The Expedition
I've been offered the amazing opportunity to take part in the 2041 Climateforce "Leadership on the Edge" (LOTE) programme in Antarctica in March 2022. The LOTE programme comprises a mix of lectures, shore landings, hikes, group discussions, workshops with the aim of training participants on up-to-date climate science, sustainability, and leadership skills and to create a network with whom long lasting changes can be developed. The March 2022 programme, led by Robert Swan, OBE, polar explorer and environmentalist, and his son Barney, will host over 150 participants from all over the globe - of which I will be one!
About MeI don't consider myself a climate change activist but being a parent provides a particular focus on climate change and the struggles of sustainable living: looking at how we ensure the planet remains liveable for our children is a regular topic of conversation amongst many of my peers, many of us trying to reconcile our busy, modern lives with the challenges of reducing our impact on the planet.
I'm keen to learn more about the changes we can make on a personal level and try to find a path between the plethora of sustainable/green issues and challenges that we face on a daily basis - but, more importantly I think, to understand more about some of the "bigger" solutions. I believe that policy decisions will be fundamental to the global move towards sustainability, but at that same time that science and technology have to come together to provide practical solutions and my background in engineering and my current role working for Origami, with a mission to help the energy industry move towards net zero, are part of that belief.
I also have a background in working with young people: with Girlguiding encouraging girls and young women to develop their skills, confidence and experience having led weekly meetings, camps in the UK and also several trips abroad. I’ve also been able to work with groups in a more engineering related way – helping out with a Young Engineers club entering the “Robot Olympics”; presenting bridge building challenges to groups of primary school children and prior to Covid helping to run a “Code Club” at my children’s school. I believe that it’s absolutely necessary to encourage and inspire young people to enjoy the challenges of problem solving, creating solutions as well as a desire to learn the scientific principles that underpin them.
I'm really looking forward to being able to share what I learn on the Expedition: to use it to be able to talk first hand about the impact climate change is having and how important it is to continue to protect and preserve the last untouched continent on the planet; and to work with young people so that they can be engaged by science and technology, and understand the need to work towards a better planet for us all.
The 2041 Foundation
The expedition is organised by the 2041 Foundation, an organisation set up by Robert Swan following trips to the North and South Poles where he experienced first hand the damage that was being done to the regions: suffering eye and skin damage as he traversed under the then unknown hole in the ozone layer, and falling through ice caps that were melting months earlier than expected.
He was given a mission by Jacques Cousteau, who challenged Robert Swan with a 50-year mission to save Antarctica from the realities of climate change and as part of that mission he has set up expeditions to both Antarctica and the Arctic to train and inspire people to create meaningful impacts in our communities, institutions, companies, and governments.
The Expedition is going to cost $16,900 and then there's the costs of flights, accommodation before/after, and a few bits of kit. In total I'm expecting it to cost between £15,000 and £20,000. My employer, Origami, have donated an initial amount to cover the deposit and I've now got 3 months to fundraise! I'm hoping that some of it will come from corporate sponsorship - so if you are a business looking for a guest speaker for your employees or to promote your sustainability mission then please contact me on LinkedIn.
However, some of my wonderful friends and family have also offered to donate towards my trip so I've also set up this Crowdfunder. If you'd like to help me join this amazing Expedition, and be able to bring back what I learn then please do make a donation or pledge for a reward - and I'm planning to share more before/during/after the trip on my blog so please do check out
More Information
The 2041 Foundation and the Expedition home page
Expedition Trailer (video)
Leadership on the Edge Program Information