Be part of a live jazz video-album!

by Mama Tokus in Totnes, Devon, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,897

raised so far



SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC - AND BE IN ON OUR VIDEO/ALBUM! Back our Crowdfunder & get music & tickets to be in the audience for the recording

by Mama Tokus in Totnes, Devon, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 2nd December 2024 we'd raised £1,872 with 69 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

If we got £2,000 we'd be able to pay the musicians for performing!

The Why

We want to bring the joy of live, pulsing, electric, improvised music to loads more people - especially in an age where everyone's looking at screens, venues are closing and people are losing connection with each other.

We five musicians are dedicated to opening up jazz to be inclusive, democratic, exciting, funky...and fun! 

And we want YOU to be a part of this too.


The Problem

Musicians & performers are struggling against the forces of

  • diminished royalties
  • fewer people at gigs
  • fewer grass-roots venues
  • busy social media where the algorithm chooses what you view
  • disappearing local newspapers, magazines & What's On publications

All these things make it difficult for people to know about and get to live shows.

Despite the above pressures, WE WON'T BE DEFEATED!


We want to crowdfund the recording of jazz joy!

From 7pm on Sunday 8 December 2024 at Ashburton Arts Centre, Devon we want to put on a superb show of music crackling with energy, with TWO fantastic jazz bands on the bill, before a packed live audience. And then we want to film it - making a live video/audio album.

The bands on the bill feature some of the same people, but with different repertoires and vibes.

But both outfits complement each other perfectly...and we'll all end up playing together on the same stage in a gloriously funky finale.

The bands on the bill are:

The Blow-Up

A distinctive, dynamic mixture of instrumental cinematic jazz grooves. Stylish and accessible, members of The Blow-Up draw on a rich pool of 1960s and 1970s soundtrack tunes and take them to the max.


Imagine the music of Get Carter, Alfie, Bond, Black Orpheus, Bullitt, Midnight Cowboy funkified & extemporised. Like this: 

Mama Tokus & The King Tut Trio

A marriage of soul-jazz, mod Mama mayhem, soulful improvisations, unexpected cover versions, electric keyboard grooves, verbal riffery and some hard-funkin’ fun too.


How YOU play a part in this

As musos being buffetted in a tough climate for artistry, we're trying new ways to create art, atmosphere & incredible music experiences and memories for YOU - including creating this Crowdfunder.

It's a win-win! 

You get to come to a cracking show (and we'll make sure it is, just for you) and you create atmosphere for our video/audio recordings. You even get a copy of the recording as a CD afterwards, as part of your Crowdfunder reward.

Here's what the vibe was like when The King Tut Trio & Mama Tokus filled up Totnes Cinema last year, with people singing along and JAZZ:

Meet the musicians

Both bands are wondrous meetings of musical minds, joyful creativity and dynamic action. If you don't know us yet, allow us to introduce ourselves:

Tom Unwin

1728323634_crowdfunder_headshots_-_tom.jpgTom is the visionary, open-hearted bandleader and pianoman in both bands whose progressive ideas propel us all. He is a full-time musician and music-educator who leads jazz jams and encourages kids and grown-ups to get into music wherever possible.

Marcus Vergette

1728323757_mailchimp_website_square_1024_x_1024_-_tut_marcus_2.jpgHe’s a Big Bass Badass who makes bells, sculpts and supports butterflies through organic farming in his other life.
He plays in both bands.

Ric Byer

1728323794_crowdfunder_headshots_-_ric.jpgRic’s a bare-footed, in-demand sticksman (and multi-instrumentalist prog-fusionist to boot). He's been playing musical instruments since he was a tiny tot (he's shown us the pictures!). He plays in both bands.

Stig Olson

1728323794_crowdfunder_headshots_-_ric.jpgStig plays multiple saxes and bass clarinet with panache, verve and not a little skill. A consummate musician, he also shapes sounds as a composer, sound designer, producer and educator. He plays in The Blow-Up.

Mama Tokus 

1728323826_crowdfunder_headshots_-_mama.jpgMama sings, writes, raps and performs punchy commentaries on modern/mythic life, with a big dose of soul and humour too.
She performs with The King Tut Trio.

Grab your Reward(s) 

We’ve come up with a suite of Rewards that we hope will encourage you to support us - all of which include a ticket to the show. 



               Overview - Rewards - Feedback




Blow Up your wardrobe - and support us simultaneously

Some rewards include specially-designed garments (made from organic, recyclable cotton), like these:


Join in with our joyous jazz recording

We promise to make this a fabulous, fun and absolutely memorable night of music for you. And you get to hear and see TWO exciting bands, and witness the first ever mashup of the TWO bands!!

So please take part and be part of our recording. 

Help create a buzzing atmosphere by supporting our campaign to record The King Tut Trio with Mama Tokus, The Blow-Up, and The Blow-Up with Mama Tokus! 

All in one night!


Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£12 or more

£12 Reward: The Blow-Up's FIRST album on CD

Own Invisible World - The Blow-Up's debut album. There are 12 tracks - many of them Unwin originals - and the CD features Stig on saxes and Marcus on bass, as this gig will! Tom says: "The Blow-Up is a collage, an evocation of the 1960s musical and political explosions, when jazz musicians ranged into wider grooves to propel the music forward. If you choose this Reward, we'll be in touch to get your details so that we can post it out quick.

£10 or more

£10 Reward - your ticket to the show!

Pick this reward and you'll have a ticket to our show - and we promise to make it a good one so that your applause and cheers will ring out on the recording!

£20 or more

£20 Reward: your ticket + download of album

Get your ringside seat and come away with a copy of the audio from the recording sessions. We're excited to have you there, cheering us on...and being on the audio!

£40 or more

£40 Reward: your ticket + download + T-SHIRT

IF YOU'RE ON A MOBILE, VIEW GARMENTS ON OVERVIEW PAGE. Grab some JazzWear: look sharp & support us simultaneously. This is an original vinyl record-inspired design (obvs) by Tom Unwin in that most stylish of colours: black. Pick either a Women's crew neck tee or a Men's tee. Be sure to leave your name, email and phone number so we can contact you about sizes & delivery details.

£50 or more

£50 Reward: your ticket + download + MUSIC LESSON

Buy some time with Tom and his musicality and you'll be boosting your own skills AND supporting us. Tom's a pianoman, but he can (and does) teach singers & players of all kinds. If you choose this Reward, leave your details so we can arrange the details.

£60 or more

£60 Reward: your ticket + download + HOODIE

IF YOU'RE ON A MOBILE, VIEW GARMENTS ON OVERVIEW PAGE. Grab some COSY JazzWear: look sharp, heat yourself up & back us at the same time. This is an original vinyl record-inspired design by Tom Unwin in that most stylish of colours: black. Pick either a Women's or Men's hoodie. Be sure to leave your name, email and phone number so we can contact you about sizes & delivery details.

£500 or more

£500 Reward: ticket + download + PERSONAL GIG!

Your ticket, download and a BlowUp or King Tut Tio Gig in your own home or a venue of your choosing! If you select this reward, we'll have to sort this out so make sure to leave all your details. Or even get on the phone and discuss this if you're interested: call Mama on 07553 082201 if needs be. HINT: maybe a few of you could club together on this Reward and have yourselves a birthday/Christmas/fancy dress/[YOUR IDEA HERE] party!

Show your support

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