Castor & Ailsworth Cricket Club - New Pavilion

by Castor and Ailsworth Cricket Club in Peterborough, United Kingdom

Castor & Ailsworth Cricket Club - New Pavilion
We did it
On 16th August 2024 we successfully raised £7,646 ( + est. £397.50 Gift Aid ) with 93 supporters in 28 days

Support Castor and Ailsworth Cricket Club in raising funds to build our new pavilion - Brick by brick!

by Castor and Ailsworth Cricket Club in Peterborough, United Kingdom

Who are we?

Castor and Ailsworth Cricket Club are a Clubmark recognised recreational club based in Castor, Peterborough in Cambridgeshire. We have 3 senior sides, 2 midweek sides, 3 junior sides and offer the ECB All Stars programme to 5-8 year olds. We pride ourselves on being a community led club, offering an inclusive environment to everyone who plays, or spectates at Port Lane.


Why are we crowdfunding?


Whilst our junior and senior playing members continue to rise year on year, our current pavilion continues to deteriorate. As we grow our members, our changing rooms and social areas require more space, along with our desire to bring girls and women's cricket to the club which will require separate changing facilities. The new pavilion design allows us more opportunity to grow further as a club with bigger changing room facilities, with a huge social space allowing us to offer a facility to the wider community throughout the year, with a large bar area to be able to offer a community feel through evenings and weekends outside of cricket season also.


A project of this scale has always been a dream for us as a club, however fundraising money from our very successful fireworks night which has now ran for 13 years and is a must-not miss on the social calendar locally, along with generous donations from current and past playing members has made this a reality in the past 12 months. Planning permission was gained in 2023, a long-term lease with our parish council was gained in Feb 2024 giving us the opportunity to begin laying the foundations in June 2024. Drainage and flooring began in July 2024, but to continue the project - more fundraising is required.

How we’ll spend the money raised


We have 9 key phases to the build:


Phases 1, 2, 3: Planning Applications, Archaeological reports and digs, Structural surveys, Foundations, Drainage - Complete

Phase 4: Floor and Cesspit - Ongoing, began July 2024


Phase 5: External and Internal Walls - CURRENT TARGET!

Phase 6: Roof

Phase 7: Windows and Security Shutters

Phase 8: Internal Utilities - Electrics, Kitchen, Toilets etc

Phase 9: Outside - Generator re-location, Patio, Storage Containers


We have estimated a total of £150,000 will be needed to complete stages 5-9. Along with continued fundraising, we are in the process of applying for external grants as well as looking for further donations.

We are hoping to have phases 1-6 completed by the end of 2024.

Community impact

We would love our new pavilion to be a heart of the local community. With a larger social space available, there is an increased opportunity to host parties, quiz nights and local group meetings throughout the year. We would like to create an environment the community is proud of, and inclusive to range of diverse individuals and groups.


How you can play your part

There are four simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a pledge. Don’t delay if you’re going to support us because momentum is key to our success. Please take advantage of our rewards on offer!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell the world to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3. Offer rewards. Get involved if you are a local business by donating things we can offer to our supporters. We will give you a shout out!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

Buy a Brick - Individual

Purchase a brick and be recognised with your name inside the new pavilion

£20 or more

Community Donation

Donations from the community, members, sponsors, businesses and supporters to assist with getting to our target

£60 or more

0 of 5 claimed

Port Lane Pitch Hire

Hire out the playing facility at Port Lane, for a fixture to be completed in the 2024 season.

£250 or more

Buy a Brick - Business

All businesses will be recognised with their business name inside the pavilion

£1,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

2024 Fireworks Main Sponsor

Your opportunity to be the main sponsor of our 14th annual fireworks night on Friday 1st November 2024, with 2,500 people in attendance

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