Get Badapple Theatre's Christmas show Un-Cancelled

by Kate Bramley in Green Hammerton, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 30th November 2020 we successfully raised £1,390 with 46 supporters in 28 days

We are fundraising for our first live indoor performances of 2020 to celebrate Christmas with our eco-fable "The Snow Dancer...

by Kate Bramley in Green Hammerton, England, United Kingdom

We are a group that take high quality theatre performances to the smallest venues right across the country with our Theatre On Your Doorstep scheme. In normal years we would be offering 120-150 live shows from the South West to the north of Scotland. 

In 2020 we have been celebrating 21 years of touring but the Coronavirus pandemic has meant we have had to adapt quickly to survive. We haven't sat back and waited but supported our wide pool of creative team members throughout lockdown and with support from Arts Council England and our Friends of Badapple we have created a brand new Podcast series, offered online and in-person Youth Theatre tuition, built a film production unit in a barn and filmed some of our classic theatre shows for our "hybrid-live" project!

1604322256_eddie_2020_promo_image.jpgBut we have a funding shortfall in extending this project to offer live performances of our family show The Snow Dancer at the wonderful Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York, North Yorkshire during December 2020.

We need to raise £2500 to cover performers wages and specialist equipment (including radio microphones and headsets) to ensure we can operate safely at the theatre within the government's published safety guidelines.

This fantastic community venue is on the cusp of re-opening as soon as government restrictions are lifted and we want to support their drive to get live audiences back to enjoying live theatre once more.

For decades now we have taken joyous comic stories to the far flung and left behind regions of the UK. The Snow Dancer is a show for all ages- from 5 to 95 and beyond- that has an ec-theme and sees a pair of teenagers unite to save the animals of the Great Wood by finding the elusive Snow Dancer and persuading him to right the weather once more. It's a fairy tale with a furry tale and we know it can bring a bit of much needed Christmas sparkle to our local audiences!


So please please help us if you can. We have made so much difference to so many communities over the years and this December we can make a small start on the road to bringing back our Theatre On Your Doorstep project that has meant so much to so many people.

And if you want some testimonials.... here are a few things the press and audiences have had to say about us:

“Badapple Theatre triumphs in a tour that takes the magic of theatre to remote venues.” THE STAGE

“Tireless purveyors of ‘theatre on your doorstep’” YORK PRESS

About our 2019 Snow Dancer shows...

"Wonderful performances from the two actors, with such an amazing range of accents. Really fantastic."
"The best Badapple show we have seen to date. Utterly magical."
"We absolutely LOVED the show on Friday in Green Hammerton. The actors were amazing! (And lovely to chat to afterwards). I was asking if you ever take your shows into schools- The Snow Dancer would be so powerful for primary school children... it's really thought-provoking and informative, whilst been superbly entertaining! Our 7 and 9 year olds haven't stopped talking about it. Thank you for giving us a lovely start to the Christmas holidays."

You can always find more information about what we do at Please support us if you can and help keep live theatre live!

Huge thanks for reading and hope you can support us.
Kate Bramley
Artistic Director, Badapple Theatre Company Ltd
A not for profit registered company limited by guarantee No. 4387146.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 reward

Big thank you shout out from us across our social media platforms

£25 or more

£25 Reward

Bespoke CD of The Best of Badapple Lockdown Podcasts delivered to your door...

£50 or more

5 of 20 claimed

£50 Reward

Bumper Badapple merch pack featuring an original script book from writer Kate Bramley and CD's from Badapple composers Jez Lowe and The Mile Roses

£150 or more

0 of 20 claimed

£150 Reward

Badapple Theatre Annual membership plus bumper signed merchandise pack from the Badapple Team.

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