Totnes. Treat you and your friends (up to 8 people) to a delicious evening of deep relaxation and soul cleansing in our wood-fired lakeside sauna at The Hillyfield. Arrive for sunset (or sunrise if you prefer). Sweat deep & then enjoy an evening by the fire. Dates to be arranged.

£210 or more

3 Climate & Ecological Emergency Mentoring Session

A series of 3 x 1 hour zooms or in person (Dartington only) personal sessions with Toni Spencer. Exploring any aspect of your relationship to the climate and ecological emergency: from creative responses to embodied presence, from trauma awareness to shapes of activism and leadership, from grief tending to decolonising your working life...

£225 or more

3 x Coaching Sessions (personal/career/business)

Worth £225, these 3 x 90 minute coaching sessions can be really helpful to give you direction & skills that will support you either in your personal or work life.

£250 or more

A Romantic Night at The Bull Inn for Two

Enjoy a gorgeous night and morning at the Bull Inn. Known for it's great organic & locally sourced food, the Inn is a wonderful place to go for a night away in Totnes. Included: 1 night accomodation + supper + breakfast for 2 people.

£650 or more

Permaculture Design Course

The Apricot Centre Permaculture Design Course is a part-time, non-residential course that takes place over 6 weekends between September 2022 - February 2023. (Normally priced at £720).

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