We are touring Britain to spread the word that Brexit has failed and that Rejoining the EU is not only desirable but possible. So many people believe that Brexit is done and there's nothing we can do about it. It's what psychologists call 'learned helplessness' and it's NOT correct - see Myths and Riffs of Brexit for more on Brexit myths and Rejoin EU for some strategies to Rejoin the EU. Brexit is simply a continuous stream of dead cats laid on the road to distract us by Johnson, Truss, Sunak, May and Cameron.

We will take the iconic Bollocks to Brexit Mini with us, delivering talks, keynotes and street events using music and visual displays. We will also support the plethora of upcoming by-elections to promote tactical voting and all major events e.g. rejoin marches / Party conferences. Our messaging en route will be supported by 'The Rejoin Cone' which we can customise for your own needs. Signs have already been devised for BBC Question Time in Clacton, the Uxbridge by-election and other requirements. We are highly visible as this chance encounter with a supporter on the M25 shows:
Coned off ... Nigel Farage and our BBC QT cone.
Sponsor your own cone - Get in touch for your own cone [email protected]
Our event at City Hall to support Sadiq Khan.
One of our visual images we use for street events. The Brexit iceberg connects front of mind issues with their root causes.
Where are we going?
The first elements of the tour are our Cinque Ports tour, the Brighton Belle special and the Northern Powerhouse tour. We have trips planned to the West Country, the Midlands, London, Northumberland, Wales and many other places. If you have an idea for a tour or event in your city, town, hamlet or living room please get in touch via e-mail [email protected]

One of the satirical songs we performed on the street at BBC Question Time in Clacton.
Why we need your support?
To put the Mini back on the road has cost £1000 and each event costs between £30 and £800 for a full tour, needing us to stay on the road for several days such as the Tory Party Conference. We ONLY charge for out of pocket expenses, petrol, tax, maintenance and so on and our costs are kept to a minimum. We are not supported by other groups and so we need your help to make this happen. Regular small donations are just as valuable as one-off larger donations. With more we can do more.
Our five strategies for rejoining the EU. Find out more at Reboot Britain.
Who do you think you are kidding Messers Sunak, Truss, Johnson, May, Cameron?