Cambrian Wildwood Project

by cambrian-wildwood in Capel Bangor

We did it
On 24th January 2014 we successfully raised £2,625 with 92 supporters in 42 days

Cambrian Wildwood is an ambitious project to restore the wildwood to a large area in the Cambrian Mountains of Mid Wales. By restoring woodland and other natural habitats, an area of wildland will be established as a fantastic haven for wildlife and for everyone to enjoy. In time, missing species will be restored to the land, including wild herbivores. This represents the first re-wilding project in Wales. The Wildwood will be initiated by purchasing land in an area already identified as being ideal for the project, starting with a few hundred acres.

by cambrian-wildwood in Capel Bangor

Background to the Cambrian Wildwood Project

This project to rewild a part of the Cambrian Mountains is being run by the charity Wales Wild Land Foundation. The project will restore the native forest and bring back some of the lost animals. The initial focus is on 750 acres of degraded upland valley and moorland. In time, the aim is to extend the Wildwood to 7,500 acres (3,000 hectares) by further land purchase and by encouraging other landowners to participate.

Habitat restoration will focus on establishing native woodland in this deforested landscape, and restoring other important habitats.

This habitat restoration work will create the right conditions for bringing back some of the lost animal species. This will be achieved by natural colonisation, for example by bird species, or by reintroduction programmes following research into feasibility. These could include water vole, red squirrel, mountain hare, wild boar, beaver, pine marten and wild cat for example. The initiative will follow rewilding principles, so that large herbivores brought in to graze the land will be wild or feral substitutes for wild animals, instead of domestic livestock. We envisage introducing Exmoor ponies as a substitute for Tarpan and will research the suitability of a feral breed of cattle such as Heck as a substitute for Aurochs. We expect Roe deer to migrate into the area in the long term, and will study the case for Red deer.

Why we need the money

We are currently raising money for costs associated with the land purchase, such as valuation fees, through this Crowdfunder site.

We aim to launch our main fund-raising campaign for the land purchase at Easter.

We are already inviting people to become a part of the project as Wildwood Founders.

For more information about the Cambrian Wildwood and our aims as a charity you can visit our website in Welsh or English at: or

Our Facebook page is at:

Our Twitter handle is: @coetiranian


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 Reward

receive a big THANK YOU email from all of us at Cambrian Wildwood.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

receive a big THANK YOU on our Cambrian Wildwood Facebook page.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

receive a beautiful handmade Cambrian Wildwood Project card PLUS a big thank you on our Facebook page.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

You'll receive an invitation to go on a guided walk around the land, once we have purchased it. You will be guided by one or more of our trustees, who are experts in the fields of rewilding / forestry. PLUS, you'll receive a handmade card, AND a big thank you on our Facebook page.

£100 or more

£100 Reward

You'll receive a personal invitation to attend a Cambrian Wildwood Project promotional event, where you'll be able to meet and chat to our patron George Monbiot. We're yet to fix a venue and date, but it will be in the Aberystwyth area in 2014, and we'll inform you as soon as we've finalised the arrangements. PLUS, you'll also receive an invitation to go on a guided walk, PLUS a handmade card AND a big thank you on our Facebook page.

£200 or more

0 of 5 claimed

£200 Reward

You'll receive a signed copy of Feral – the new book by our patron George Monbiot. You'll also receive an invitation to our promotional event & opportunity to meet George Monbiot, PLUS an invitation to go on a guided walk, PLUS a handmade card, AND a big thanks on our Facebook page!

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