Made at Home: book in aid of Covid-19 homelessness

by Wide Open Sea in Kelso, Scotland, United Kingdom

Made at Home: book in aid of Covid-19 homelessness
We did it
On 1st May 2020 we successfully raised £4,223 with 205 supporters in 28 days

"Made at Home" is a fundraising book project, harnessing domestic creativity to support those facing homelessness during the coronavirus.

by Wide Open Sea in Kelso, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

To pledge and pre-order the Made at Home book, choose a reward on the right hand side of this page —>

We will be in touch at the end of the crowdfunder to confirm delivery addresses. Thanks for supporting!

If we reach our target of £4000 (the equivalent of 400 copies of the book), the cost of printing will go down and we will be able to donate a higher proportion of proceeds to Crisis. So let's get there! 

We can help to end homelessness while spreading creative resilience far and wide.

UPDATE 1/9/2020

Thank you to everybody who supported the project!

After all the books were printed and posted, we managed to raise over £2000 for Crisis. This will make a serious difference to people's lives. Thank you.

Made at Home is now sold out, thought we are considering another print run. If you would be interested in pre-ordering, or have ideas for another project, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]


We’ve all been spending a lot of time at home recently, right?

Many people have literally been making it through the last few weeks – baking and cooking, sewing and knitting, doodling and noodling… We’ve been making forts, making zines, making gardens. There has been an explosion of domestic resilience and indoor creativity.

I have never felt so lucky to have a roof over my head and a room of my own. The current crisis has reinforced how many people in the UK don’t have that. Homeless people have been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus outbreak - imagine having no safe space, no refuge.

MADE AT HOME is a collaborative book project: a way to bring together all the big and small ways that we are making it through this. With the primary aim to help those in need.


Homelessness and the coronavirus

The main aim of the book is to raise as much money as we can for Crisis: the national charity for homeless people. Overcrowding, rough sleeping and home insecurity will all be made worse by the coronavirus outbreak, and many more people will face homelessness as the financial situation worsens. People who are sleeping rough are more likely to suffer from respiratory conditions, and self-isolation is impossible in crowded shelters.

During the lockdown, Crisis have been working with local shelters to co-ordinate a national response, providing care packages and mobile phones to people on the streets and looking forward, putting plans in place as the quarantine continues. 

How will we raise money?

Pledge £10 or more to order a copy of the book and donate to Crisis. Every supporter who pledges during the crowdfunder will have their name included in the book.

We need at least 200 pre-orders to make the book a reality. If we reach more than 200 orders, we will be able to produce the books more cheaply and donate EVEN MORE to our important cause.

If you want a copy of the book, be sure to select a reward on the right hand side of this page ➡️

The £10 reward pledge breaks down like this:

43% print costs + 24% UK postage and packing + 33% donation. 

If you want to pledge more, consider ordering multiple copies for friends, or add a donation on top. Any additional money pledged will reduce overall print costs and increase the amount we can raise for Crisis.

We will be touch after 1st May to confirm delivery addresses.

Note about postage: the rewards of £10, £20 and £30 include UK postage. For international delivery please make sure to select the International Delivery rewards!


All net proceeds (after print and postage costs) will go to Crisis. Wide Open Sea (the publishers) and the contributors will not be taking any fees. 

What will be in the book?

The book will be a colourful celebration of creativity from over one hundred contributors. We will showcase passionate experimentation in many forms. 


The images included here give an idea of what the book will look like - but the final thing will respond to the individuality of the submissions. Each at-home maker will contribute their thoughts about creativity and the meaning of "home".

Hopefully by bringing together all these things we've been doing alone, we will share signs of resilience, raise a smile and raise a lot of money for those who need it.

Check on our instagram @wide_open_sea for examples of the amazing submissions we've had. Here's some early examples:

1586865428_image.jpg  Elise's felt cactus

1586865642_jb_notebook_small.jpg John's daily notebook

1585929731_ea2b22b7-f177-4a7e-a0ec-b79909410db1_-_sam_tabner.jpeg Sam's Bourbonhenge

1585929821_img_4241.jpg Alice's hasty blanket

1585930031_cff93089-273b-412d-9cd6-5516e6090635.jpg Jamie's lentils

1586866466_20200409_174709.jpg Lizz's Easter hat

1587557212_small.jpg Maxine's painted table

1587557267_lucy_turner_stay_home.jpg Lucy's street art stickers

When will the book be ready?

We are hoping to have the book ready for the beginning of June. At the moment our printers are still working as usual (with appropriate safety measures in place). If this changes, we will let you know.

We will send out all pre-ordered books as quickly as we can while observing the most current advice about going to the post office etc. 

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

One copy to your door

Pre-order one copy of Made at Home, including delivery to your door and a donation to Crisis. With the option of having your name in the book as a supporter. Thank you!

£15 or more

International supporters click here!

One copy of Made at Home, delivered to your door anywhere in the world outside the UK. And your name listed in the book as a supporter (please note that there might be delays in delivery due to coronavirus measures).

£20 or more

One for you, One for a friend

Pre-order two copies of Made at Home, including delivery to two different addresses. What a lovely way to reach out to your friends! Plus your name included in the book as a supporter.

£30 or more

One for you, Two for friends

Pre-order three copies of Made at Home, including your name in the book as a supporter. And delivery to up to 3 different addresses. Go ahead, spread the cheer!

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