Bovey Paradiso

by Janine McDowell in Newton Abbot, Devon, United Kingdom

Bovey Paradiso

Total raised £526

raised so far



Our vision is to create a lively community arts and entertainment centre in Bovey Tracey and we need help to take the next steps!

by Janine McDowell in Newton Abbot, Devon, United Kingdom



Building on everything that has been achieved so far and following the recent successful opening of our fantastic new café/restaurant in March, to compliment our artists studios and gallery,  we want to continue our momentum and need your help with our next steps.  We need to raise some funds for two specific issues that we believe will make a big difference to our project and our town this year. 

Firstly, we want to make sure the whole town can be proud of the fantastic facility the community owns and smarten up the outside of the building. It needs to be fully decorated externally to make sure the building looks its best and helps to instil pride in our town.  Allowing the King of Prussia to once again be a focal point in the town will encourage residents and visitors to explore everything Paradiso has to offer and help us towards our ultimate goal of building the cinema/auditorium that we all want.  

Secondly, at the moment the seating for the café/restaurant is limited to the gallery space and we need more tables to accommodate everyone that wants to enjoy the exciting menu on offer.  Eventually the café/restaurant will have its own dedicated space when the next stage of the building works is funded and completed. Until then we want to take an interim step and extend the current café space to enable us to expand the seating available.

The ultimate goal is to build the cinema/theatre to complete the project, but these are our important next steps. Can you help us?


We have set a goal of crowdfunding the £25,000 we need to complete these two projects this year, but we need your help. Any donation, large or small will help us to progress.  

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