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+ est. £513.75
Help Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard to secure the future of LGBTQ+ health & wellbeing services as we approach our 50th anniversary
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pledged £10
pledged £42 + an est. £10.50 in Gift Aid
pledged £13 + an est. £3.25 in Gift Aid
pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid
pledged £40 + an est. £10.00 in Gift Aid
pledged £20
pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid
Bryan Chilver has also backed 2 other projects
pledged £40 + an est. £10.00 in Gift Aid
pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid
pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid