We are a Reformed, Presbyterian evangelical church in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Established in 1762, we are the oldest church in the town and surrounding areas. We are seeking to upgrade our facilities for mission in the community.

Donate to this charity
St Andrew's Church requires around £70,000 per year to undertake all the
work that is required, to paying a stipend of a full-time Minister, maintaining a historic Church and Churchyard and the Neilson Halls and the Manse.
We also require finances for some one-off essential projects, such as requires to the roof and spire and enhancing the technology capacity with the provision of audio visual screens.
Currently, we are raising funds for the the following:
-Urgent Roof and Spire repairs £9,000
-Digital screens for projection £1,000
-Essential electrical work £3,000
-Tree management £3,000
-Upgrade to kitchen and ventilation works £5,000
-Church entrance refurbishment £,3000
The list above has been prioritised, from wind and watertight and safety works, to 'desirable' works. Grants have been applied for, however religious organisations have fewer options.
If you feel led to contribute, then this would greatly bless us to
help us to continue this witness.
Please contact The Minister, Rev. Jason Lingiah (jasonlingiah @ gmail.com) if you have any questions or can help in any other way.