A short film exploring the news industry, BNN News at 5:55 is a pointed critique of conservative news and its biases. Presented in a pseudo-newsreel format, it details a single evening of news on the BNN Channel as technical issues gradually reveal the darker machinations of the hosts of the shows. Through watching Janet and Geoffrey interact both while live and on break, their truly cruel and selfish nature is revealed.
How the truth is presented is of massive importance globally. The world has seen a huge rise in right-wing politics, most of it encouraged by large media conglomerates that skew narratives to encourage their owners and producers' agendas. This film is a valuable tool to combat this issue, presenting a biting critique of this model. We aim to both educate and entertain those who watch this film and encourage a critical method of news analysis in consumers.
With your support, we will be able to secure locations, build a realistic set, and provide necessary support to our actors and crew.
Donations will allow us to produce this relevant and innovative film and distribute it to film festivals across the world.
The team behind BNN are a group of fourth year student filmmakers from Edinburgh Napier University. We all take issue with the insidious rise of the right and hope more than anything to incite change in how people of the world are informed, fostering an ethical news industry in the United Kingdom and beyond.

Hi! I’m Ivan, the writer and director of BNN News at 5:55.
I am a deeply concerned person in general and chief amongst my concerns is politics and news. I worry constantly about the UK and the disgusting conservative agenda apparent across the nation, from hatred of immigrants to casual misogyny to violence against LGBT people to a vile and harmful international relations mindset. This is all accepted and becomes the norm because the way in which we learn about the world is through the filter of a deeply conservative news system, where money and power decide what areas of the news are presented and how they are represented.
BNN News is a powerful and evocative critique of conservative news. It is a film about the casual cruelty that takes place from those in a position of influence, and combatting that power dynamic is a valuable thing to do. I’m immensely proud of how our film has developed and grown and I am excited to make a film so explicitly about politics and criticising such a cruel institution whilst advocating for something better.
I can’t wait to direct this film with such a brilliant and skilled crew and hope that we will be able to enact some genuine change with it.

I cannot express how excited I am for BNN News at 5:55, it’s such a compelling piece of film that highlights some very topical things for all of us. Its such a pleasure being able to work with such a fantastic crew on a project that is really saying something with it’s visuals. As DoP I plan to implement a number of strategies to make our broadcast feel as authentic as possible, making sure to pay special attention to the sensitivity of the topics and displaying them in a respectful way. With a piece as polarising as this, making an opinionated political statement, theres so many details that we’re taking into account, and I honestly cannot wait to share this with everyone and create something truly great.

Hello! I’m Eilis, the sound designer of BNN News at 5:55.
The political climate of our country is something I am deeply saddened and passionate about. Now more than ever, the importance of the subject matter we are touching on is prevalent.
With our fantastic crew I hope to make a piece work that highlights the unjust and cruelty of such politics and news outlets. As well as our ability as young people to make a positive change!
I look forward to working closely with our Writer-Director Ivan to bring his idea to life sonically. I am excited by the creative potential for the sound design with the likes of playing with audience perceptive, weaving in and out the news report from the in house studio and live broadcast.

Hello, I’m Ashleigh, the editor for our film “BNN News at 5:55”. I am extremely excited to be a part of this film and to work with such an amazing and creative crew.
Through editing, I am to immerse the viewer in a world that feels eerily familiar, promoting them to question not only the characters in the film but also the media they consume everyday. This film relies heavily on the language of new broadcasting, slick transitions, graphics and controlled pacing, only to subtly unravel its own credibility through jarring cuts and moments of off-air authenticity.
There is an opportunity to keep the editing process as authentic to live broadcasting, using vision mixing techniques which is very exciting.

[Hi! I’m Anna, the graphic designer working on the film ‘BNN News at 5:55’. I am very excited to be working on this project with an amazing crew of super talented and creative people!
The current state of UK politics is something I think everyone should take an interest in. This film shares an important message that is becoming more and more relevant every day.
I believe that visual communication and design are the best aid we have in spreading this and creative positivity change!
So stay tuned—there’s plenty more interesting visuals coming your way!