Empower Millions of Mothers & Save Lives

by Human Milk in Bristol, North Somerset, United Kingdom

We did it
On 3rd October 2024 we successfully raised £1,095 with 41 supporters in 70 days

Breastfeeding women need the right knowledge and support. Let's get it to them.

by Human Milk in Bristol, North Somerset, United Kingdom

"Breastfeeding is natural." We hear it everywhere.

But what happens when it doesn't come naturally? When your instinct is at odds and confused by what you're being told to do, or the pain is unbearable, baby won't latch, or cries after every feed? When the right support is lacking, and the result feels draining or even devastating?

For millions of mothers, those three words aren't empowering—they're a source of confusion, guilt and isolation.

Decades of expensive marketing and institutionalised lack of accurate knowledge has lead to a vast number of people believing that it makes little to no difference if women breastfeed or not.

Women are being let down by that belief, because they are being shrugged off instead of supported.

And that lack of support has devastating consequences.

823,000 infant lives and 20,000 women's lives. That’s how many we could save EVERY SINGLE YEAR if every family had the support they deserve.

Breastfeeding isn't just a lifestyle choice, it can be a matter of life and death. 

Breast milk is packed with antibodies and nutrients that protect against illness and promote healthy development. It's a sustainable superfood that benefits mothers too.

As well as saving lives, supporting women to set and reach their breastfeeding goals reduces instances of post-natal depression, obesity, diabetes, various cancers, heart disease and malnutrition, in every demographic in the world.

Breastfeeding is also increasingly being noted as a key sustainability and carbon reduction solution, as well as a key to global social equity.

Meanwhile, so many women around the world are told they "should" breastfeed, but don't get the information or the support they need to reach their own breastfeeding goals.

This isn't just a breastfeeding challenge. It's a global health crisis, fuelled by misinformation, and a desperate lack of funding and adequate support.

We knew we had to do something. That's why we created our first film, "The breastfeeding advert".

Knowledge is key. When we know why breastfeeding matters so much, we're a lot more likely to support and protect breastfeeding mothers.

Our "Breastfeeding Advert", launched in 2017:


The response was overwhelming. Over 8 million views worldwide. Used by healthcare professionals and parents in 35 countries.


Our film and ensuing education materials proved that knowledge is power.

And that's what Human Milk is all about.

For 8 years, we've been a dedicated voice for breastfeeding support and education.

  • We produce and offer free, evidence-based multi-media education resources about the science of breastfeeding and human milk that have reached millions of families.
  • We work directly with parents, and with the healthcare professionals who care for them.
  • We run on and offline community meet-ups and workshops, so that no mother is alone.
  • We are developing a shop that offers sustainably sourced clothing and accessories that parents actually need, and that has the capacity to fund our education activities.

We believe that the responsibility does not rest on individual mothers to reach their breastfeeding goals. We all have a role to play.

It's all about EVERY family gaining access to accurate, empowering information, regardless of their background or location.

And THIS new film is a crucial part of that mission.

"Why another film?”

Our current film is showing its age.

We need a film with a more diverse cast, a fresh, contemporary look, and there is a lot more to say about the science of human milk and breastfeeding. We have a really special concept in pre-production.

We also need the new footage and stills to expand our digital and printed education materials. We offer these resources free of charge in order to ensure equitable distribution and access around the world.

“Why do we need £45K to make this happen?"

We're a 100% volunteer-run organisation and are donating a lot of our time on this film too. 

But even volunteers need resources to make something GREAT. 

Here's how your contribution will help:

  • It will cover some of the pre-production work and the shoot itself, including storyboarding, set design, location and equipment rental, crew fees, cast and crew expenses, stills photography.
  • It will cover post-production, including cutting-edge animations, stunning visuals and music, because today's audiences respond to engaging, high-quality content.
  • It will enable us to support a diverse cast and crew to work on the shoot, ensuring this film reflects the families we serve.

This new film will be:

Bolder: It will bust common breastfeeding myths, illustrate mind-blowing science, and show how, as individuals and a society, we can all help mothers to nail their breastfeeding goals.

More Inclusive: Featuring a diverse range of families and their unique stories.

Up-to-Date: More science, and a fresh, modern take that resonates with today's parents. 

If we raise more than £45k, we will use any excess for distribution, including (but not limited to) paid placements of the whole film and shorter edits, associated educational billboards, film festival entries etc.

Please help us to shoot a new, even better film about the science of human milk and breastfeeding, restore women's confidence, drive help and investment to new mothers, and help millions more families around the world.


Thank you!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

Caffeine Fuel!

Every great film needs coffee. Your donation buys a coffee or tea (and biscuits!!) for our crew and editors, powering those late-night magic moments.

£25 or more

Power up the edit.

Your donation fuels the post-production process, where many hours of raw footage are transformed into a few minutes of powerful, impactful film. Every edit, every transition, every visual effect – you're making it happen.

£50 or more

Sponsor the soundtrack.

A movie is nothing without music, sponsor a few bars of the magic fairy dust that pulls it all together.

£100 or more

Unlock the "Aha" Moments.

Make complex science crystal clear with your support. Your donation funds a stunning visual or animation moment that illuminates the magic of breastfeeding, and helps viewers understand its true impact.

£500 or more

Premiere access

Come to an online Premiere Party and be the first to see the new film!

£1,000 or more

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Sponsor 6 seconds, Change Lives

With this donation, you directly fund an entire 6 seconds of the film. You'll also get to see the movie before anyone else at our online Premiere Party, and know that you are making a huge difference to families all over the world.

£5,000 or more

0 of 10 claimed

Become a Champion for Change.

As a champion-level supporter, you'll receive everything from the £1,000 tier, PLUS: Your generosity will be prominently featured in the film's promotion, inspiring countless others to join this movement. You'll also receive a limited-edition gift package as a token of our deepest gratitude.

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