
by cave.pimlico in Pimlico, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 23rd October 2016 we successfully raised £4,390 with 104 supporters in 35 days

'Cavespace' - funding sought for a art space project in between our retro, vintage and up-cycle work space and shop in Pimlico, London

by cave.pimlico in Pimlico, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

If your generosity exceeds our initial target and there is still enough belief in Cave and its ideas we would use the stretch target to fund the further development of The Cake Hole, our vintage refreshments wagon in Caves yard. After opening in spring 2016 we have had a great summer trade and  would love to continue this through the autumn and winter. This would mean  investing in outside heaters, more secure waterproof canopys, seating cushions, lighting and PR. 

THANK YOU for your time and support

Love Karen and all at cave

In case my ramblings on the video missed anything.

Project Aim:

To establish 'cavespace', a project and gallery space nestled in between our retro, vintage and up-cycle retail space and workshop in Pimlico, London which will give the opportunity for creatives, young and old, to showcase their talents and in the process add value to the local community.

Imagine a pure white campervan in Steptoe's yard!...

Story so far:

Hi, I'm Karen, a local Pimlico girl, an artist (when time is generous) and the owner/founder of Cave, an artist-led retail space in Pimlico, Central London.

We opened Cave in May 2014  with big ideas but a limited budget and have worked hard to create something that adds vibrancy and usefulness to the local community!

A former second-hand furniture yard filled to the rafters with fridges, beds, unwanted furniture and other oddities. We took over the space, its contents and its business with the intentions of developing a local creative hub for all artists, art forms and practises (and associated spontaneous happenings) based around an up-cycling workshop and retail space in order to pay the bills!



 In just over two years Cave has become a hub of activity salvaging abandoned or donated retro & vintage furniture, art and other items for resale in the shop with repairs and up-cycling carried out in house. We have begun the process of building our art based activities with life drawing workshops and events. In May 2016 we opened 'The Cake Hole', a vintage gypsy wagon selling tea, smoothies and the like alongside locally baked cakes. This has been a great success and from customers feedback we know that the creation of Cavespace will be well recieved and add value to the community.



We have purposefully taken a very organic approach to caves growth since its launch in 2014, growing our community (cavedwellers as they are fondly known) and continually researching what residents and businesses want from us. We now feel we are ready for Cave to reach its true potential and Cavespace is the injection needed to ensure our sustainability and further develop opportunities for all local creatives to showcase their talents.

Anyone who knows me and knows our story will know that Cave's main purpose was always about art. Looking at it, talking about it, making it and showing it!...and how this can be a catalyst to truly making a positive social impact on our community!

Here's the Concept:

The idea around cavespace is to add the advantages of a small but permanent 'white cube' into the continuing changing space within Cave.  We will be inviting artists and makers to submit proposals on how they would like to use the space, from one hour pop-up exhibitions to month long residencies, all artists, disciplines and mediums will be considered. We want to develop links with local schools, colleges and universities, community groups, businesses and galleries to help and encourage a knowledge and understanding of art, in particular contemporary art. We want to give opportunities to emerging artists to exhibit and hold an event in a Central London location which they otherwise would not be able to find or fund.

Payment for the use of cavespace will be through payment for those that can afford it, through sponsership/funding if that can be secured or in kind with artists offering their time to support other activities in the full space of cave such as working in The Cake Hole, helping out or running a workshop, baking or mending, PR or IT... all skills are exchangeable at Cave...

What the money is for:

We are seeking support of both cash donations and/or skills to establish Cavespace - we need to purchase building materials, fixtures & fittings and labour e.g. plasterers, electricians, etc to create the art space. We then need to build up are partnerships and mainatain the space e.g. create a website, PR, utilities for the first 6 months after which time the objective is that the space is self funding.

When will cavespace be open?

Our ambition is that with your help we will have our first opening event by the end of November 2016. We have already initiated some of the clearing space works with found objects and donated time.

Where is cavespace?

'Cavespace' is two minutes from Pimlico Station, five minutes from Tate Britain and rubs noses with Chelsea College of Arts. It is situated next to the local shops, pub and restuarants which ensures we get a steady stream of passersby and residents visiting the space. 

What will cavespace be like?

Our drive is to continue the success we've had so far and build upon this to fully realise our original aim of creating an art led space which not only offers artistic activities, but offers a place for local residents to connect and has a positive social impact in our community.

What facilities will it have?

  • In-house technician (our resident CaveMan) to support installations and technical requirements
  • Usual gallery paraphernalia e.g. lighting, plinths IT equipment, etc
  • A whole shop full of second hand, broken and up-cycled objects
  • The Cake Hole for refreshments

Artists/Makers, we are working with so far:

Maggie Learmonth

Neil Ferguson

Mel Cole

Sadie Hennessey

Jon Clair

Francesca Pappacoda

Constantine Elijah

Mcduff Home

Made By B

Lisa Perry Upholstery

Who we are already linked with:


South West Festival


Chelsea College of Art

SPICE time credits

SW1 radio

Abbey Community Centre

Tate Britain

The Cass School of Art and Architecture

The Listening Booth

If you would like to come and see us, find out more or even offer to support us with your skills we will be holding an event at Cave on Saturday 24th Sept 2016 - Imagine 'cavespace' Please drop in anytime between 11am and 5pm to meet me, some of our Cave Dwellers and may even meet our CaveMan!

If you are busy on that day then feel free to pop in when we are here

  • Monday - appointment only
  • Tuesday - 11am-5pm
  • Wednesday - CLOSED
  • Thursday - 11am-5pm
  • Friday - 11am-5pm
  • Saturday - 11am-5pm
  • Sunday - 12am-5pm (If dry)

A HUGE THANK YOU for taking the time to read, share and support our project.

Love Karen and all at cave.X






Tripadvisor The Cake Hole


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

A Huge Big thank you hug for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event;0)

£25 or more

£25 Reward

Your name with website/fb/twitter or instagram link on our website. An "I move at cavespace" badge and postcard... A Huge Big thank you hug and kiss for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event or if we see you out and about ;0)

£45 or more

7 of 50 claimed

£45 Reward

A bespoke tote handmade at cave using up-cycled materials with a Mcduff home bag charm. An "I move at cavespace" badge and postcard... A Huge Big thank you hug and kiss for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event or if we see you out and about ;0)

£45 or more

4 of 35 claimed

£45 Reward

Afternoon tea for two at The Cake Hole at cave on selected dates. An "I move at cavespace" badge and postcard... A Huge Big thank you hug and kiss for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event or if we see you out and about ;0)

£45 or more

2 of 35 claimed

£45 Reward

A half day Up-cycling workshop with cave artists. An "I move at cavespace" badge and postcard... A Huge Big thank you hug and kiss for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event or if we see you out and about ;0)

£100 or more

4 of 15 claimed

£100 Reward

Showcase your wears over the course of 5, 1 day exhibition and trade events happening at cave. A piece of wall, plinth, drawer, table even a wardrobe! Artists, EBAYers, makers, carbooters. A great opportunity to show/sell your work and introduce yourselves to our networks.

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Join us for 6 of our drop in life drawing workshops on Thursday evenings at cave. Focusing on drawing as a relaxation method, like a weekly massage for your soul. An "I move at cavespace" badge and postcard... A Huge Big thank you hug and kiss for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event or if we see you out and about ;0)

£500 or more

4 of 5 claimed

£500 Reward

A week long exhibition in cavespace. Includes opening event, PR, In house technician, artist talk and crit event. A position within the cavespace collective. A bespoke tote handmade at cave using up-cycled materials with a Mcduff home bag charm. An "I move at cavespace" badge and postcard...A Huge Big thank you hug and kiss for believing in our project! To be collected in person at a future cave event or if we see you out and about ;0)

£50 or more

5 of 5 claimed

£50 Reward

This is a special reward set for the final 6 days to celebrate reaching our initial Target and launching our Stretch Target. A specially made stitch drawing by me Karen Turner. Framed and signed with love. This will be a one off piece that I will make for each individual pledger. This will be a unique commission made as a response to our meeting over afternoon tea at The Cake Hole!... Visit my website

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