As a not for profit swimming club, Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions have had a profound impact on the clubs financial position with one of our major losses due to -
- All four of our income generating Open Meet Competitions, being cancelled during the past 12 months, due to ongoing Covid-19 rules and restrictions, in accordance with Government guidelines. The loss of these competitions also creates a loss of income that amongst other things, would have been used to repair, refurbish or replace our equipment.
As stated above an essential part of our normal income is generated by hosting and running our own Open Meet Competitions.
A Fully integrated swimming timing system, comprising of;
- Timing computer
- Electronic touch panels to record the swimmers times
- Audio starting system and scoreboards to display race results.
The loss of income due to Covid-19 restrictions will affect our ability to repair, refurbish or replace the various components of our existing timing system. Our current equipment is now many years old and along with being stored for over a year is in need of attention and financial input, which would have been covered within our normal income levels.
Without this vital equipment, we cannot run our Level 2 & 3 Open Meet Competitions, when we are permitted to do so, as we will not meet our governing bodies, Swim England's, licensing criteria.
Our Open Meets heavily supplement our income and money raised in our Crowdfunder Covid-19 Appeal will enable us to repair, refurbish or replace components of our existing timing system.
This will allow us to continue running and hosting our own Open Meet Competitions, providing crucial income for our swimming club, through and beyond the Covid-19 crisis.

Founded in 1963, City of Southampton Swimming Club has been providing the teaching & coaching of competitive swimmers.

We teach children from just 3 years old in our Learn to Swim with many continuing through to receive further development coaching in our competitive club programme, where swimmers have achieved County, Regional and National Level. Also, despite Lockdowns, we have also achieved six of our swimmers being selected onto the first three stages of the 2020 Swim England Talent Pathway. "It was a fantastic opportunity to be selected!" Pathway Swimmer.

Many of our swimmers succeed in open competitions as well , with some continuing on to train as Lifeguards, Swimming Teachers and Coaches. This is fantastic, as it provides support to both swimmers and the club within these roles.

Our Masters programme too has been very popular, with members swimming for fitness and others more seriously competing at Masters Meets, County, Regional and National events.

The Quays Swimming & Diving Complex, Harbour Parade, Southampton has been our home pool since opening in June 1999, but we also train at Southampton University's Jubilee Pool, Highfield and our Learn to Swim Programme is based at Regents Park Community College, Southampton.

We are a not-for-profit club with a current membership of approximately 150 squad members, plus our learn to swim programme.
Led by an excellent Head Coach and Coaching Team, supported administratively by an elected committee of volunteers plus many parent helpers.
"Most importantly we all love swimming!" Committee and Supporters.

Sadly, due to an ongoing pool closure, we haven't been able to run our very popular Otters Learn to Swim Programme either, since March 2020. Not only has this impacted our income, it has been extremely disappointing to be unable to continue guiding our swimmers through the start of their swim journey and developing their essential life skills.

In normal times we run four popular Open Meet Competitions per year. These, along with our internal Time Trials and Club Championships, produced a considerable income for the club. This enabled our fees to remain competitive, whilst providing finances for maintaining/replacing of assets, ensuring our Coaching, Teaching Staff and Volunteers have up to date accreditation, also enabling access to career progression opportunities and provide long term stability for the club.
"We love our open meets, our medals are fantastic, plus it's a chance for us to race and gain times, but equally we really enjoy the opportunity to be with our swim friends, and cant wait until we are allowed to have open meets again!" National and Regional Squad Swimmer.

Approaching our 60th Anniversary, we are fundraising to support our swimming club through the loss of income created by the COVID-19 crisis, and to enable re-investment in our essential equipment, which in turn allows the club to generate the income required to once again re-invest. This cycle means we can continue helping the swimmers of Southampton and its surrounding areas, achieve their own full potential and obtain this most important life skill, for many years to come.