Blue Collar Parliament - first 20 days

by David Littlefair in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Blue Collar Parliament - first 20 days

Total raised £540

£4,000 target 65 days left
13% 2 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 20th November 2024 at 4:06pm

We want to nurture the next generation of working class and blue collar MPs

by David Littlefair in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

The number of MPs from blue collar and working class careers has declined at every election since the 1960s. For a generation, parliament has lost people with relatable life experience working in industry, care, health, retail and manufacturing and other jobs that the majority of us do.

We are asking for help to fund the first 20 days of a project to change the direction of our parliament and make being an MP a position anyone can aspire to.

We will use our first 20 days to


We will build a series of relationships with sympathetic journalists and key figures we feel can help publicise our cause

We will host events at party conference and online to introduce influencers within major political parties to the project

We will begin organising political professionals toward a mentoring programme for a new generation of blue collar and working class MPs

Recruiting a steering group:
We will work to approach and build a team of people who are embedded in professional politics and who believe in solving the problem to help steer the project and help us to make it as impactful as possible

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