
by Emma Davies in London, England, United Kingdom


Total raised £1,260

raised so far



Show our frontline NHS staff that we love them and are thinking about them every day.

by Emma Davies in London, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

With our stretch target we can reach more ICUs. 

My friend is an NHS anaesthetist. At the beginning of March, as terrifying stories reached us from hospitals coping with covid-19 in Italy, I asked her what it was like in the UK. She said it was what she imagined being in the trenches waiting to over the top might have felt like.

I asked what I could do. She said, "Send cake."

So I will. It's not the most important thing right now but it's a gesture. I can't make a ventilator or source face masks or cover for a sick colleague, but I can do this. Join me - buy a cake, or a coffee, or a beer for ICU staff to enjoy when this is all over. 

This isn't really about the cake. It's a message to the NHS staff on the frontline of this crisis that even though we may never meet we want them to know we can never be grateful enough for what they are doing. For showing up on 2 hours of sleep. For putting themselves at risk of infection. For having to make decisions every day that we can't even dream of having to make. For caring about every single person who comes through their door. 

Don't just donate: please leave a message for your local ICU/A&E department. They may not have time to read it now but when this is all over they can come and scroll and see that we love them.

And please don't forget to wash your hands and stay at home if you can. You can stop the spread of the virus by not going out.

I don't know exactly how the cake part will work. But not knowing the logistics won't stop me trying to do something. I won't do anything irresponsible I promise. I'll wait until it's OK for deliveries to be made again. If cakes are not wanted or are too impractical I will ask what treat is both wanted and practical. I won't pester anyone with cake-related questions until the crisis is over. 

I know there are other communities in need and I don't intend this to come across as frivolous. It's meant to be a gesture of support. Giving to this campaign doesn't stop you giving to your local food bank as well. 

Depending how much we raise I'll draw ICUs randomly to arrange delivery. But I suspect they will appreciate the messages even if they don't get cake so please leave a message when you've donated. 

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Image: Rae Goldman, with permission

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