Buy your neighbours' dinner

by Heather Garlick in Stretford, England, United Kingdom

Buy your neighbours' dinner

Total raised £3,274

raised so far



A team of volunteers will use your money to buy ingredients from restaurant suppliers and cook hot meals to provide free to those who need.

by Heather Garlick in Stretford, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 22nd May 2020 we'd raised £3,234 with 132 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

The more funding we raise, the more meals we provide. Simple.

Business closures have resulted in a furloughed team, an empty kitchen and seems of restaurant volume food going to waste. We want to put all those elements together and help support the community.

We'll be cooking fresh food and delivering it to those who need; key workers, frail members of the community, families on free school meals. Where people can, we hope they'll donate back into the project to keep it going. Where people can't the meal will be completely free.

By doing this we hope to enable social distancing by reducing necessary supermarket trips, make the most efficient use of scarce resources, use meal delivery as a vehicle for checking in on the most vulnerable in our community and ensure that our neighbours stay nourished whether they're working away to fight this virus on our behalf or are finding life more difficult as a result of the rules imposed. We also hope to prop up the ailing restaurant supply industry, which suddenly had its entire market decimated. 

The project will initially be targeting free school meals families through school but will broaden in scope, dependant on budget.

The money you donate will be spent solely on food ingredients. 

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£24 or more

£24 - 12 meals

We reckon with £24, we can pull together approximately 12 meals or more.

£12 or more

£12 - 6 meals

We reckon with £12, we can pull together approximately 6 meals or more.

£48 or more

£48 - 24 meals or more

We reckon with £48, we can pull together approximately 24 meals or more.

£96 or more

£96 - 48 meals or more

We reckon with £96, we can pull together approximately 48 meals or more.

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