Clarke Andrews Tempest
Marooned on the island once inhabited by Prospero, washed up silent film star Clarke Andrews (Charlie Coldfield) finds himself enchanted by the residual magic of events long forgotten. But he is not alone...
Charlie Coldfield as Clarke Andrews
Watched over by the spirit Ariel (Jim Causley), Clarke’s memories, dreams, hopes and fears are revealed as Shakespeare’s last play unfolds.Clarke Andrews Tempest features original songs written and performed by Jim Causley and additional score from The Dalwood Rocket
Jim Causley as Ariel
A love letter to the forgotten stars of British silent films, Clarke Andrews Tempest has been in motion since 2011. Originally conceived as a solo theatre show and featuring silent film flashbacks and music from the Dalwood Rocket, Clarke Andrews Tempest was remounted as a two hander with singer songwriter Jim Causley in 2019. After a successful initial tour, the pandemic prevented future tour dates so Charlie and Jim enlisted a handful of friends to help transform the show into a feature film shot on location in Devon. Shot under covid restrictions in just 8 days between September 2020 and May 2021 with no budget and for the sheer joy of doing something creative with friends, Clarke Andrews Tempest is currently in post production and needs a little help to make it to the finishing line. The finished film will be prepared for touring to independent cinemas, arts centres, film societies, festivals and village halls alongside live music from Jim Causley as well as an online release.
Kirsty Cox as Imogen Andrews with Benjamin Akira Tallamy as Danny
So what do we need your help to complete?
Title Sequence - We have commissioned the brilliant Ashley Thorpe, creator of animated feature Borley Rectory and the BBC's 'Uncanny' title sequence to create a title sequence for the film. See his work here -
Artwork - Also on our commission list is the amazing multitalented artist Penn Balint who will be designing our movie poster. Inspired by classic jazz age film art, Penn's design will be a thing of extraordinary beauty. Prints of their artwork are available via our rewards. See Penn's work here - and see their first stage design ideas for the poster here -
Edit and Grade - The main edit is complete but it stills needs some polish, colour correction and grade.
Sound Design - Often overlooked in lower budget film, we want the sound design on Clarke Andrews Tempest to be tip-top. We need to mix the levels and source and create foley to bring the soundtrack to life.
Special Effects - We have a few effects shots to complete which pay homage to early cinema's often unbeatable solutions to fantastical moments in film. Some of our effects were produced in camera but we need a little extra digital help to make them seamless.
Our amazing cinematographer Benjamin Akira Tallamy is on board for these post production duties.
Producer fees - To get Clarke Andrews Tempest in front of an audience we need to set aside some money for producer time. We will be working with South West based producer Naomi Turner to develop our audience throughout 2025 and beyond.
About us
Clarke Andrews Tempest is the brainchild of actor and filmmaker Charlie Coldfield ( Charlie is the writer/director of Repercussions and co-producer/actor of Hells Bells for Wandering Tiger ( as well as a experienced actor for theatre and film.
Jim Causley is a folk-singer, award winning songwriter, musician, proud Devonian and all-round entertainer. He rose to prominence singing with The Devil’s Interval and Mawkin:Causley as well as touring with Waterson:Carthy and David Rotheray. In recent years his work has focused on his musical settings of poems by his relative Charles Causley, penning his own songs and reviving lost gems from his home county. (
The multi talented Benjamin Akira Tallamy ( is the cinematographer on Clarke Andrews Tempest and he also has a small role as Danny in the film. Ben has worked in film, theatre and as a musician for many years and is currently creating a video game called Cradlemoor with TallHead Games.
The silent film sequences were created in 2011 by visual artist Benjamin Borley ( for the original stage production and they provide an insight into Clarke's memories and state of mind.
In addition to Jim's songs we have a beautiful score composed by The Dalwood Rocket ( who has also composed for the short film Seeing Red.
Our loyal crew for the shoot was made up of creative friends Kathy Towns, Aiden Casey and Luke Jeffery and we also benefited from the acting talents of Kirsty Cox (New Old Friends, Theatre Alibi) and Sarah Bowden (Four of Swords Theatre) during the 2020/21 shoot. Molly Casey (Summer of Rockets) and Joe Sellman-Leava (Worklight Theatre) feature in the silent sequences filmed in 2011/12.