Save Blue and Green Tomorrow

by blueandgreentomorrow in Lincoln

We did it
On 29th October 2014 we successfully raised £39,041 with 253 supporters in 61 days

For 4 years Blue and Green has been a raucous and positive voice for sustainability. If you value what we do, we desperately need your help.

by blueandgreentomorrow in Lincoln

Blue and Green Tomorrow

Blue & Green needs your help

This crowdfunder will determine if Blue & Green Tomorrow will thrive under current ownership. We want to remain as a thorn in the side of the reckless and unsustainable, while also being a raucous voice for the responsible and sustainable. But we desperately need your help to do that.

What is Blue and Green Tomorrow?

The online publication Blue and Green Tomorrow is the UK’s most widely-read and fastest-growing sustainability magazine for investors and consumers. Since 2013, our growth has been rapid and we now need crowdfunding to survive the next four months while our underlying business model starts to pay off.

Our aim is to encourage our readers to buy from and invest in sustainable companies – those that balance the needs of people, planet and profit. We simplify sustainability, both the individuals and organisations working in it, and amplify their work to the largest number of possible investors and consumers.

Every day we write 18-25 articles on how to invest sustainably, travel responsibly, shop ethically and use cleaner sources of energy. Our most popular articles explain climate change, simplify investment and profile individuals and organisations that are leaders in sustainability. Articles that explore the rapid decline in bees, polar ice and forest cover are perennial favourites.

Blue & Green website

We also produce 12-14 in-depth guides each year on all aspects of sustainability.

Guide Bookshelf 2014

Founded in 2010 our readership has quadrupled in the last 12 months, with 76,283 unique readers per month in June 2014, up 43% on the previous month. We are growing fast, and want to continue this growth long into the future.

Our readership growth

We need our friends and readers' help to survive the next few months

Four years since we first stepped onto the foothills of sustainability, Blue & Green Tomorrow is at dire risk of falling silent.

Running a free magazine for the last four years has taken its toll on the founders' finances - we have literally put everything into making Blue & Green Tomorrow as big and noisy as it is. The truth is, we’ve finally run out of money to create the impartial content we provide free of charge and will have to stop this month.

We're four months away from being financially self sufficient, with some incredible deals in place which will finally make us viable over the next 12 months, but we’re not nearly close enough to continue without our readers' financial help in the short term.

We really want Blue & Green Tomorrow to be an impartial and raucous voice for all aspects of sustainability. We still have ambitious plans to be the loudest voice for sustainability - but can only do so with your help.

Every day we promote individuals and organisations doing good and helping make a more sustainable planet. They will lose a loud voice without our coverage.

How this funding will make a difference

We have big and ambitious plans for the money you pledge. We want to reach 250,000 readers in the UK and 250,000 readers overseas to spread the message of sustainable investing and living.

It is in investment we can make a real difference. For every dollar of GDP, $26 dollars is traded financially (data and image courtesy of De Spiegel).

GDP versus financial trade

Unsustainable, unethical and irresponsible investment and financial trade has shaped the world we live in today and today is shaping the world our children and grandchildren will live in tomorrow.

We want our readers to take seven sustainable steps in 2015 creating 3.5 million actions, from moving their money to more responsible banks, investing more sustainably, switching to renewable energy at home and at work, buying more fair trade, travelling responsibly, voting for a party with sustainably policies and backing a sustainable venture on

We need to rebuild Blue & Green Tomorrow as a scalable, fit-for-purpose website. We need it to be optimised for tablets and smartphones, with apps available on all mobile operating systems. We want to offer Blue & Green Tomorrow anywhere, anytime, on any device.

Time really is running out for our blue and green marble of a planet and we need to reach more readers quickly. That means promoting our website and e-newsletter to even more investors and consumers, encouraging more people to invest and spend sustainably. 

We want to continue paying our graduate journalists a living wage, to give the young people most affected by our current unsustainable economic activity not only a start in their career but also an opportunity to frame the debate with their own future interests at heart.

That’s what we’d do with the money you pledge.

Please help us today.

How the money breaks down

Money breakdown

The rewards

Are for both individuals (blue rewards) and organisations (green rewards), you can secure a heartfett thank you printed in every guide for as little as £12, an invitation to our "We made it party!" as a supporter or articles and promotion in Blue & Green Tomorrow. Here's a small selection of the rewards:

£12 reward  £52 reward  £104 reward  £520 reward  £1560 reward

What the industry says about us

"By launching Blue & Green Tomorrow, Simon Leadbetter has done more than anyone else in the British media to promote a proper understanding of sustainable investment." Clare Brook of WHEB Group

"You are an original, fresh and high quality voice for Sustainable Investing at a time when we had all but disappeared from the financial media." Peter Michaelis of Alliance Trust

"Blue & Green - a new and credible force in the sustainability space." Claudia Quiroz of Quilter Cheviot

"Why would you recommend B&GT to a friend?" (comments from our reader survey August '14)

Readers quotes


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£12 or more

£12 Reward

Have our eternal thanks and your name included as a "friend of Blue & Green" in each of the 12-14 guides we produce each year

£24 or more

£24 Reward

Have your name included as a proud "supporter of Blue & Green" in each of the 12-14 guides we produce each year

£52 or more

51 of 400 claimed

£52 Reward

Receive a limited edition postcard expressing our eternal gratitude for your support plus you will be listed as a "supporter" on our website and in every 2015 guide (this can be a dynamic link to your website if you have one)

£52 or more

14 of 200 claimed

£52 Reward

Okay, we know some of you are just party-goers - simply be invited to our fourth "we've made it party", week commencing 3rd November 2014

£104 or more

26 of 200 claimed

£104 Reward

Receive a hard copy of three 2011-2014 guides of your choice – printed on sustainable forest paper stock and be invited to our fourth "we've made it party" on the 5th November plus all of the above, week commencing 3rd November 2014

£208 or more

13 of 100 claimed

£208 Reward

Receive all fourteen 2014 reports in hard copy. You will also join the 'Editor's Club' that will help shape our editorial content into 2015 plus all of the above

£416 or more

1 of 50 claimed

£416 Reward

Receive a limited edition hardback perfect-bound anthology of the best and most read articles of Blue & Green 2011-2014 plus all of the above - and be a party VIP

£520 or more

11 of 160 claimed

£520 Reward

Business reward: we will publish a quarterly article about you or your business over 12-months included in that week's newsletter (i.e. 4x pa) plus a full page advert in one guide and be invited to our fourth "we've made it party" w/c 3rd November

£780 or more

2 of 80 claimed

£780 Reward

Business reward: we will publish a bi-monthly article about you or your business for 12-months included in that week's newsletter (i.e. 6x pa) plus full page advert in one guide and be invited to our fourth "we've made it party" w/c 3rd November

£832 or more

0 of 25 claimed

£832 Reward

Join our 'Editorial Council' where you decide subjects for our 2015 reports and get early sight of our in-depth content - and be a party VIP w/c 3rd November

£1,560 or more

2 of 40 claimed

£1,560 Reward

Business reward: we will publish a monthly article about you or your business for 12-months, included in that week's newsletter (i.e. 12x pa), plus full page advert in one guide and be invited to our fourth "we've made it party" w/c 3rd November as a VIP

£3,120 or more

1 of 20 claimed

£3,120 Reward

Business reward: we will publish a fortnightly article about you or your business for 12-months, included in that week's newsletter, plus a full page advert in two guides and be invited to our fourth "we've made it party" w/c 3rd November as a VIP

£6,240 or more

0 of 10 claimed

£6,240 Reward

Business reward: we will publish a weekly article about you or your business for 12-months, included in that week's newsletter (i.e. 52x pa), plus a full page advert in four guides and be invited to our fourth "we've made it party" w/c 3rd November as a VIP

£10,000 or more

1 of 5 claimed

£10,000 Reward

Wow, I don't know what to say. Yes, you can have all of the above plus anything else I can reasonably accommodate. Call me and we'll discuss, but all of the above and a lot more besides...

£15,000 or more

0 of 4 claimed

£15,000 Reward

Wow, I'm now truly blown away. Yes, you can have all of the above plus anything else I can reasonably accommodate. Call me and we'll discuss, but all of the above and a lot more besides... email in advance if you'd like to discuss your reward!

£45,000 or more

0 of 2 claimed

£45,000 Reward

Hello business partners! Let's sit down very soon and draw up terms and make Blue & Green Tomorrow the most raucous voice for sustainability, globally... email in advance if you'd like to discuss your reward!

£90,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£90,000 Reward

Hello business partner! Let's sit down very soon and draw up terms and make Blue & Green Tomorrow the most raucous voice for sustainability, globally... email in advance if you'd like to discuss your reward!

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.