Wave Wahines began over 3 years ago as a surf and fitness club for girls aged 9-16 years. Somewhere they could come and learn to surf that was inclusive, fun, safe and most importantly non judging. As a female coach and mother of 3 daughters, I am all too aware of the positive impact of sport and fitness versus the ever increasing drop off for girls in school structured sports. With the help of local female surf coaches Karma & Liv and Surf South West as our home, we began our journey with Wave Wahines!
We have now grown and run surf sessions for women over 30 years, which has been truly wonderful to be part of and continues to grow and thrive.
I'm very passionate about female empowerment and the right to 'take up space' and have experienced and know many other women who have experienced domestic violence on many levels. With that in mind I wanted to fund a project that would allow women, and their children if they are mums, to have a 6 week surf course with us.
Why? Surfing is so powerful, regardless of your ability. Just being in the ocean or on the beach brings a sense of calm and control that many may not have felt in years. It will allow them to be in the moment and shut out all that background noise.
It's FUN!!! Yes that's right - fun! As survivors of Domestic Abuse, many women may have forgotten that feeling - to be free and smiling. As mothers, it will give their children the chance to play and have time as a new family unit to reconnect with the safety of our support.
Having spoken with my local refuge, North Devon Against Domestic Abuse, and offered them the proposal to run 4 x 6 week surf courses fully funded, they have fully supported our efforts and can clearly see the benefit it will bring to the women they work with. I have included a quote from one of the young women they are working with.
" I am of the belief that the sport bares the enthralling feeling of accomplishment and with that comes the empowerment and self-appreciation. The entire process of learning a new skill evidently will boost your confidence and overall, provide a full feeling of successfulness. This often leads to what could be considered a vulnerable and timid person an emotional affirmation, resulting in feelings of belief, pride and satisfaction – all contributing to a higher self-worth. "
The funding we raise will pay for all coaching, equipment use, safeguarding and transport to open this up to a maximum of 64 participants over the course of 24 weeks in total! The impact could be life changing.
We hope the project and it's purpose proves successful and we can then offer this to other areas both coastal and in cities, with the introduction of wavepools.
I hope you also see the amazing impact this project could have on the participants when they need it most.
Thank you for your time and support.
Yvette and all the Wave Wahines