New stretch target
Just continue doing for a longer period that what we intend doing now.
To raise enough funding support to bring all our youth back into our facilities so that they can gain back their interaction and moral.
by Ballinderry Shamrocks GAC in Cookstown, Mid Ulster, United Kingdom
Just continue doing for a longer period that what we intend doing now.
Our club is located in a small rural parish along the shores of Lough Neagh straddling along the Derry and Tyrone county borders.The club has a rich tradition and heritage of serving the local community through the promotion of Gaelic games,in particular the games of Gaelic football and camogie.We currently have in the region of 400 members of which 250 are youth members(under 18 years old) who are involved in our club playing their respective games.
Over the course of the last 10 years our club have embarked on a highly ambitious facilities/development strategy.During that time we have spent in the region of £1.8m and now provide two floodlit playing pitches,a synthetic multi-sports pitch,and a community hub which includes an indoor sports hall and a studio space for our members.
During the past two years,with the financil impact of the COVID 19,our revenue funding has been catastrophically impacted through the loss of income and we urgently need funding support to help our youth to emerge from this horrific coronavirus crisis
Our appeal for funding is focussed on our youth—their wellbeing,particularly in the areas of connectivity,activeness and togetherness,has taken quite a battering.
Our club wants to ensure that every opportunity is provided for our youth to have these qualities of life returned to them.
We will be encouraging all our youth in our catchment area,irrespective of class,creed or ability,to come out to our facilities,both indoor and outdoor,to paticipate in all the best quality coaching in their respective game skills,while at the same time enjoying the camaraderie which team sports can bring to them
1.We will hire in specialised coaches for each of our sports to
a)help develop each youngster’s skill sets
b)help train up our existing internal and indeed newcomer coaches so as they can continue carrying on the good work in future years.
2.We will hire indoor winter facilities when needed.
3.We will purchase relevant equipment and other coaching aids which will be beneficial for the attainment of the youngsters coaching and fitness goals.
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