Help Bramley Baths Raise the Roof!

by Bramley Baths in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Total raised £215,485

£350,000 target 19 days left
61% 341 investors
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 28th February 2025 at 5:00pm

We need to raise £350,000 to give our heritage asset a cash injection through our first Community Share Offer.

by Bramley Baths in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Bramley Baths has been a treasured asset in the local community of Bramley, Leeds for 120 years.

Our primary purpose is to benefit the local community and to maintain and protect an Edwardian heritage treasure. We provide swim, gym and classes but we are much more than that…


In short, we need to raise £350,000 – We know… it’s a big ask…

Things have been going well, but we’re not resting on our laurels. We care deeply about this place and want to ensure that we are never in position where the legacy we leave for future generations isn’t as secure as it possibly could be. We are constantly looking for ways to future proof the building, both structurally and environmentally. We are out of capacity in terms of raising such a substantial amount of capital through simply   delivering our services. As things stand, our building is safe and functional, but we know how quickly the tides can change - we only have to take the pandemic and increasing extremes of the weather to know that our   organisation could cease in the blink of an eye. In order to ensure our wonderful community asset continues to thrive, we have identified a series of improvements to be made over the next 5 years; the most pressing is full repair of the roof structure   and replacement of the lanterns

This is where you come in…

We believe that this is the time for us to become not only community led, but part community owned. This is the time for local people who love the   building to invest and support in the continued use of the building. This is the time for you to   come with us on our journey into a new chapter   of the Bramley Baths story…


Full repair of the roof is the most pressing piece of work that needs to be completed within the next year. We know the roof lanterns throughout the building are damaged and water ingress continues to risk further damage to the steam room floor, original ironworks in the current gym space, pool hall and   studio roofs. If you are a frequent user of our “dry side” areas, you will know that, as soon as a storm hits, the water will find a way in. Although the damage at this point is minimal and causes little   disruption to our normal operations, there are parts of the roof that are rotting and in serious need of attention. Currently, we try to find short term solutions by “plugging the hole,” but obviously this is not sustainable long term – we need more than buckets! Delaying repairs and restoration also risks potential closure and interrupted service delivery, albeit temporary, would still have an impact on   our overall income. With your investment we will ensure not only the roof is repaired and replaced where needed, we will also install elements that are moveable, ensuring better circulation of fresh air, and maybe even give Wimbledon a run for their money!1728570427_roof.jpg

Bramley Baths is more than a building….

For generations, Bramley Baths has been championed by local residents and supporters all over the UK and   beyond. In recent history, we were   described as the “people powered Baths.” This encapsulates not only our social significance, but also reminds us that we wouldn’t exist if people hadn’t fought to keep us open. Generations have learned to swim, bathed, danced, raced, and worked at Bramley Baths.   It is more than a pool – it is a special place in people’s lives and histories.   Our community support continues to preserve its past, deliver its present and help secure its future for generations to come.

  • We have a mission to showcase our wonderful building to promote healthy living and greater wellbeing both locally and nationally.
  •  We are housed in the last remaining, fully functional, Edwardian Bath House in Leeds.
  •  We are a thriving community benefit society powered by local people and a professional staff team, supported by a voluntary board of trustees.
  •  We welcome 3000 + visitors per week. This includes 17 local schools, over 1000  people accessing our services through our membership offer and by facilitating  other organisations to deliver health and wellbeing activities. In addition, we        continue to provide access to affordable swimming lessons and life saving skills  for our local community – without us, these vital services would just not exist locally. 
  • We act as an exemplar to other organisations and share our experience to help the heritage pool sector and other social enterprises. We foster strong relationships with local, regional and national partners.
  •  We are a treasured heritage building, Grade II Listed and recently awarded a blue plaque from Leeds Civic Trust in recognition of  our social and cultural significance. Our building is instantly recognisable; it makes up the visual skyline of Bramley and acts a physical representation of a bridge between the past and the future.
  • We innovate with arts and culture events, triathlons, community celebrations, green energy initiatives and heritage activity. 

Our priorities centre on providing accessible, affordable, equitable and excellent services for the whole community of Bramley, Leeds (West Yorkshire). Within the Bramley area, we have 3 postcodes that sit within the top 10% index of multiple deprivation. If the Baths didn’t exist, people would have to travel a least 2 – 3 miles to visit their nearest leisure centre, which is completely unachievable for many in this particular area. 

The History

On the site of the original Globe Foundry, Bramley Baths was built in 1904 in response to the cholera epidemic. One of eight bathhouses across Leeds, we have continuously operated as a facility for leisure and wellbeing activities, whilst simultaneously showcasing exemplary examples of Edwardian ornate features and stained-glass windows which remain to this day.


Threatened with closure in 2011 due to financial constraints   of Leeds City Council, the local community, residents,   organisations, schools and councillors immediately responded with a high-profile campaign to “Save The Baths’’. A successful business plan secured a peppercorn lease, ultimately taking the Baths to community ownership in January 2013. 

The Friends of Bramley Baths, the original members of the   society were instrumental in “Saving the Baths” in the early years.



The more share capital we raise, the less cash we need to use from our reserves. This is vital,   because we’ve learned over the last 10 years that having a cash reserve enables us to move   quickly when we need to make unplanned repairs to things like boilers, or indeed pay staff for months during a global pandemic! If we surpass our target of £350,000 (amazing!) we would then be able to aim for a stretch target of £500,000 which would allow us to refurbish our accessible toilet facilities 

What are Community Shares – People-powered finance for community-centred businesses

Community shares are an opportunity for people to   champion an organisation like ours through financial   investment. Community shares are unique to co-operatives and community benefit societies (like we are). They can’t be sold to anyone else, and no matter how many shares you buy, you only get one vote for your shares. you only get one vote for your shares. That makes them a perfect way for us to raise the kind of sums we need for large projects like this, as nothing will ever change the fact that the Baths can be owned by everyone, not just those with the wealth to buy more shares and influence.

As a Community Benefit Society, all our profits must be reinvested to benefit the community, but we can pay interest for allowing us to use your investment. 

This is your opportunity to embark with us on this journey and make our collective dreams a reality… 

Invest Now!

We are asking for a minimum level investment of £50 for all investors.

It is also possible to simply donate and support us for any amount.  

Money will be held by Crowdfunder until we have successfully hit our minimum target by the deadline, when they will pass it to us. If we aren’t successful, money will be refunded to you within 10 days.  


After the share offer closes, we will contact each investor asking what interest they would like to receive on their shares 2%, 4% or 5% or waive interest entirely to allow us to benefit from having more resources. Interest will be paid in cash. 


If the share offer reaches its maximum target, any sums invested above that amount will be refunded on a last-in, first out basis.

How do I get my money back?

For this investment, you must keep your shares for a minimum of 3 years. After this time, applications can be made to withdraw part - or all - of an investment, but this can only be approved if these two conditions are met: 

• The Board declares the society has sufficient funds to allow share capital to be withdrawn. This will only occur, if the Baths continues to thrive and make a surplus as projected year on year, or sufficient new capital is invested to allow us to let older investments be returned. 

• In any given year, no more than 10% of the total funds raised can be withdrawn by members. This will be on a strictly first-come first-served   basis, giving three months’ notice using the form of application prescribed by the Board at the time. Obviously, we’re very keen to ensure that no one loses out, but the decision on whether any withdrawal can be made is at the discretion of the Board of Directors

For more details, full share offer document, financials for the last 3 years and governing document please visit our website:

Levels of Investment

£50 or more

£50 Community Shares (or more)

All core member benefits, plus a free swim voucher and a feature on our virtual thank-you wall. £50 is the minimum investment level, but you can add additional investment at checkout if you wish, or select a higher investment level below.

£100 or more

£100 Community Shares (or more)

All core member benefits, plus a free swim voucher, a Bramley Baths pin badge to wear with pride, and a feature on our digital thank-you wall. This gives you a minimum of £100 worth of community shares. You can add additional investment beyond £100 at checkout if you wish, or alternatively, you can select a higher investment level below.

£200 or more

£200 Community Shares (or more)

All core member benefits, plus a free swim voucher, a Bramley Baths pin badge, mug, tote bag, and a feature on our digital thank-you wall. This gives you a minimum of £200 worth of community shares. You can add additional investment beyond £200 at checkout if you wish, or alternatively, you can select a higher investment level below.

£500 or more

£500 Community Shares (or more)

All core member benefits and merchandise, plus 15% off unlimited membership for your family (or team members for businesses), and a feature on our virtual thank-you wall. This gives you a minimum of £500 worth of community shares. You can add additional investment beyond £500 at checkout if you wish, or alternatively, you can select a higher investment level below.

£1,000 or more

£1,000 Community Shares (or more)

All core member benefits and merchandise, plus an hour of private pool hire for you and your family or team members (from a selection of available days), 15% off unlimited membership for your family (or team members for businesses), and a feature on our virtual thank-you wall. This gives you a minimum of £1,000 worth of community shares. You can add more investment beyond £1,000 at checkout or select a higher investment level below.

£5,000 or more

£5,000 Community Shares (or more)

All core member benefits and merchandise, plus an hour of private pool hire for you and your family or team members (from a selection of available days), 15% off unlimited membership for your family (or team members for businesses), and a feature on our virtual thank-you wall. This gives you a minimum of £5,000 worth of community shares. You can add more investment at checkout (£25,000 max per investor). Please call us on 0113 256 0949 for info.

Show your support

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