Building wheelchair friendly accessible spaces

by BSARCS in Barnsley, England, United Kingdom

Building wheelchair friendly accessible spaces
We did it
On 23rd March 2020 we successfully raised £4,045 ( + est. £321.25 Gift Aid ) with 35 supporters in 56 days

We have the opportunity to develop our spaces on the ground floor to enable us to welcome people with mobility difficulties.

by BSARCS in Barnsley, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

The project will cost us in the region of £14,000, so all donations are gratefully received. Any left over money would as always go towards supporting our clients. 

BSARCS provides support to women, men, children and young people, living in Barnsley, who have been affected by sexual violence at any point in their lives.  Each year we work with over 1500 Barnsley people.

Until April 2019 we were based in The Core on County Way, however the building was sold and all tenants had to leave.  After months of searching we found a new building and we have worked really hard to make it ‘home’.  If it wasn’t for this building, BSARCS may have had to close the service. 

We have the opportunity to develop our spaces on the ground floor to enable us to welcome people with mobility difficulties.  At present, we have to see those clients in another building across town.

We are reaching out to the people of Barnsley to help us crowd fund our development project. 

If we reach 50% of our target Barnsley Council will give us a boost towards completion. We hope to have the building up and running by Easter this year.

Any donations will be gratefully received. 

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