New stretch target
We would like your help to raise a further £800 to produce a leaflet to go every home in the constituency.
All funds raised above the initial £500 now pledged will go to this Crowdfunder for a Green MP for Bournemouth East.
To give Green Party supporters the chance to vote for what they believe in, by enabling us to stand a candidate in the General Election.
by BCP Green Party in Bournemouth
We would like your help to raise a further £800 to produce a leaflet to go every home in the constituency.
All funds raised above the initial £500 now pledged will go to this Crowdfunder for a Green MP for Bournemouth East.
The next General Election takes place in May 2015 and, as tribal loyalties to the old parties continue to break down, increasing numbers of voters are turning to the Green Party.
Many people are discovering the Green Party is a close match for them in terms of values and the policies that flow from them.
As you're looking here, you may already know that's the case for you. If not, you can find a summary of our policies – such as renationalising the railways – in our mini manifesto or read about them in-depth on our policy website.
Indeed, out of nearly half a million blind tests on the independent Vote for Policies website – which matches voters with the policies that appeal to them most – Green Party policies are the most popular match.
Last year, voters in Bournemouth East contributed to the election of the first Green MEP for the South West, Molly Scott Cato, in the European elections, when the Green Party outpolled the Lib Dems across the whole South West region.
You can find out more about Molly's work here. Meanwhile in Westminster, Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, has been voted MP of the Year for 2014, and locally Green Party membership more than trebled last year.
For the Green Party to continue its rapid growth, it is crucial people have Green Party candidates to vote for at elections and that the Green Party’s distinctive voice and policies be heard.
This is where we need your help. It costs money to field candidates in a General Election. A £500 deposit is required and we also wish to raise £800 to produce a leaflet to go every home in the constituency. Any funds contributed in excess of £1,300 will be used to fund additional local campaigning.
We would love you to join our Crowdfunding campaign helping to fund the first ever Green Party candidate for the Bournemouth East constituency and a strong campaign. Please donate, share, join and volunteer in the campaign if you can.
Thank you!
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