Here is what the beneficiaries of this project are saying so far:
"I love you, I love that you call people and ask them how they are, that you give a human touch to such a difficult situation. I love hat all over the world people are looking after each other, and that you are the best of humanity." Father of two seeking asylum.
"Hello, I would like to give a huge thanks for the tablet I have received for my kids! It has helped us a lot especially with this situation going on because all their school work is online!! Doing two primary school aged children’s homework on the phone was impossible and it took us so many hours to try and make it work. The tablet and data changes everything. Thank you so much! It has been a huge help to us." Mother of two seeking asylum.
"We received our phone yesterday. My phone was not working properly. It was on and off and not working properly. But we needed a phone. We were not able to reach our solicitor, the hospital, or the Bristol Refugee Rights centre. We are elderly and my wife is disabled. So a phone is very important for us to reach everyone. We are very thankful for our phone." Elderly couple with disability seeking asylum.
Many Asylum Seekers and Refugees face homelessness, destitution, isolation, exclusion and housing issues. Covid-19 has aggravated these issues further. In addition, most do not have telephones or data to contact Bristol Refugee Rights or any other services to access their basic rights or contact their support networks during Covid-19 lock down.
At Bristol Refugee Rights we work diligently to support Asylum Seekers, Refugees and their children. Due to the current pandemic, we need your help to continue our crucial services and provide digital tools, data and phone credit to some of the most at risk members of our community.

The Problem: What if you didn't have a telephone or internet right now?
Telephones, tablets, laptops and internet are essential resources for everyday life, particularly during Covid-19 lockdown. Most of us take these for granted. However, most Asylum Seekers are forced to choose between buying food, medication and data with the small allowance of £37.75 a week to cover all their costs of living. They are forbidden to work. Thus, majority do not have a smart phone, digital device or data.
They face destitution, homelessness, isolation and tech inequality. Their children are unable to access online educational tools. They are unable to reach their support network. We can help them with your donations! Help us get them online and get them connected so they can reach our crucial advice and support services.
The Solution: How we can help.
Bristol Refugee Rights is providing an advice service hotline five days a week for asylum seekers and refugees during Covid-19 Lockdown. We meet vital needs of individuals and families on issues including shelter, food, safety, medication and data.
In addition, our dedicated staff and volunteers call up to a 100 families and individuals a week to provide wellbeing services and combat isolation. We regularly check on elderly asylum seekers, single mothers, people with disabilities and/or mental health issues by providing them support services and a friendly ear.
We have multiple online platforms for families and individuals to meet each other and alleviate the loneliness social distancing creates.
With your support we will provide phones, tablets and data packages to those who need them the most including children and continue our crucial advice and wellbeing services.

Impact: What can we achieve with your donations?
- £1000: Can pay for outreach to at least 500 adults and children at risk over the phone or online.
- £2900: Can get up to 60 individuals and their families digital tools including phones, laptops and tablets.
- £1000: Can provide up to a 100 individuals and their families phone and data packages with unlimited calls and texts.
- £1000: Can provide extensive support to up to 10 individuals and their families with multifaceted needs including homelessness and destitution. These require expensive telephone interpreting services that can cost up to £54 an hour.
What do asylum seekers say about us:
"This message is to encourage you in the good work you are doing and communicate my profound gratitude for all you have done for me till date."
"You have been of tremendous help to me and my family at large. If not for your act of agape love, I don't know what would have become of me, my daughter and grandson. "
"I bless the day I first walked in through the door of your Godsend organisation, with tears and a heavy heart and by the time I was leaving, it was as if a heavy burden was lifted off me."
Bristol Refugee Rights is a rights based organisation. We have been providing a Welcome Centre, food, clothing, advice, emergency support, English classes and a fully staffed creche for thousands of Asylum Seekers and Refugees since 2006. We have a dedicated staff team and 120 committed volunteers. With the lock down restrictions in place, we have dynamically remodelled our face to face services to be carried out over the telephone and internet. Help us continue to support our members in the same meaningful way we always did by enabling us to reach one another! Support us in making sure asylum seekers and refugees have access to our essential services, their social networks and the wider world.