Church Action on Poverty is a national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the UK. We work in partnership with churches, and with people in poverty themselves, to tackle the root causes of poverty. We put gospel values of justice and compassion into practice. We know that the real experts on poverty are the people who live with it. Our work is driven by their insights and experiences. We help them to make their voices heard. We speak truth to power, campaigning nationally and locally for policies that will loosen the grip of poverty on people’s lives.

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Total raised so far £1,624
+ est. £112.50
0Church Action on Poverty aims to build a movement that can loosen the grip of poverty in the UK.
Our projects are hugely diverse and cover a wide area but have one thing in common: they all tackle the root causes of poverty.
Tackling unjust Government policies… Amplifying the voices of people who have been marginalised… Challenging harmful business practices… Holding the church to account…
Everything we do aims to make UK society more just and compassionate, not just now but for the long term. It is right and vital that society helps those who are in great need now, but that alone is not enough. Our projects get to the underlying causes.
We campaign for change, amplify the voices of people who have experience of poverty, and work directly alongside communities.