Back to Basics - Hygiene Appeal

by Medic Malawi in Malawi

Back to Basics - Hygiene Appeal
We did it
On 11th February 2022 we successfully raised £846 ( + est. £198.75 Gift Aid ) with 11 supporters in 56 days

We are aiming to go 'back to basics' with our hygiene appeal, working to reduce the spread of disease and keep communities in Malawi safe.

Project by Medic Malawi

The events of the last 20 months have highlighted the need for healthcare services around the world, governments across the developed world have spent billions of pounds strengthening and supporting healthcare in their countries to fight the effects of covid 19. 


The fragility of the healthcare system in Malawi has been stretched even further by the pandemic and has highlighted to us at Medic Malawi the simple things are often the things that can have the biggest impact on people's lives in Malawi. 

Our 20 year history of delivering impact focused projects in Malawi has shown that our targeted support can transform lives on a daily basis. We are launching a ‘back to basics’ hygiene appeal that helps to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.

We need your help to make impact on the ground in Malawi, here are just some of the ways we will be affecting meaningful change:

  • PPE Equipment for clinicians
  • Safe reliable access to water
  • Cleaning products
  • Hospital equipment
  • Refurbished facilities
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Hygiene supplies


Don’t just take it from us, here’s what the WHO and UNICEF have to say:


“Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Care Facilities: status in

low-and middle-income countries and way forward:

THE FOUNDATION FOR SAFE, PEOPLE-CENTERED HEALTH CARE: Improving the safety and quality of health

care globally requires water, sanitation services (WASH) in all health care facilities.

Better WASH services in health care facilities results in higher quality of care; fewer health care associated

infections; greater use of health services; and improvements in staff retention and morale. All major initiatives

to improve global health depend on access to basic WASH services in communities and health care facilities.

THE LIMITING FACTOR: In low resource settings, WASH services in many healthcare facilities are absent.

Data from 54 countries, representing 66,101 facilities show that, 38% of health care facilities do not have an

improved water source, 19% do not have improved sanitation and 35% do not have water and soap for

handwashing. This lack of services compromises the ability to provide basic, routine services, such as child

delivery and compromises the ability to prevent and control infections.”

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.