Calais Migrant Crisis

by libbyf in London

Calais Migrant Crisis
We did it
On 2nd September 2015 we successfully raised £2,830 with 110 supporters in 28 days

Taking aid to the camps in Calais

by libbyf in London



Yesterday 6 of us in 2 vans did the trip across the channel. It was a success and we were able to drop everything off at the building all the aid is stored at. We then spent some time in the jungle, meeting people and finding out ways in which we could help.

I'll be returning mid Sept for a few days. I've spoken to the school there and i'm keen to get involved. I'll be keeping this page open until the end of the campaign on 2nd Sept.


The previous £1,000 -


50 wash bags for men and for women containing soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, razors/sanitary towels etc.


Huge stack of fold down plastic boxes for transportation and storage once there


Huge food shop on request of spesific items once we'd arrived.


Thank you xxx


Project aim

Taking aid to the camps at Calais

About the project

As soon as I have a van full of supplies I'm taking it to Calais for the migrants in the camps surounding the tunnel. There are 3,000 men, women and children there with next to nothing so they need everything. Money is needed so I can buy sanitary products, toiletries, baby food, nappies, tooth brushes, tooth paste, pain killers food etc.

If you know anyone with a van who might want to get involved let them know how desperatly they need these things.

If you can't donate money, we are in need of other items too

3 important things to remember when donating items:

1. If you bring something, bring something so it can last

2. Focus on bringing clean/in good condition stuff so it can last longer: what you will bring is not made for the conditions in the camp

3. The needs are permanent due to: police destruction, weather, poor conditions, accidents, turn over...



◙ Items for Accomodation 


Sleeping bags


Air mattress


◙ Clothes (only clean stuff)

Stuff to clean easily and/or dry clothing

Shoes ♂♀


Socks (wet socks are an issue when you can't dry)


Shirts ♂♀

Underwears ♂♀


◙ Hygiene

Anti-bacterial products

Cleaning products

Basic toiletries product (soap, towels, kitchen paper, toilet paper...)

Plastic pots / tubs (usable for small laundry)

Basic first aid kits


Trash bags/bins


◙ Food

Containers/Jerrycan for food and water

Non-perishable food



Water (Bottles with taps are always useful)Coffee, tea

Pans, pots, grills (sponges, dish soap...)


◙ Communication

Mobile phones (and the chargers)

Sim Cards


◙ Miscellanous



Canvas sheets



◙ Improving everyday life

Books (different languages)

Sports gears (we do meet a few cricket fans, football fans...)

Radio (and batteries)

Bicycles: helping Calais Migrant Solidarity's activists to follow on police abuse and improve the migrant's moving capacity


I'm sorry the minimum donation is £10, i'm trying to get that changed to £1.




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